I am trying to form a postgresSQL statement that returns a customer email based on the email type with a given priority. Below I have a table with customers 1 and two. Customer 1 has both personal and company emails where as customer 2 has on company.
The problem I am trying to solve is return the customers personal email if it exists first and if not return the company. So, the personal email is given priority over the company. Is this even possible in postgresSQL.
| cusomterID |
| 1 |
| 2 |
| cusomterID | email_type |
| 1 | personal | -- 0
| 2 | company | -- 1
| 1 | company | -- 1
What I am trying now is not really working. It returns all of the rows and does not filter
FROM customers cs
JOIN cumstomer_email cm ON cm.customerId = cs.customreId
WHERE COALESCE(cm.email_type,0) IN (0,1)
2 个解决方案
One option would be to use conditional aggregation:
select customerId, max(case when email_type = 'personal' then email_type
else email_type
end) email_type
from customer_email
group by customerId
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And here's another option using row_number():
select customerId, email_type
from (select *,
row_number() over (partition by customerId
order by email_type = 'personal' desc) rn
from customer_email) t
where rn = 1
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- 更多的小提琴
You could do this with a common table expression (CTE):
with emailPriority as (
select customerId,
max(email_type) emailType
from customer_email
group by customer_id)
select cs.*, cm.email_address
from customers cs join emailPriority ep on cs.customerId = ep.customerId
join customer_email cm on cm.email_type = ep.email_type
One option would be to use conditional aggregation:
select customerId, max(case when email_type = 'personal' then email_type
else email_type
end) email_type
from customer_email
group by customerId
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- SQL小提琴演示
And here's another option using row_number():
select customerId, email_type
from (select *,
row_number() over (partition by customerId
order by email_type = 'personal' desc) rn
from customer_email) t
where rn = 1
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- 更多的小提琴
You could do this with a common table expression (CTE):
with emailPriority as (
select customerId,
max(email_type) emailType
from customer_email
group by customer_id)
select cs.*, cm.email_address
from customers cs join emailPriority ep on cs.customerId = ep.customerId
join customer_email cm on cm.email_type = ep.email_type