
时间:2022-07-05 21:29:20

I'm writing a webservice in Go using Echo framework and Gorm. I have a User struct that looks like this:

我正在编写一个使用Echo framework和Gorm的webservice。我有一个这样的用户结构:

type User struct {
    ID    uint   `json:"user_id"`
    Email string `json:"email_address,omitempty" validate:"required,email"`

I'm accepting POST requests with a Content-type: application/json. I want my input to be {"email_address": "email@email.com"} and my output to be {"user_id": 1}

我接受内容类型为application/json的POST请求。我希望我的输入是{"email_address": "email@email.com"},输出是{"user_id": 1}

How can I forbid users from submitting ID in the request (so they can't create records with certain IDs), but keep ID in the response? Right now I'm doing user.ID = 0 right before save, but I wonder if there's a better way to do it?

我怎么能禁止用户在请求中提交ID(这样他们就不能用某些ID创建记录),而在响应中保留ID呢?现在我在做用户。在保存之前ID = 0,但我想知道有没有更好的方法?

I also want to skip Email in output. Right now I'm doing user.Email = "" right before the output. Is there a better way for that also?

我还想在输出中跳过电子邮件。现在我在做用户。电子邮件= "" "在输出前。还有更好的方法吗?



2 个解决方案



I extend your example by making it more general, and I show an elegant solution to the more general problem.


Let's assume that in User there are:


  • some fields that must be parsed only from the input
  • 必须仅从输入解析的一些字段
  • some fields that must appear only in the output
  • 某些字段必须只出现在输出中
  • and there are some fields that must be parsed from input and must also appear in output
  • 还有一些字段必须从输入中解析,也必须出现在输出中

Your example is a "subset" of this (as in your example there are no common fields).


This can be elegantly solved without repeating fields using embedding. You may create 3 separate types; one for the common fields UserBoth, one for the input-only fields UserIn, and one for the output-only fields UserOut:


type UserBoth struct {
    Name string `json:"name"`
    Age  int    `json:"age"`

type UserIn struct {
    Email string `json:"email"`

type UserOut struct {
    ID uint `json:"id"`

Note that UserBoth (or rather *UserBoth to avoid duplicating the struct value) is embedded in both UserIn and UserOut, because we want those fields in both.


Now if you have an input that contains all fields (even though we don't want all):


const in = `{"name":"Bob","age":23,"Email":"as@as.com","id":123}`

Unmarshaling into a value of UserIn will only parse what you want:


uin := UserIn{UserBoth: &UserBoth{}}
err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(in), &uin)
fmt.Printf("%+v %+v %v\n", uin, uin.UserBoth, err)

Output (note that the Email field is parsed but ID isn't):


{UserBoth:0x1050e150 Email:as@as.com} &{Name:Bob Age:23} <nil>

And when you want to generate output:


uout := UserOut{UserBoth: uin.UserBoth}
// Fetch / set ID from db:
uout.ID = 456
out, err := json.Marshal(uout)
fmt.Println(string(out), err)

Output (note that the ID field is present but Email isn't):


{"name":"Bob","age":23,"id":456} <nil>

Try it on the Go Playground.


Having a "unified" User

The above example used 2 different structs: UserIn for parsing and UserOut to generate the output.


If inside your code you want to use a "unified" User struct, this is how it can be done:


type User struct {

Using it:


uboth := &UserBoth{}
u := User{UserIn{UserBoth: uboth}, UserOut{UserBoth: uboth}}
err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(in), &u.UserIn)
fmt.Printf("%+v %+v %v\n", u, u.UserIn.UserBoth, err)

// Fetch / set ID from db:
u.ID = 456
out, err := json.Marshal(u.UserOut)
fmt.Println(string(out), err)

Try this one on the Go Playground.




While icza's answer proposes a nice solution, you could also employ JSON marshaling auxiliary methods MarshalJSON/UnmarshalJSON:


func main() {
    // employing auxiliary json methods MarshalJSON/UnmarshalJSON
    user := User{ID: 123, Email: `abc@xyz.com`}
    js, _ := json.Marshal(&user)
    log.Printf("%s", js)

    input := UserInput(user)
    js, _ = json.Marshal(&input)
    log.Printf("%s", js)

    output := UserOutput(user)
    js, _ = json.Marshal(&output)
    log.Printf("%s", js)

type User struct {
    ID    uint   `json:"user_id"`
    Email string `json:"email_address,omitempty" validate:"required,email"`

type UserInput User

func (x *UserInput) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
    return json.Marshal(&struct {
        Email string `json:"email_address,omitempty" validate:"required,email"`
        Email: x.Email,

type UserOutput User

func (x *UserOutput) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
    return json.Marshal(&struct {
        ID uint `json:"user_id"`
        ID: x.ID,

Which gives us:


[  info ] main.go:25: {"user_id":123,"email_address":"abc@xyz.com"}
[  info ] main.go:29: {"email_address":"abc@xyz.com"}
[  info ] main.go:33: {"user_id":123}

On Go Playground.




I extend your example by making it more general, and I show an elegant solution to the more general problem.


Let's assume that in User there are:


  • some fields that must be parsed only from the input
  • 必须仅从输入解析的一些字段
  • some fields that must appear only in the output
  • 某些字段必须只出现在输出中
  • and there are some fields that must be parsed from input and must also appear in output
  • 还有一些字段必须从输入中解析,也必须出现在输出中

Your example is a "subset" of this (as in your example there are no common fields).


This can be elegantly solved without repeating fields using embedding. You may create 3 separate types; one for the common fields UserBoth, one for the input-only fields UserIn, and one for the output-only fields UserOut:


type UserBoth struct {
    Name string `json:"name"`
    Age  int    `json:"age"`

type UserIn struct {
    Email string `json:"email"`

type UserOut struct {
    ID uint `json:"id"`

Note that UserBoth (or rather *UserBoth to avoid duplicating the struct value) is embedded in both UserIn and UserOut, because we want those fields in both.


Now if you have an input that contains all fields (even though we don't want all):


const in = `{"name":"Bob","age":23,"Email":"as@as.com","id":123}`

Unmarshaling into a value of UserIn will only parse what you want:


uin := UserIn{UserBoth: &UserBoth{}}
err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(in), &uin)
fmt.Printf("%+v %+v %v\n", uin, uin.UserBoth, err)

Output (note that the Email field is parsed but ID isn't):


{UserBoth:0x1050e150 Email:as@as.com} &{Name:Bob Age:23} <nil>

And when you want to generate output:


uout := UserOut{UserBoth: uin.UserBoth}
// Fetch / set ID from db:
uout.ID = 456
out, err := json.Marshal(uout)
fmt.Println(string(out), err)

Output (note that the ID field is present but Email isn't):


{"name":"Bob","age":23,"id":456} <nil>

Try it on the Go Playground.


Having a "unified" User

The above example used 2 different structs: UserIn for parsing and UserOut to generate the output.


If inside your code you want to use a "unified" User struct, this is how it can be done:


type User struct {

Using it:


uboth := &UserBoth{}
u := User{UserIn{UserBoth: uboth}, UserOut{UserBoth: uboth}}
err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(in), &u.UserIn)
fmt.Printf("%+v %+v %v\n", u, u.UserIn.UserBoth, err)

// Fetch / set ID from db:
u.ID = 456
out, err := json.Marshal(u.UserOut)
fmt.Println(string(out), err)

Try this one on the Go Playground.




While icza's answer proposes a nice solution, you could also employ JSON marshaling auxiliary methods MarshalJSON/UnmarshalJSON:


func main() {
    // employing auxiliary json methods MarshalJSON/UnmarshalJSON
    user := User{ID: 123, Email: `abc@xyz.com`}
    js, _ := json.Marshal(&user)
    log.Printf("%s", js)

    input := UserInput(user)
    js, _ = json.Marshal(&input)
    log.Printf("%s", js)

    output := UserOutput(user)
    js, _ = json.Marshal(&output)
    log.Printf("%s", js)

type User struct {
    ID    uint   `json:"user_id"`
    Email string `json:"email_address,omitempty" validate:"required,email"`

type UserInput User

func (x *UserInput) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
    return json.Marshal(&struct {
        Email string `json:"email_address,omitempty" validate:"required,email"`
        Email: x.Email,

type UserOutput User

func (x *UserOutput) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
    return json.Marshal(&struct {
        ID uint `json:"user_id"`
        ID: x.ID,

Which gives us:


[  info ] main.go:25: {"user_id":123,"email_address":"abc@xyz.com"}
[  info ] main.go:29: {"email_address":"abc@xyz.com"}
[  info ] main.go:33: {"user_id":123}

On Go Playground.
