
时间:2021-05-23 21:26:46






<script src="require.js" type="text/javascript" data-main="main.js"></script>



① 除了一些初始化操作以为第一件干的事情,值执行这段代码:

//Create default context.


req = requirejs = function (deps, callback, errback, optional) {}



//Look for a data-main script attribute, which could also adjust the baseUrl.
if (isBrowser && !cfg.skipDataMain) {
//Figure out baseUrl. Get it from the script tag with require.js in it.
eachReverse(scripts(), function (script) {
//Set the 'head' where we can append children by
//using the script's parent.
if (!head) {
head = script.parentNode;
} //Look for a data-main attribute to set main script for the page
//to load. If it is there, the path to data main becomes the
//baseUrl, if it is not already set.
dataMain = script.getAttribute('data-main');
if (dataMain) {
//Preserve dataMain in case it is a path (i.e. contains '?')
mainScript = dataMain; //Set final baseUrl if there is not already an explicit one.
if (!cfg.baseUrl) {
//Pull off the directory of data-main for use as the
src = mainScript.split('/');
mainScript = src.pop();
subPath = src.length ? src.join('/') + '/' : './'; cfg.baseUrl = subPath;
} //Strip off any trailing .js since mainScript is now
//like a module name.
mainScript = mainScript.replace(jsSuffixRegExp, ''); //If mainScript is still a path, fall back to dataMain
if (req.jsExtRegExp.test(mainScript)) {
mainScript = dataMain;
} //Put the data-main script in the files to load.
cfg.deps = cfg.deps ? cfg.deps.concat(mainScript) : [mainScript]; return true;


① 他会去除页面所有的script标签,然后倒叙遍历之

scripts() => [<script src="require.js" type="text/javascript" data-main="main.js"></script>]




function eachReverse(ary, func) {
if (ary) {
var i;
for (i = ary.length - 1; i > -1; i -= 1) {
if (ary[i] && func(ary[i], i, ary)) {




if (isBrowser) {
head = s.head = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0];
//If BASE tag is in play, using appendChild is a problem for IE6.
//When that browser dies, this can be removed. Details in this jQuery bug:
baseElement = document.getElementsByTagName('base')[0];
if (baseElement) {
head = s.head = baseElement.parentNode;
dataMain = script.getAttribute('data-main');


dataMain => main.js





cfg.deps = cfg.deps ? cfg.deps.concat(mainScript) : [mainScript];





* Main entry point.
* If the only argument to require is a string, then the module that
* is represented by that string is fetched for the appropriate context.
* If the first argument is an array, then it will be treated as an array
* of dependency string names to fetch. An optional function callback can
* be specified to execute when all of those dependencies are available.
* Make a local req variable to help Caja compliance (it assumes things
* on a require that are not standardized), and to give a short
* name for minification/local scope use.
req = requirejs = function (deps, callback, errback, optional) { //Find the right context, use default
var context, config,
contextName = defContextName; // Determine if have config object in the call.
if (!isArray(deps) && typeof deps !== 'string') {
// deps is a config object
config = deps;
if (isArray(callback)) {
// Adjust args if there are dependencies
deps = callback;
callback = errback;
errback = optional;
} else {
deps = [];
} if (config && config.context) {
contextName = config.context;
} context = getOwn(contexts, contextName);
if (!context) {
context = contexts[contextName] = req.s.newContext(contextName);
} if (config) {
} return context.require(deps, callback, errback);



function getOwn(obj, prop) {
return hasProp(obj, prop) && obj[prop];
function hasProp(obj, prop) {
return hasOwn.call(obj, prop);
hasOwn = op.hasOwnProperty

这里会获取非原型属性将其扩展,首次执行时候会碰到一个非常重要的函数newContext 因为他是一个核心,我们这里暂时选择忽略,不然整个全部就陷进去了



if (config) {


① 暂时性设置了baseUrl

② 告诉requireJS你马上要加载我了


return context.require(deps, callback, errback);


因为context.require = context.makeRequire();而该函数本身又返回localRequire函数,所以事实上这里是执行的localRequire函数,内部维护着一个闭包










if (!context) {
context = contexts[contextName] = req.s.newContext(contextName);


① 变量声明,工具类


② 实例化上下文/newContext


③ 对外接口










if (!context) {
context = contexts[contextName] = req.s.newContext(contextName);


//Create default context.





① 函数作用域内变量定义(中间初始化了一发handlers变量)

② 一堆工具函数定义

③ Module模块(这块给人的感觉不明觉厉...应该是核心吧)

④ 实例化context对象,将该对象返回,然后基本结束





context = contexts[contextName] = req.s.newContext(contextName)
context.require = context.makeRequire();


* Set a configuration for the context.
* @param {Object} cfg config object to integrate.
configure: function (cfg) {
//Make sure the baseUrl ends in a slash.
if (cfg.baseUrl) {
if (cfg.baseUrl.charAt(cfg.baseUrl.length - 1) !== '/') {
cfg.baseUrl += '/';
} //Save off the paths and packages since they require special processing,
//they are additive.
var pkgs = config.pkgs,
shim = config.shim,
objs = {
paths: true,
config: true,
map: true
}; eachProp(cfg, function (value, prop) {
if (objs[prop]) {
if (prop === 'map') {
if (!config.map) {
config.map = {};
mixin(config[prop], value, true, true);
} else {
mixin(config[prop], value, true);
} else {
config[prop] = value;
}); //Merge shim
if (cfg.shim) {
eachProp(cfg.shim, function (value, id) {
//Normalize the structure
if (isArray(value)) {
value = {
deps: value
if ((value.exports || value.init) && !value.exportsFn) {
value.exportsFn = context.makeShimExports(value);
shim[id] = value;
config.shim = shim;
} //Adjust packages if necessary.
if (cfg.packages) {
each(cfg.packages, function (pkgObj) {
var location; pkgObj = typeof pkgObj === 'string' ? { name: pkgObj} : pkgObj;
location = pkgObj.location; //Create a brand new object on pkgs, since currentPackages can
//be passed in again, and config.pkgs is the internal transformed
//state for all package configs.
pkgs[pkgObj.name] = {
name: pkgObj.name,
location: location || pkgObj.name,
//Remove leading dot in main, so main paths are normalized,
//and remove any trailing .js, since different package
//envs have different conventions: some use a module name,
//some use a file name.
main: (pkgObj.main || 'main')
.replace(currDirRegExp, '')
.replace(jsSuffixRegExp, '')
}); //Done with modifications, assing packages back to context config
config.pkgs = pkgs;
} //If there are any "waiting to execute" modules in the registry,
//update the maps for them, since their info, like URLs to load,
//may have changed.
eachProp(registry, function (mod, id) {
//If module already has init called, since it is too
//late to modify them, and ignore unnormalized ones
//since they are transient.
if (!mod.inited && !mod.map.unnormalized) {
mod.map = makeModuleMap(id);
}); //If a deps array or a config callback is specified, then call
//require with those args. This is useful when require is defined as a
//config object before require.js is loaded.
if (cfg.deps || cfg.callback) {
context.require(cfg.deps || [], cfg.callback);


config = {
//Defaults. Do not set a default for map
//config to speed up normalize(), which
//will run faster if there is no default.
waitSeconds: 7,
baseUrl: './',
paths: {},
pkgs: {},
shim: {},
config: {}




* Cycles over properties in an object and calls a function for each
* property value. If the function returns a truthy value, then the
* iteration is stopped.
function eachProp(obj, func) {
var prop;
for (prop in obj) {
if (hasProp(obj, prop)) {
if (func(obj[prop], prop)) {






return context.require(deps, callback, errback);


context.require = context.makeRequire();



function localRequire(deps, callback, errback) {
var id, map, requireMod; if (options.enableBuildCallback && callback && isFunction(callback)) {
callback.__requireJsBuild = true;
} if (typeof deps === 'string') {
if (isFunction(callback)) {
//Invalid call
return onError(makeError('requireargs', 'Invalid require call'), errback);
} //If require|exports|module are requested, get the
//value for them from the special handlers. Caveat:
//this only works while module is being defined.
if (relMap && hasProp(handlers, deps)) {
return handlers[deps](registry[relMap.id]);
} //Synchronous access to one module. If require.get is
//available (as in the Node adapter), prefer that.
if (req.get) {
return req.get(context, deps, relMap, localRequire);
} //Normalize module name, if it contains . or ..
map = makeModuleMap(deps, relMap, false, true);
id = map.id; if (!hasProp(defined, id)) {
return onError(makeError('notloaded', 'Module name "' +
id +
'" has not been loaded yet for context: ' +
contextName +
(relMap ? '' : '. Use require([])')));
return defined[id];
} //Grab defines waiting in the global queue.
intakeDefines(); //Mark all the dependencies as needing to be loaded.
context.nextTick(function () {
//Some defines could have been added since the
//require call, collect them.
intakeDefines(); requireMod = getModule(makeModuleMap(null, relMap)); //Store if map config should be applied to this require
//call for dependencies.
requireMod.skipMap = options.skipMap; requireMod.init(deps, callback, errback, {
enabled: true
}); checkLoaded();
}); return localRequire;



context.nextTick(function () {
//Some defines could have been added since the
//require call, collect them.
intakeDefines(); requireMod = getModule(makeModuleMap(null, relMap)); //Store if map config should be applied to this require
//call for dependencies.
requireMod.skipMap = options.skipMap; requireMod.init(deps, callback, errback, {
enabled: true
}); checkLoaded();


 return context.require(deps, callback, errback);




requireMod = getModule(makeModuleMap(null, relMap));




* Creates a module mapping that includes plugin prefix, module
* name, and path. If parentModuleMap is provided it will
* also normalize the name via require.normalize()
* @param {String} name the module name
* @param {String} [parentModuleMap] parent module map
* for the module name, used to resolve relative names.
* @param {Boolean} isNormalized: is the ID already normalized.
* This is true if this call is done for a define() module ID.
* @param {Boolean} applyMap: apply the map config to the ID.
* Should only be true if this map is for a dependency.
* @returns {Object}
function makeModuleMap(name, parentModuleMap, isNormalized, applyMap) {
var url, pluginModule, suffix, nameParts,
prefix = null,
parentName = parentModuleMap ? parentModuleMap.name : null,
originalName = name,
isDefine = true,
normalizedName = ''; //If no name, then it means it is a require call, generate an
//internal name.
if (!name) {
isDefine = false;
name = '_@r' + (requireCounter += 1);
} nameParts = splitPrefix(name);
prefix = nameParts[0];
name = nameParts[1]; if (prefix) {
prefix = normalize(prefix, parentName, applyMap);
pluginModule = getOwn(defined, prefix);
} //Account for relative paths if there is a base name.
if (name) {
if (prefix) {
if (pluginModule && pluginModule.normalize) {
//Plugin is loaded, use its normalize method.
normalizedName = pluginModule.normalize(name, function (name) {
return normalize(name, parentName, applyMap);
} else {
normalizedName = normalize(name, parentName, applyMap);
} else {
//A regular module.
normalizedName = normalize(name, parentName, applyMap); //Normalized name may be a plugin ID due to map config
//application in normalize. The map config values must
//already be normalized, so do not need to redo that part.
nameParts = splitPrefix(normalizedName);
prefix = nameParts[0];
normalizedName = nameParts[1];
isNormalized = true; url = context.nameToUrl(normalizedName);
} //If the id is a plugin id that cannot be determined if it needs
//normalization, stamp it with a unique ID so two matching relative
//ids that may conflict can be separate.
suffix = prefix && !pluginModule && !isNormalized ?
'_unnormalized' + (unnormalizedCounter += 1) :
''; return {
prefix: prefix,
name: normalizedName,
parentMap: parentModuleMap,
unnormalized: !!suffix,
url: url,
originalName: originalName,
isDefine: isDefine,
id: (prefix ?
prefix + '!' + normalizedName :
normalizedName) + suffix


function getModule(depMap) {
var id = depMap.id,
mod = getOwn(registry, id); if (!mod) {
mod = registry[id] = new context.Module(depMap);
} return mod;







Module = function (map) {
this.events = getOwn(undefEvents, map.id) || {};
this.map = map;
this.shim = getOwn(config.shim, map.id);
this.depExports = [];
this.depMaps = [];
this.depMatched = [];
this.pluginMaps = {};
this.depCount = 0; /* this.exports this.factory
this.depMaps = [],
this.enabled, this.fetched
}; Module.prototype = {
init: function (depMaps, factory, errback, options) {
options = options || {}; //Do not do more inits if already done. Can happen if there
//are multiple define calls for the same module. That is not
//a normal, common case, but it is also not unexpected.
if (this.inited) {
} this.factory = factory; if (errback) {
//Register for errors on this module.
this.on('error', errback);
} else if (this.events.error) {
//If no errback already, but there are error listeners
//on this module, set up an errback to pass to the deps.
errback = bind(this, function (err) {
this.emit('error', err);
} //Do a copy of the dependency array, so that
//source inputs are not modified. For example
//"shim" deps are passed in here directly, and
//doing a direct modification of the depMaps array
//would affect that config.
this.depMaps = depMaps && depMaps.slice(0); this.errback = errback; //Indicate this module has be initialized
this.inited = true; this.ignore = options.ignore; //Could have option to init this module in enabled mode,
//or could have been previously marked as enabled. However,
//the dependencies are not known until init is called. So
//if enabled previously, now trigger dependencies as enabled.
if (options.enabled || this.enabled) {
//Enable this module and dependencies.
//Will call this.check()
} else {
}, defineDep: function (i, depExports) {
//Because of cycles, defined callback for a given
//export can be called more than once.
if (!this.depMatched[i]) {
this.depMatched[i] = true;
this.depCount -= 1;
this.depExports[i] = depExports;
}, fetch: function () {
if (this.fetched) {
this.fetched = true; context.startTime = (new Date()).getTime(); var map = this.map; //If the manager is for a plugin managed resource,
//ask the plugin to load it now.
if (this.shim) {
context.makeRequire(this.map, {
enableBuildCallback: true
})(this.shim.deps || [], bind(this, function () {
return map.prefix ? this.callPlugin() : this.load();
} else {
//Regular dependency.
return map.prefix ? this.callPlugin() : this.load();
}, load: function () {
var url = this.map.url; //Regular dependency.
if (!urlFetched[url]) {
urlFetched[url] = true;
context.load(this.map.id, url);
}, /**
* Checks if the module is ready to define itself, and if so,
* define it.
check: function () {
if (!this.enabled || this.enabling) {
} var err, cjsModule,
id = this.map.id,
depExports = this.depExports,
exports = this.exports,
factory = this.factory; if (!this.inited) {
} else if (this.error) {
this.emit('error', this.error);
} else if (!this.defining) {
//The factory could trigger another require call
//that would result in checking this module to
//define itself again. If already in the process
//of doing that, skip this work.
this.defining = true; if (this.depCount < 1 && !this.defined) {
if (isFunction(factory)) {
//If there is an error listener, favor passing
//to that instead of throwing an error. However,
//only do it for define()'d modules. require
//errbacks should not be called for failures in
//their callbacks (#699). However if a global
//onError is set, use that.
if ((this.events.error && this.map.isDefine) ||
req.onError !== defaultOnError) {
try {
exports = context.execCb(id, factory, depExports, exports);
} catch (e) {
err = e;
} else {
exports = context.execCb(id, factory, depExports, exports);
} if (this.map.isDefine) {
//If setting exports via 'module' is in play,
//favor that over return value and exports. After that,
//favor a non-undefined return value over exports use.
cjsModule = this.module;
if (cjsModule &&
cjsModule.exports !== undefined &&
//Make sure it is not already the exports value
cjsModule.exports !== this.exports) {
exports = cjsModule.exports;
} else if (exports === undefined && this.usingExports) {
//exports already set the defined value.
exports = this.exports;
} if (err) {
err.requireMap = this.map;
err.requireModules = this.map.isDefine ? [this.map.id] : null;
err.requireType = this.map.isDefine ? 'define' : 'require';
return onError((this.error = err));
} } else {
//Just a literal value
exports = factory;
} this.exports = exports; if (this.map.isDefine && !this.ignore) {
defined[id] = exports; if (req.onResourceLoad) {
req.onResourceLoad(context, this.map, this.depMaps);
} //Clean up
cleanRegistry(id); this.defined = true;
} //Finished the define stage. Allow calling check again
//to allow define notifications below in the case of a
this.defining = false; if (this.defined && !this.defineEmitted) {
this.defineEmitted = true;
this.emit('defined', this.exports);
this.defineEmitComplete = true;
} }
}, callPlugin: function () {
var map = this.map,
id = map.id,
//Map already normalized the prefix.
pluginMap = makeModuleMap(map.prefix); //Mark this as a dependency for this plugin, so it
//can be traced for cycles.
this.depMaps.push(pluginMap); on(pluginMap, 'defined', bind(this, function (plugin) {
var load, normalizedMap, normalizedMod,
name = this.map.name,
parentName = this.map.parentMap ? this.map.parentMap.name : null,
localRequire = context.makeRequire(map.parentMap, {
enableBuildCallback: true
}); //If current map is not normalized, wait for that
//normalized name to load instead of continuing.
if (this.map.unnormalized) {
//Normalize the ID if the plugin allows it.
if (plugin.normalize) {
name = plugin.normalize(name, function (name) {
return normalize(name, parentName, true);
}) || '';
} //prefix and name should already be normalized, no need
//for applying map config again either.
normalizedMap = makeModuleMap(map.prefix + '!' + name,
'defined', bind(this, function (value) {
this.init([], function () { return value; }, null, {
enabled: true,
ignore: true
})); normalizedMod = getOwn(registry, normalizedMap.id);
if (normalizedMod) {
//Mark this as a dependency for this plugin, so it
//can be traced for cycles.
this.depMaps.push(normalizedMap); if (this.events.error) {
normalizedMod.on('error', bind(this, function (err) {
this.emit('error', err);
} return;
} load = bind(this, function (value) {
this.init([], function () { return value; }, null, {
enabled: true
}); load.error = bind(this, function (err) {
this.inited = true;
this.error = err;
err.requireModules = [id]; //Remove temp unnormalized modules for this module,
//since they will never be resolved otherwise now.
eachProp(registry, function (mod) {
if (mod.map.id.indexOf(id + '_unnormalized') === 0) {
}); onError(err);
}); //Allow plugins to load other code without having to know the
//context or how to 'complete' the load.
load.fromText = bind(this, function (text, textAlt) {
/*jslint evil: true */
var moduleName = map.name,
moduleMap = makeModuleMap(moduleName),
hasInteractive = useInteractive; //As of 2.1.0, support just passing the text, to reinforce
//fromText only being called once per resource. Still
//support old style of passing moduleName but discard
//that moduleName in favor of the internal ref.
if (textAlt) {
text = textAlt;
} //Turn off interactive script matching for IE for any define
//calls in the text, then turn it back on at the end.
if (hasInteractive) {
useInteractive = false;
} //Prime the system by creating a module instance for
getModule(moduleMap); //Transfer any config to this other module.
if (hasProp(config.config, id)) {
config.config[moduleName] = config.config[id];
} try {
} catch (e) {
return onError(makeError('fromtexteval',
'fromText eval for ' + id +
' failed: ' + e,
} if (hasInteractive) {
useInteractive = true;
} //Mark this as a dependency for the plugin
this.depMaps.push(moduleMap); //Support anonymous modules.
context.completeLoad(moduleName); //Bind the value of that module to the value for this
//resource ID.
localRequire([moduleName], load);
}); //Use parentName here since the plugin's name is not reliable,
//could be some weird string with no path that actually wants to
//reference the parentName's path.
plugin.load(map.name, localRequire, load, config);
})); context.enable(pluginMap, this);
this.pluginMaps[pluginMap.id] = pluginMap;
}, enable: function () {
enabledRegistry[this.map.id] = this;
this.enabled = true; //Set flag mentioning that the module is enabling,
//so that immediate calls to the defined callbacks
//for dependencies do not trigger inadvertent load
//with the depCount still being zero.
this.enabling = true; //Enable each dependency
each(this.depMaps, bind(this, function (depMap, i) {
var id, mod, handler; if (typeof depMap === 'string') {
//Dependency needs to be converted to a depMap
//and wired up to this module.
depMap = makeModuleMap(depMap,
(this.map.isDefine ? this.map : this.map.parentMap),
this.depMaps[i] = depMap; handler = getOwn(handlers, depMap.id); if (handler) {
this.depExports[i] = handler(this);
} this.depCount += 1; on(depMap, 'defined', bind(this, function (depExports) {
this.defineDep(i, depExports);
})); if (this.errback) {
on(depMap, 'error', bind(this, this.errback));
} id = depMap.id;
mod = registry[id]; //Skip special modules like 'require', 'exports', 'module'
//Also, don't call enable if it is already enabled,
//important in circular dependency cases.
if (!hasProp(handlers, id) && mod && !mod.enabled) {
context.enable(depMap, this);
})); //Enable each plugin that is used in
//a dependency
eachProp(this.pluginMaps, bind(this, function (pluginMap) {
var mod = getOwn(registry, pluginMap.id);
if (mod && !mod.enabled) {
context.enable(pluginMap, this);
})); this.enabling = false; this.check();
}, on: function (name, cb) {
var cbs = this.events[name];
if (!cbs) {
cbs = this.events[name] = [];
}, emit: function (name, evt) {
each(this.events[name], function (cb) {
if (name === 'error') {
//Now that the error handler was triggered, remove
//the listeners, since this broken Module instance
//can stay around for a while in the registry.
delete this.events[name];






requireMod.init(deps, callback, errback, {
enabled: true


enable: function () {
enabledRegistry[this.map.id] = this;
this.enabled = true; //Set flag mentioning that the module is enabling,
//so that immediate calls to the defined callbacks
//for dependencies do not trigger inadvertent load
//with the depCount still being zero.
this.enabling = true; //Enable each dependency
each(this.depMaps, bind(this, function (depMap, i) {
var id, mod, handler; if (typeof depMap === 'string') {
//Dependency needs to be converted to a depMap
//and wired up to this module.
depMap = makeModuleMap(depMap,
(this.map.isDefine ? this.map : this.map.parentMap),
this.depMaps[i] = depMap; handler = getOwn(handlers, depMap.id); if (handler) {
this.depExports[i] = handler(this);
} this.depCount += 1; on(depMap, 'defined', bind(this, function (depExports) {
this.defineDep(i, depExports);
})); if (this.errback) {
on(depMap, 'error', bind(this, this.errback));
} id = depMap.id;
mod = registry[id]; //Skip special modules like 'require', 'exports', 'module'
//Also, don't call enable if it is already enabled,
//important in circular dependency cases.
if (!hasProp(handlers, id) && mod && !mod.enabled) {
context.enable(depMap, this);
})); //Enable each plugin that is used in
//a dependency
eachProp(this.pluginMaps, bind(this, function (pluginMap) {
var mod = getOwn(registry, pluginMap.id);
if (mod && !mod.enabled) {
context.enable(pluginMap, this);
})); this.enabling = false; this.check();

然后又会调用 this.check();这个家伙操作结束后接下来checkLoaded就会创建script标签了......

* Checks if the module is ready to define itself, and if so,
* define it.
check: function () {
if (!this.enabled || this.enabling) {
} var err, cjsModule,
id = this.map.id,
depExports = this.depExports,
exports = this.exports,
factory = this.factory; if (!this.inited) {
} else if (this.error) {
this.emit('error', this.error);
} else if (!this.defining) {
//The factory could trigger another require call
//that would result in checking this module to
//define itself again. If already in the process
//of doing that, skip this work.
this.defining = true; if (this.depCount < 1 && !this.defined) {
if (isFunction(factory)) {
//If there is an error listener, favor passing
//to that instead of throwing an error. However,
//only do it for define()'d modules. require
//errbacks should not be called for failures in
//their callbacks (#699). However if a global
//onError is set, use that.
if ((this.events.error && this.map.isDefine) ||
req.onError !== defaultOnError) {
try {
exports = context.execCb(id, factory, depExports, exports);
} catch (e) {
err = e;
} else {
exports = context.execCb(id, factory, depExports, exports);
} if (this.map.isDefine) {
//If setting exports via 'module' is in play,
//favor that over return value and exports. After that,
//favor a non-undefined return value over exports use.
cjsModule = this.module;
if (cjsModule &&
cjsModule.exports !== undefined &&
//Make sure it is not already the exports value
cjsModule.exports !== this.exports) {
exports = cjsModule.exports;
} else if (exports === undefined && this.usingExports) {
//exports already set the defined value.
exports = this.exports;
} if (err) {
err.requireMap = this.map;
err.requireModules = this.map.isDefine ? [this.map.id] : null;
err.requireType = this.map.isDefine ? 'define' : 'require';
return onError((this.error = err));
} } else {
//Just a literal value
exports = factory;
} this.exports = exports; if (this.map.isDefine && !this.ignore) {
defined[id] = exports; if (req.onResourceLoad) {
req.onResourceLoad(context, this.map, this.depMaps);
} //Clean up
cleanRegistry(id); this.defined = true;
} //Finished the define stage. Allow calling check again
//to allow define notifications below in the case of a
this.defining = false; if (this.defined && !this.defineEmitted) {
this.defineEmitted = true;
this.emit('defined', this.exports);
this.defineEmitComplete = true;
} }



