固定数组大小是O(n)还是O(1) ?

时间:2022-02-26 21:26:44

Is an array declared like this:
int array[M], O(1) in space or O(n)? where M is some fixed value. To me O(n) makes sense because it is not just a single variable but an entire array. But then i think it could be O(1) since we have a fixed size and it is not changing!

一个数组是这样声明的:int数组[M], O(1) in space还是O(n)?M是某个固定值。对我来说,O(n)是有意义的,因为它不仅仅是一个变量,而是整个数组。但是我认为它可以是O(1)因为我们有固定的尺寸,而且它不变!

3 个解决方案



If your array is of a fixed size and it does not vary with the size of the input it is O(1) since it can be expressed as c * O(1) = O(1), with c being some constant. An example would be if you needed an array of size 5 to hold state in your algorithm that runs over a million (or some other arbitrary number) integers. The important thing is M and N are independent.

如果数组的大小是固定的,并且不随输入的大小而变化,那么它就是O(1),因为它可以表示为c * O(1) = O(1), c是某个常数。例如,如果您需要一个大小为5的数组,在您的算法中保持状态,它运行超过100万(或其他任意数)整数。重要的是M和N是独立的。

If however M represents the size of your input or a value that is directly dependent of the input size (i.e. N/2 or some other linear function), then really M grows along with your N, the input size so it would be O(N). An example would be an array that holds all input numbers of which you want to run an algorithm over (i.e determining the sum of the squares).




I would say O(1) when M is a constant. If it is O(n) its size must be linear function of M, which in this case is not.




The other answers you were given are correct, formally it's O(1).


But think very carefully about the meaning of "constant". The O(...) notation is not meant to measure the performance of an actual computer program, but to categorize algorithms by complexity.


If you are implementing an algorithm that works on an array of objects reading each of them only once (for example), you may say "ok, let's fix the number of elements to N", but that won't move the algorithm into the O(1) complexity class, the algorithm is still O(n) but you're limiting your test cases to n = N where N is fixed.

如果你实现一个算法作用于一个对象数组阅读他们每个人只有一次(例如),你可能会说“好的,让我们解决N”元素的数量,但这不会移动到O(1)算法复杂性类,该算法仍然是O(N)但是你限制你的测试用例N = N,N是固定的。



If your array is of a fixed size and it does not vary with the size of the input it is O(1) since it can be expressed as c * O(1) = O(1), with c being some constant. An example would be if you needed an array of size 5 to hold state in your algorithm that runs over a million (or some other arbitrary number) integers. The important thing is M and N are independent.

如果数组的大小是固定的,并且不随输入的大小而变化,那么它就是O(1),因为它可以表示为c * O(1) = O(1), c是某个常数。例如,如果您需要一个大小为5的数组,在您的算法中保持状态,它运行超过100万(或其他任意数)整数。重要的是M和N是独立的。

If however M represents the size of your input or a value that is directly dependent of the input size (i.e. N/2 or some other linear function), then really M grows along with your N, the input size so it would be O(N). An example would be an array that holds all input numbers of which you want to run an algorithm over (i.e determining the sum of the squares).




I would say O(1) when M is a constant. If it is O(n) its size must be linear function of M, which in this case is not.




The other answers you were given are correct, formally it's O(1).


But think very carefully about the meaning of "constant". The O(...) notation is not meant to measure the performance of an actual computer program, but to categorize algorithms by complexity.


If you are implementing an algorithm that works on an array of objects reading each of them only once (for example), you may say "ok, let's fix the number of elements to N", but that won't move the algorithm into the O(1) complexity class, the algorithm is still O(n) but you're limiting your test cases to n = N where N is fixed.

如果你实现一个算法作用于一个对象数组阅读他们每个人只有一次(例如),你可能会说“好的,让我们解决N”元素的数量,但这不会移动到O(1)算法复杂性类,该算法仍然是O(N)但是你限制你的测试用例N = N,N是固定的。