基于百分比计算(*)百分比 - 使用百分比计算的复杂查询

时间:2021-02-24 21:29:10

This query suggests friendship based on how many words users have in common. in_common sets this threshold.

此查询基于用户共有多少单词来建议友谊。 in_common设置此阈值。

I was wondering if it was possible to make this query completely % based.


What I want to do is have user suggested to current user, if 30% of their words match.


curent_user total words 100


in_common threshold 30


some_other_user total words 10


3 out of these match current_users list.


Since 3 is 30% of 10, this is a match for the current user.




SELECT users.name_surname, users.avatar, t1.qty, GROUP_CONCAT(words_en.word) AS in_common, (users.id) AS friend_request_id
    FROM (
      SELECT c2.user_id, COUNT(*) AS qty
      FROM `connections` c1
      JOIN `connections` c2
        ON c1.user_id <> c2.user_id 
          AND c1.word_id = c2.word_id
      WHERE c1.user_id = :user_id
      GROUP BY c2.user_id
      HAVING count(*) >= :in_common) as t1
     JOIN users
       ON t1.user_id = users.id
     JOIN connections
       ON connections.user_id = t1.user_id
     JOIN words_en
       ON words_en.id = connections.word_id
                  FROM connections 
                  WHERE connections.user_id = :user_id
                    AND connections.word_id = words_en.id)
     GROUP BY users.id, users.name_surname, users.avatar, t1.qty
     ORDER BY t1.qty DESC, users.name_surname ASC

SQL fiddle: http://www.sqlfiddle.com/#!2/c79a6/9

SQL小提琴:http://www.sqlfiddle.com/#!2 / c79a6 / 9

3 个解决方案



May I suggest a different way to look at your problem?


You might look into a similarity metric, such as Cosine Similarity which will give you a much better measure of similarity between your users based on words. To understand it for your case, consider the following example. You have a vector of words A = {house, car, burger, sun} for a user u1 and another vector B = {flat, car, pizza, burger, cloud} for user u2.

您可以查看相似度指标,例如余弦相似度,它可以更好地衡量用户之间基于单词的相似度。要了解您的情况,请考虑以下示例。对于用户u1,你有一个单词A = {house,car,burger,sun}的向量,对于用户u2,你有另一个向量B = {flat,car,pizza,burger,cloud}。

Given these individual vectors you first construct another that positions them together so you can map to each user whether he/she has that word in its vector or not. Like so:


| -- | house | car | burger | sun | flat | pizza | cloud |
| A  |  1    |  1  |   1    |  1  |  0   |   0   |   0   |
| B  |  0    |  1  |   1    |  0  |  1   |   1   |   1   |

Now you have a vector for each user where each position corresponds to the value of each word to each user. Here it represents a simple count but you can improve it using different metrics based on word frequency if that applies to your case. Take a look at the most common one, called tf-idf.


Having these two vectors, you can compute the cosine similarity between them as follows:


基于百分比计算(*)百分比 - 使用百分比计算的复杂查询

Which basically is computing the sum of the product between each position of the vectors above, divided by their corresponding magnitude. In our example, that is 0.47, in a range that can vary between 0 and 1, the higher the most similar the two vectors are.


If you choose to go this way, you don't need to do this calculation in the database. You compute the similarity in your code and just save the result in the database. There are several libraries that can do that for you. In Python, take a look at the numpy library. In Java, look at Weka and/or Apache Lucene.

如果选择这种方式,则无需在数据库中进行此计算。您可以计算代码中的相似性,并将结果保存在数据库中。有几个库可以帮到你。在Python中,看一下numpy库。在Java中,查看Weka和/或Apache Lucene。



OK, so the issue is "users in common" defined as asymmetric relation. To fix it, let's assume that in_common percentage threshold is checked against user with the least words.


Try this query (fiddle), it gives you full list of users with at least 1 word in common, marking friendship suggestions:


SELECT user1_id, user2_id, user1_wc, user2_wc,
       count(*) AS common_wc, count(*) / least(user1_wc, user2_wc) AS common_wc_pct,
       CASE WHEN count(*) / least(user1_wc, user2_wc) > 0.7 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END AS frienship_suggestion
    SELECT u1.user_id AS user1_id, u2.user_id AS user2_id,
           u1.word_count AS user1_wc, u2.word_count AS user2_wc,
           c1.word_id AS word1_id, c2.word_id AS word2_id
      FROM connections c1
      JOIN connections c2 ON (c1.user_id < c2.user_id AND c1.word_id = c2.word_id)
      JOIN (SELECT user_id, count(*) AS word_count
            FROM connections
            GROUP BY user_id) u1 ON (c1.user_id = u1.user_id)
      JOIN (SELECT user_id, count(*) AS word_count
            FROM connections
            GROUP BY user_id) u2 ON (c2.user_id = u2.user_id)
) AS shared_words
GROUP BY user1_id, user2_id, user1_wc, user2_wc;

Friendship_suggestion is on SELECT for clarity, you probably need to filter by it, so yu may just move it to HAVING clause.




I throw this option into your querying consideration... The first part of the from query is to do nothing but get the one user you are considering as the basis to find all others having common words. The where clause is for that one user (alias result OnePerson).

我把这个选项放到你的查询考虑中......来自查询的第一部分是什么都不做,只是让你正在考虑的一个用户作为找到所有其他常用词的基础。 where子句适用于该用户(别名结果为OnePerson)。

Then, add to the from clause (WITHOUT A JOIN) since the OnePerson record will always be a single record, we want it's total word count available, but didn't actually see how your worked your 100 to 30 threashold if another person only had 10 words to match 3... I actually think its bloat and unnecessary as you'll see later in the where of PreQuery.

然后,添加到from子句(WITHOUT A JOIN),因为OnePerson记录将始终是单个记录,我们希望它的总字数可用,但实际上并没有看到如果另一个人只有10个字匹配3 ...我实际上认为它的膨胀和不必要的,你将在后面的PreQuery中看到。

So, the next table is the connections table (aliased c2) and that is normal INNER JOIN to the words table for each of the "other" people being considered.

因此,下一个表是连接表(别名为c2),对于正在考虑的每个“其他”人,这是正常的INNER JOIN到单词表。

This c2 is then joined again to the connections table again alias OnesWords based on the common word Id -- AND -- the OnesWords user ID is that of the primary user_id being compared against. This OnesWords alias is joined to the words table so IF THERE IS a match to the primary person, we can grab that "common word" as part of the group_concat().


So, now we grab the original single person's total words (still not SURE you need it), a count of ALL the words for the other person, and a count (via sum/case when) of all words that ARE IN COMMON with the original person grouped by the "other" user ID. This gets them all and results as alias "PreQuery".


Now, from that, we can join that to the user's table to get the name and avatar along with respective counts and common words, but apply the WHERE clause based on the total per "other users" available words to the "in common" with the first person's words (see... I didn't think you NEEDED the original query/count as basis of percentage consideration).


      ( SELECT
              COUNT(*) as OtherUserWords,
              GROUP_CONCAT(words_en.word) AS InCommonWords,
              SUM( case when OnesWords.word_id IS NULL then 0 else 1 end ) as InCommonWithOne
              ( SELECT c1.user_id, 
                       COUNT(*) AS TotalWords
                       `connections` c1
                       c1.user_id = :PrimaryPersonBasis ) OnePerson,
              `connections` c2
                 LEFT JOIN `connections` OnesWords
                    ON c2.word_id = OnesWords.word_id
                    AND OnesWords.user_id = OnePerson.User_ID
                    LEFT JOIN words_en
                       ON OnesWords.word_id = words_en.id
              c2.user_id <> OnePerson.User_ID
           group by
              c2.user_id ) PreQuery
         JOIN users u
            ON PreQuery.user_id = u.id   
      PreQuery.OtherUserWords * :nPercentToConsider >= PreQuery.InCommonWithOne
   order by
      PreQuery.InCommonWithOne DESC,

Here's a revised WITHOUT then need to prequery the total original words of the first person.


      ( SELECT
              COUNT(*) as OtherUserWords,
              GROUP_CONCAT(words_en.word) AS InCommonWords,
              SUM( case when OnesWords.word_id IS NULL then 0 else 1 end ) as InCommonWithOne
              `connections` c2
                 LEFT JOIN `connections` OnesWords
                    ON c2.word_id = OnesWords.word_id
                    AND OnesWords.user_id = :PrimaryPersonBasis
                    LEFT JOIN words_en
                       ON OnesWords.word_id = words_en.id
              c2.user_id <> :PrimaryPersonBasis
           group by
              COUNT(*) * :nPercentToConsider >= 
                SUM( case when OnesWords.word_id IS NULL then 0 else 1 end ) ) PreQuery
         JOIN users u
            ON PreQuery.user_id = u.id   
   order by
      PreQuery.InCommonWithOne DESC,

There might be some tweaking on the query, but your original query leads me to believe you can easily find simple things like alias or field name type-o instances.


Another options might be to prequery ALL users and how many respective words they have UP FRONT, then use the primary person's words to compare to anyone else explicitly ON those common words... This might be more efficient as the multiple joins would be better on the smaller result set. What if you have 10,000 users and user A has 30 words, and only 500 other users have one or more of those words in common... why compare against all 10,000... but if having up-front a simple summary of each user and how many should be an almost instant query basis.

另一个选择可能是预先查询所有用户以及他们拥有UP FRONT的相应单词数量,然后使用主要人物的单词与其他任何人明确地比较这些常用单词...这可能更有效,因为多个连接会更好较小的结果集。如果您拥有10,000个用户并且用户A有30个单词,并且只有500个其他用户拥有一个或多个这些单词,那么该怎么办...为什么要比较所有10,000个...但是如果预先拥有每个用户的简单摘要什么应该是一个几乎即时查询的基础。

      ( SELECT
              COUNT(*) as CommonWordsCount,
              group_concat( words_en.word ) as InCommonWords
              `connections` OneUser
                 JOIN words_en
                    ON OneUser.word_id = words_en.id
                 JOIN `connections` OtherUser
                    ON OneUser.word_id = OtherUser.word_id
                    AND OneUser.user_id <> OtherUser.user_id
                    JOIN ( SELECT
                                 COUNT(*) as EachUserWords
                                 `connections` c1
                              group by
                                 c1.user_id ) AllUsers
                      ON OtherUser.user_id = AllUsers.User_ID
              OneUser.user_id = :nPrimaryUserToConsider
           group by
              AllUsers.EachUserWords ) as PreQuery
      JOIN users u
         ON PreQuery.uer_id = u.id
      PreQuery.EachUserWords * :nPercentToConsider >= PreQuery.CommonWordCount
   order by
      PreQuery.CommonWordCount DESC,



May I suggest a different way to look at your problem?


You might look into a similarity metric, such as Cosine Similarity which will give you a much better measure of similarity between your users based on words. To understand it for your case, consider the following example. You have a vector of words A = {house, car, burger, sun} for a user u1 and another vector B = {flat, car, pizza, burger, cloud} for user u2.

您可以查看相似度指标,例如余弦相似度,它可以更好地衡量用户之间基于单词的相似度。要了解您的情况,请考虑以下示例。对于用户u1,你有一个单词A = {house,car,burger,sun}的向量,对于用户u2,你有另一个向量B = {flat,car,pizza,burger,cloud}。

Given these individual vectors you first construct another that positions them together so you can map to each user whether he/she has that word in its vector or not. Like so:


| -- | house | car | burger | sun | flat | pizza | cloud |
| A  |  1    |  1  |   1    |  1  |  0   |   0   |   0   |
| B  |  0    |  1  |   1    |  0  |  1   |   1   |   1   |

Now you have a vector for each user where each position corresponds to the value of each word to each user. Here it represents a simple count but you can improve it using different metrics based on word frequency if that applies to your case. Take a look at the most common one, called tf-idf.


Having these two vectors, you can compute the cosine similarity between them as follows:


基于百分比计算(*)百分比 - 使用百分比计算的复杂查询

Which basically is computing the sum of the product between each position of the vectors above, divided by their corresponding magnitude. In our example, that is 0.47, in a range that can vary between 0 and 1, the higher the most similar the two vectors are.


If you choose to go this way, you don't need to do this calculation in the database. You compute the similarity in your code and just save the result in the database. There are several libraries that can do that for you. In Python, take a look at the numpy library. In Java, look at Weka and/or Apache Lucene.

如果选择这种方式,则无需在数据库中进行此计算。您可以计算代码中的相似性,并将结果保存在数据库中。有几个库可以帮到你。在Python中,看一下numpy库。在Java中,查看Weka和/或Apache Lucene。



OK, so the issue is "users in common" defined as asymmetric relation. To fix it, let's assume that in_common percentage threshold is checked against user with the least words.


Try this query (fiddle), it gives you full list of users with at least 1 word in common, marking friendship suggestions:


SELECT user1_id, user2_id, user1_wc, user2_wc,
       count(*) AS common_wc, count(*) / least(user1_wc, user2_wc) AS common_wc_pct,
       CASE WHEN count(*) / least(user1_wc, user2_wc) > 0.7 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END AS frienship_suggestion
    SELECT u1.user_id AS user1_id, u2.user_id AS user2_id,
           u1.word_count AS user1_wc, u2.word_count AS user2_wc,
           c1.word_id AS word1_id, c2.word_id AS word2_id
      FROM connections c1
      JOIN connections c2 ON (c1.user_id < c2.user_id AND c1.word_id = c2.word_id)
      JOIN (SELECT user_id, count(*) AS word_count
            FROM connections
            GROUP BY user_id) u1 ON (c1.user_id = u1.user_id)
      JOIN (SELECT user_id, count(*) AS word_count
            FROM connections
            GROUP BY user_id) u2 ON (c2.user_id = u2.user_id)
) AS shared_words
GROUP BY user1_id, user2_id, user1_wc, user2_wc;

Friendship_suggestion is on SELECT for clarity, you probably need to filter by it, so yu may just move it to HAVING clause.




I throw this option into your querying consideration... The first part of the from query is to do nothing but get the one user you are considering as the basis to find all others having common words. The where clause is for that one user (alias result OnePerson).

我把这个选项放到你的查询考虑中......来自查询的第一部分是什么都不做,只是让你正在考虑的一个用户作为找到所有其他常用词的基础。 where子句适用于该用户(别名结果为OnePerson)。

Then, add to the from clause (WITHOUT A JOIN) since the OnePerson record will always be a single record, we want it's total word count available, but didn't actually see how your worked your 100 to 30 threashold if another person only had 10 words to match 3... I actually think its bloat and unnecessary as you'll see later in the where of PreQuery.

然后,添加到from子句(WITHOUT A JOIN),因为OnePerson记录将始终是单个记录,我们希望它的总字数可用,但实际上并没有看到如果另一个人只有10个字匹配3 ...我实际上认为它的膨胀和不必要的,你将在后面的PreQuery中看到。

So, the next table is the connections table (aliased c2) and that is normal INNER JOIN to the words table for each of the "other" people being considered.

因此,下一个表是连接表(别名为c2),对于正在考虑的每个“其他”人,这是正常的INNER JOIN到单词表。

This c2 is then joined again to the connections table again alias OnesWords based on the common word Id -- AND -- the OnesWords user ID is that of the primary user_id being compared against. This OnesWords alias is joined to the words table so IF THERE IS a match to the primary person, we can grab that "common word" as part of the group_concat().


So, now we grab the original single person's total words (still not SURE you need it), a count of ALL the words for the other person, and a count (via sum/case when) of all words that ARE IN COMMON with the original person grouped by the "other" user ID. This gets them all and results as alias "PreQuery".


Now, from that, we can join that to the user's table to get the name and avatar along with respective counts and common words, but apply the WHERE clause based on the total per "other users" available words to the "in common" with the first person's words (see... I didn't think you NEEDED the original query/count as basis of percentage consideration).


      ( SELECT
              COUNT(*) as OtherUserWords,
              GROUP_CONCAT(words_en.word) AS InCommonWords,
              SUM( case when OnesWords.word_id IS NULL then 0 else 1 end ) as InCommonWithOne
              ( SELECT c1.user_id, 
                       COUNT(*) AS TotalWords
                       `connections` c1
                       c1.user_id = :PrimaryPersonBasis ) OnePerson,
              `connections` c2
                 LEFT JOIN `connections` OnesWords
                    ON c2.word_id = OnesWords.word_id
                    AND OnesWords.user_id = OnePerson.User_ID
                    LEFT JOIN words_en
                       ON OnesWords.word_id = words_en.id
              c2.user_id <> OnePerson.User_ID
           group by
              c2.user_id ) PreQuery
         JOIN users u
            ON PreQuery.user_id = u.id   
      PreQuery.OtherUserWords * :nPercentToConsider >= PreQuery.InCommonWithOne
   order by
      PreQuery.InCommonWithOne DESC,

Here's a revised WITHOUT then need to prequery the total original words of the first person.


      ( SELECT
              COUNT(*) as OtherUserWords,
              GROUP_CONCAT(words_en.word) AS InCommonWords,
              SUM( case when OnesWords.word_id IS NULL then 0 else 1 end ) as InCommonWithOne
              `connections` c2
                 LEFT JOIN `connections` OnesWords
                    ON c2.word_id = OnesWords.word_id
                    AND OnesWords.user_id = :PrimaryPersonBasis
                    LEFT JOIN words_en
                       ON OnesWords.word_id = words_en.id
              c2.user_id <> :PrimaryPersonBasis
           group by
              COUNT(*) * :nPercentToConsider >= 
                SUM( case when OnesWords.word_id IS NULL then 0 else 1 end ) ) PreQuery
         JOIN users u
            ON PreQuery.user_id = u.id   
   order by
      PreQuery.InCommonWithOne DESC,

There might be some tweaking on the query, but your original query leads me to believe you can easily find simple things like alias or field name type-o instances.


Another options might be to prequery ALL users and how many respective words they have UP FRONT, then use the primary person's words to compare to anyone else explicitly ON those common words... This might be more efficient as the multiple joins would be better on the smaller result set. What if you have 10,000 users and user A has 30 words, and only 500 other users have one or more of those words in common... why compare against all 10,000... but if having up-front a simple summary of each user and how many should be an almost instant query basis.

另一个选择可能是预先查询所有用户以及他们拥有UP FRONT的相应单词数量,然后使用主要人物的单词与其他任何人明确地比较这些常用单词...这可能更有效,因为多个连接会更好较小的结果集。如果您拥有10,000个用户并且用户A有30个单词,并且只有500个其他用户拥有一个或多个这些单词,那么该怎么办...为什么要比较所有10,000个...但是如果预先拥有每个用户的简单摘要什么应该是一个几乎即时查询的基础。

      ( SELECT
              COUNT(*) as CommonWordsCount,
              group_concat( words_en.word ) as InCommonWords
              `connections` OneUser
                 JOIN words_en
                    ON OneUser.word_id = words_en.id
                 JOIN `connections` OtherUser
                    ON OneUser.word_id = OtherUser.word_id
                    AND OneUser.user_id <> OtherUser.user_id
                    JOIN ( SELECT
                                 COUNT(*) as EachUserWords
                                 `connections` c1
                              group by
                                 c1.user_id ) AllUsers
                      ON OtherUser.user_id = AllUsers.User_ID
              OneUser.user_id = :nPrimaryUserToConsider
           group by
              AllUsers.EachUserWords ) as PreQuery
      JOIN users u
         ON PreQuery.uer_id = u.id
      PreQuery.EachUserWords * :nPercentToConsider >= PreQuery.CommonWordCount
   order by
      PreQuery.CommonWordCount DESC,