
时间:2022-01-11 21:25:37

Can we do better than O(n lg n) running time for a comparison-based algorithm when all of the values are in the range 1 to k, where k < n.

当所有值都在1到k的范围内,其中k 时,我们能否比o(n>

Counting sort and radix sort are not comparison-based algorithms and are disallowed. By a decision tree analysis, it seems like there are k^n possible permutations. There are 2^h leaves, so it should be possible to solve the problem in O(n lg k) time with a comparison-based sorting algorithm.

计算排序和基数排序不是基于比较的算法,不允许使用。通过决策树分析,似乎存在k ^ n个可能的排列。有2 ^ h个叶子,因此应该可以用基于比较的排序算法解决O(n lg k)时间的问题。

Please do not give a non-comparison based sorting algorithm for solving this problem, all sorting must be based on comparisons between two elements. Thanks!


3 个解决方案



It may easily be done in the bound you specified. Build a binary tree of k leaves and include a count value on each leaf. Processing each element (adding it or bumping the count) will be O(lg k) if one uses a suitable balancing algorithm, so doing all of them will be O(n lg k). Reconstituting the list will then be O(n).

它可以很容易地在您指定的边界内完成。构建k叶的二叉树并在每个叶上包含计数值。如果使用合适的平衡算法,处理每个元素(添加或计算计数)将为O(lg k),因此所有元素都将为O(n lg k)。重新构成列表将是O(n)。



Ok, if you insist you want comparisons.


You have k elements. So, keep a tree structure that will hold all the elements.


Go over the list of items, each time add the item to the tree. If the item is already in the tree, just increment the counter in that node. (or if you want the actual items you can keep a list in each node)

每次将项目添加到树中时,查看项目列表。如果项目已在树中,则只需递增该节点中的计数器。 (或者如果你想要实际的项目,你可以在每个节点中保留一个列表)

The tree will have no more than k items.


in the end, go over the tree in an inorder way, and add the items back in the right order (while adding the amount that are in the node's counter).


Complexity: O(nlogk)




Yes, you could use an array of size k. (Without comparisons)

是的,你可以使用大小为k的数组。 (没有比较)

Each cell i will contain a list.
go over the original array, put every item in the list of the right cell.


Go over the the second array, and pull them out, put them back in the right order.






It may easily be done in the bound you specified. Build a binary tree of k leaves and include a count value on each leaf. Processing each element (adding it or bumping the count) will be O(lg k) if one uses a suitable balancing algorithm, so doing all of them will be O(n lg k). Reconstituting the list will then be O(n).

它可以很容易地在您指定的边界内完成。构建k叶的二叉树并在每个叶上包含计数值。如果使用合适的平衡算法,处理每个元素(添加或计算计数)将为O(lg k),因此所有元素都将为O(n lg k)。重新构成列表将是O(n)。



Ok, if you insist you want comparisons.


You have k elements. So, keep a tree structure that will hold all the elements.


Go over the list of items, each time add the item to the tree. If the item is already in the tree, just increment the counter in that node. (or if you want the actual items you can keep a list in each node)

每次将项目添加到树中时,查看项目列表。如果项目已在树中,则只需递增该节点中的计数器。 (或者如果你想要实际的项目,你可以在每个节点中保留一个列表)

The tree will have no more than k items.


in the end, go over the tree in an inorder way, and add the items back in the right order (while adding the amount that are in the node's counter).


Complexity: O(nlogk)




Yes, you could use an array of size k. (Without comparisons)

是的,你可以使用大小为k的数组。 (没有比较)

Each cell i will contain a list.
go over the original array, put every item in the list of the right cell.


Go over the the second array, and pull them out, put them back in the right order.


