使用Amazon S3链接到Django中的上载文件

时间:2021-11-01 02:17:37

I am using django-storages backend and I have previously not used Amazon S3. I have migrated to Amazon S3 by uploading the files via Firefox's S3 Manager.

我正在使用django-storages后端,我之前没有使用过Amazon S3。我已经通过Firefox的S3 Manager上传文件迁移到了Amazon S3。

THe problem is, with this code:


<a href="{{ MEDIA_URL }}{{ g.photo }}" class="lightbox" title="{{ g.description }}">
    {%  thumbnail g.photo '95x95' crop="center" as im %}
        <img src="{{ im.url }}" width="{{ im.width }}" height="{{ im.height }}" />
    {% endthumbnail %}

The request generated does not include the required params in the GET request, like the Signature. However, the sorl-generated thumbnails work!


Is there something I'm missing with regards to uploading my files in S3? Is there additional code to be added in the href? Why is sorl able to retrieve the files and create a thumbnail out of it?


1 个解决方案



The file is not accessible publicly. This may have happened on uploading or due bucket restrictions.


You could either change the ACL settings in S3 Manager for this file to public access (if only this file should be publicly readable), or create a Bucket policy for fine-grained permissions on the bucket - you can do that in the AWS Console.

您可以将S3 Manager中的ACL设置更改为公共访问权限(如果此文件只能公开访问),或者为存储桶上的细粒度权限创建Bucket策略 - 您可以在AWS控制台中执行此操作。

If any file in the bucket shall be public, you should change the default ACL setting in your S3 client accordingly.




The file is not accessible publicly. This may have happened on uploading or due bucket restrictions.


You could either change the ACL settings in S3 Manager for this file to public access (if only this file should be publicly readable), or create a Bucket policy for fine-grained permissions on the bucket - you can do that in the AWS Console.

您可以将S3 Manager中的ACL设置更改为公共访问权限(如果此文件只能公开访问),或者为存储桶上的细粒度权限创建Bucket策略 - 您可以在AWS控制台中执行此操作。

If any file in the bucket shall be public, you should change the default ACL setting in your S3 client accordingly.
