
时间:2021-08-21 21:28:32

I have a class Graph, modelling a Tree. Graph contain a pointer Graph* to the parent of my current instance (my current node).

我有一个类Graph,建模树。图包含一个指针Graph *到我当前实例(我当前节点)的父节点。

class Graph

    Graph* parent;
    Graph* getparent();

Graph* Graph::getparent()
    return this->parent;

parent is at nullptr if root.


I'm trying to find the distance from a node to the root, starting from the node.


Here is my try :


int Graph::howManyParents(Graph* unparent)
    int nbParents(0);
    if(unparent != nullptr)
        nbParents =+ howManyParents(this->parent);
    return nbParents;

It compiles but crashes. Debugger show me lots of call to the method, but end up SegFaulting. Is there something wrong with my algorithm ?


3 个解决方案


Your recursion never stops unless you pass it the root, as you're always calling this->howManyParents and thus passing it the same parent, which won't become null.

你的递归永远不会停止,除非你把它传递给根,因为你总是调用this-> howManyParents,从而将它传递给同一个父,它不会变为null。

It is unclear whether you want the distance from the parameter or the distance from this.


Finding the distance from a given node (there is no reason for this to be a member):


int howManyParents(Graph* unparent)
    int nbParents(0);
    if(unparent != nullptr)
        nbParents = howManyParents(unparent->getparent()) + 1;
    return nbParents;

Finding the distance from this:


int Graph::howManyParents()
    int nbParents(0);
    if(parent != nullptr)
        nbParents = parent->howManyParents() + 1;
    return nbParents;


I think you are causing stack overflow with too deep or infinite recursion.


Check your input for errors to ensure it is really a tree, because recursion will be infinite in case of a loop in the graph.


Also, try to increase stack size of your program.


On linux just run the command:


ulimit -s unlimited

To do it in Microsoft Visual C++ just add this line to the code:

要在Microsoft Visual C ++中执行此操作,只需将此行添加到代码中:

#pragma comment(linker, '/STACK:67108864');

To do it in MinGW G++ add this option to compilation line:

要在MinGW G ++中执行此操作,请将此选项添加到编译行:


But, I think non-recursive solution is overall better here.


int Graph::howManyParents(Graph* unparent)
    int nbParents(0);
    while (unparent != nullptr)
        unparent = unparent->parent;
    return nbParents;

It is better to use loops instead of recursion where it is possible to improve both performance and code readability.


Only use recursion where it is really needed. To traverse the tree, for example.



You can do it like that:


int Graph::howManyParents()
    return getparent() ? getparent()->howManyParents() + 1 : 0;

Also don't forget to write the constructor which makes your parent = nullptr, it's not by default constructor.

另外不要忘记编写使你的parent = nullptr的构造函数,它不是默认的构造函数。


Your recursion never stops unless you pass it the root, as you're always calling this->howManyParents and thus passing it the same parent, which won't become null.

你的递归永远不会停止,除非你把它传递给根,因为你总是调用this-> howManyParents,从而将它传递给同一个父,它不会变为null。

It is unclear whether you want the distance from the parameter or the distance from this.


Finding the distance from a given node (there is no reason for this to be a member):


int howManyParents(Graph* unparent)
    int nbParents(0);
    if(unparent != nullptr)
        nbParents = howManyParents(unparent->getparent()) + 1;
    return nbParents;

Finding the distance from this:


int Graph::howManyParents()
    int nbParents(0);
    if(parent != nullptr)
        nbParents = parent->howManyParents() + 1;
    return nbParents;


I think you are causing stack overflow with too deep or infinite recursion.


Check your input for errors to ensure it is really a tree, because recursion will be infinite in case of a loop in the graph.


Also, try to increase stack size of your program.


On linux just run the command:


ulimit -s unlimited

To do it in Microsoft Visual C++ just add this line to the code:

要在Microsoft Visual C ++中执行此操作,只需将此行添加到代码中:

#pragma comment(linker, '/STACK:67108864');

To do it in MinGW G++ add this option to compilation line:

要在MinGW G ++中执行此操作,请将此选项添加到编译行:


But, I think non-recursive solution is overall better here.


int Graph::howManyParents(Graph* unparent)
    int nbParents(0);
    while (unparent != nullptr)
        unparent = unparent->parent;
    return nbParents;

It is better to use loops instead of recursion where it is possible to improve both performance and code readability.


Only use recursion where it is really needed. To traverse the tree, for example.



You can do it like that:


int Graph::howManyParents()
    return getparent() ? getparent()->howManyParents() + 1 : 0;

Also don't forget to write the constructor which makes your parent = nullptr, it's not by default constructor.

另外不要忘记编写使你的parent = nullptr的构造函数,它不是默认的构造函数。