ES6 - 有条件地在Promise中发出重试信号,直到达到最大重试次数

时间:2022-01-20 21:26:30

I have seen a number of questions around retrying Promises, however what I'm looking to do is slightly different in that I'd like to manage the retrying/rejecting of promises conditionally until the max retries have been reached.


To give a simple example, imagine we wrap a promise around an XMLHttpRequest. When the request loads with a status of...


  • 200: resolve the Promise
  • 200:解决承诺
  • 299: retry immediately
  • 299:立即重试
  • 399: reject immediately
  • 399:立即拒绝
  • 499: fetch something from server, then retry
  • 499:从服务器获取内容,然后重试

Notice that there is scope here for asynchronous behavior to be executed before retries.


The solution I have been looking into involves two Promises.


  • The first is a wrapper around each attempt and does a simple resolve/reject based on the result of that attempt.
  • 第一个是围绕每次尝试的包装器,并根据该尝试的结果进行简单的解析/拒绝。
  • The second is a wrapper around the set of attempts, which handles rejections of the individual Promises conditionally.
  • 第二个是围绕这组尝试的包装器,它有条件地处理各个Promise的拒绝。

Bringing this back to the example I mentioned...


  • The first Promise manages each XmlHttpRequest, resolving on status 200 and rejecting otherwise.
  • 第一个Promise管理每个XmlHttpRequest,解析状态200并拒绝否则。
  • The second Promise resolves itself when any of the attempts are resolved. Whenever an attempt is rejected, it decides on the next action (retry, reject, fetch then retry etc.) based on that attempt's status code.
  • 当任何尝试得到解决时,第二个Promise会自行解决。每当尝试被拒绝时,它将根据该尝试的状态代码决定下一个动作(重试,拒绝,获取然后重试等)。

I think I'm going in the right direction with this, but can't seem to get a concrete solution in place. I'm looking to create a generic wrapper for this kind of 'conditionally retrying promise.'




Here is a solution in progress:


async function tryAtMost(maxAttempts, asyncCall, handleError)
    for (let i = 0; i < maxAttempts; i++)
            return await asyncCall(); 
        catch (error)
            const nextAction = await handleError(error); // await some async request (if available) before proceeding
            const actionError = new Error(nextAction.error);

            switch (nextAction.type)
                case ACTIONS.ABORT:
                    throw actionError;
                case ACTIONS.RETRY:
                    if (i === maxAttempts - 1) { throw actionError; }
                    else { continue; }

3 个解决方案



There are a few ways to do this, as the other post shows. Personally I find the usage of class unnecessary. I'd approach it using something like


async function fetchWithRetries(theURL, remainingRetries = 5) {
  const response = await fetch(theURL);

  switch (response.status) {
    case 200:
      return await response.json(); // or whatever you need
    case 299:
      if (remainingRetries === 0) {
        throw new Error();
      return await fetchWithRetries(theURL, remainingRetries - 1);
    case 399:
      throw new Error();
    case 499:
      if (remainingRetries === 0) {
        throw new Error();

      const otherData = await fetchOtherData();

      return await fetchWithRetries(theURL, remainingRetries - 1);

      // TODO: You didn't specify other codes?



I would simply create a Class that returns an async function (which returns a Promise).


  • The Class instance keeps track of the attempts.
  • Class实例跟踪尝试。
  • The async function attempts to fetch something x number of times, equal to the number of maxAttempts.
  • 异步函数尝试获取x次数,等于maxAttempts的数量。
  • If the request responds properly without any errors just return the result.
  • 如果请求正确响应而没有任何错误,则返回结果。
  • Otherwise keep trying until you exhaust the number of maxAttempts.
  • 否则继续尝试,直到耗尽maxAttempts的数量。

An example for Node.js using request-promise-native:

const rp = require('request-promise-native')

class RetryableFetch {
  constructor({ url, maxAttempts = 3 }) {
    this.url = url
    this.maxAttempts = maxAttempts    
    this.attempts = 0

    return this.generateRequest()

  async generateRequest() {
    for (let i = 0; i < this.maxAttempts; i++) {
      try {
        return await rp(this.url)
      } catch(err) {
        switch (err.statusCode) {
          // Add more cases here as you see fit.
          case 399:
            throw err
            if (++this.attempts === this.maxAttempts) throw err


new RetryableFetch({
  url: ''
.then(result => {
.catch(err => {

You can of course substitute rp with Fetch if you want this to work in the browser since both use a Promise-based API.




Based off your comment:


I'm looking to create a generic wrapper for this kind of "conditionally" retrying promise.


Here's a more generalised wrapper for this:


  • It allows you to specify the number of max attempts.
  • 它允许您指定最大尝试次数。
  • You pass it your own Promise.
  • 你传递了自己的承诺。
  • You specify, at the construction site, what should happen if the promise rejects and the max attempts have not yet been reached.
  • 您在施工现场指定如果承诺拒绝且尚未达到最大尝试将会发生什么。

// Class Retryable

class Retryable {
  constructor({ promise, maxAttempts = 1, attemptRetry }) {
    this.promise = promise
    this.maxAttempts = maxAttempts
    this.attemptRetry = attemptRetry

    this.attempts = 0

  generateTry() {'generating request')

    return this.promise().catch(err => {
      if (++this.attempts === this.maxAttempts) throw err

      return this.attemptRetry(err, () => this.generateTry() , () => {
        throw err

// Usage

const retryable = new Retryable({
  maxAttempts: 4,
  promise: () => {
    return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
      setTimeout(() => {
        reject({ status: 500 })
        // If you `resolve` here instead you will trigger `.then()`
      }, 200)

  attemptRetry: function(err, yes, no) {
    switch (err.status) {
      case 500:
        return yes()
        return no()

retryable.generateTry().then(result => {
}).catch(err => {



There are a few ways to do this, as the other post shows. Personally I find the usage of class unnecessary. I'd approach it using something like


async function fetchWithRetries(theURL, remainingRetries = 5) {
  const response = await fetch(theURL);

  switch (response.status) {
    case 200:
      return await response.json(); // or whatever you need
    case 299:
      if (remainingRetries === 0) {
        throw new Error();
      return await fetchWithRetries(theURL, remainingRetries - 1);
    case 399:
      throw new Error();
    case 499:
      if (remainingRetries === 0) {
        throw new Error();

      const otherData = await fetchOtherData();

      return await fetchWithRetries(theURL, remainingRetries - 1);

      // TODO: You didn't specify other codes?



I would simply create a Class that returns an async function (which returns a Promise).


  • The Class instance keeps track of the attempts.
  • Class实例跟踪尝试。
  • The async function attempts to fetch something x number of times, equal to the number of maxAttempts.
  • 异步函数尝试获取x次数,等于maxAttempts的数量。
  • If the request responds properly without any errors just return the result.
  • 如果请求正确响应而没有任何错误,则返回结果。
  • Otherwise keep trying until you exhaust the number of maxAttempts.
  • 否则继续尝试,直到耗尽maxAttempts的数量。

An example for Node.js using request-promise-native:

const rp = require('request-promise-native')

class RetryableFetch {
  constructor({ url, maxAttempts = 3 }) {
    this.url = url
    this.maxAttempts = maxAttempts    
    this.attempts = 0

    return this.generateRequest()

  async generateRequest() {
    for (let i = 0; i < this.maxAttempts; i++) {
      try {
        return await rp(this.url)
      } catch(err) {
        switch (err.statusCode) {
          // Add more cases here as you see fit.
          case 399:
            throw err
            if (++this.attempts === this.maxAttempts) throw err


new RetryableFetch({
  url: ''
.then(result => {
.catch(err => {

You can of course substitute rp with Fetch if you want this to work in the browser since both use a Promise-based API.




Based off your comment:


I'm looking to create a generic wrapper for this kind of "conditionally" retrying promise.


Here's a more generalised wrapper for this:


  • It allows you to specify the number of max attempts.
  • 它允许您指定最大尝试次数。
  • You pass it your own Promise.
  • 你传递了自己的承诺。
  • You specify, at the construction site, what should happen if the promise rejects and the max attempts have not yet been reached.
  • 您在施工现场指定如果承诺拒绝且尚未达到最大尝试将会发生什么。

// Class Retryable

class Retryable {
  constructor({ promise, maxAttempts = 1, attemptRetry }) {
    this.promise = promise
    this.maxAttempts = maxAttempts
    this.attemptRetry = attemptRetry

    this.attempts = 0

  generateTry() {'generating request')

    return this.promise().catch(err => {
      if (++this.attempts === this.maxAttempts) throw err

      return this.attemptRetry(err, () => this.generateTry() , () => {
        throw err

// Usage

const retryable = new Retryable({
  maxAttempts: 4,
  promise: () => {
    return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
      setTimeout(() => {
        reject({ status: 500 })
        // If you `resolve` here instead you will trigger `.then()`
      }, 200)

  attemptRetry: function(err, yes, no) {
    switch (err.status) {
      case 500:
        return yes()
        return no()

retryable.generateTry().then(result => {
}).catch(err => {