
时间:2022-12-05 21:25:48

I was in the technical round of a campus drive yesterday and asked to solve this problem. I was not reached close to the solution of this problem and i was rejected from there , now I am still trying to solve this but not able to solve.I am wondering that how to solve this problem.The interviewer says that there will be no space in the test string and also it's a single string.


if there will input String pattern will abba. then matching patterns will be 1) catdogdogcat 2) redbluebluered 3) noyesyesno

如果有输入字符串模式将abba。然后匹配模式将是1)catdogdogcat 2)redbluebluered 3)noyesyesno

And not matching pattern will be 1) catdogcat 2) redbluered 3) yesnoyes

而不匹配的模式将是1)catdogcat 2)redbluered 3)yesnoyes

(sorry for my bad english)


thank you.

1 个解决方案



This might be what you're after if you need a generic solution that doesn't use specific words:




It's not very efficient but it tries to greedily match two word groups and then uses backreferences to make sure they are followed by the second group first, then the first group.


You could make it even more generic to match two groups of any character (besides newline): (.+)(.+)\2\1

您可以使它更通用,以匹配任何字符的两个组(除了换行符):(。+)(。+)\ 2 \ 1

Here is one possible solution to the full problem using C#:


private bool matcher(string pseudoPattern, string text) {
    string regexPattern = "^";
    var uniqueParts = new List<char>();

    foreach (char part in pseudoPattern.ToCharArray())
        if (uniqueParts.Contains(part)) {
            int backReference = uniqueParts.FindIndex(p => p == part) + 1;

            regexPattern += @"\" + backReference;
        else {

            regexPattern += @"(\w+)";

    regexPattern += "$";

    var regex = new Regex(regexPattern);

    return regex.Match(text).Success;



This might be what you're after if you need a generic solution that doesn't use specific words:




It's not very efficient but it tries to greedily match two word groups and then uses backreferences to make sure they are followed by the second group first, then the first group.


You could make it even more generic to match two groups of any character (besides newline): (.+)(.+)\2\1

您可以使它更通用,以匹配任何字符的两个组(除了换行符):(。+)(。+)\ 2 \ 1

Here is one possible solution to the full problem using C#:


private bool matcher(string pseudoPattern, string text) {
    string regexPattern = "^";
    var uniqueParts = new List<char>();

    foreach (char part in pseudoPattern.ToCharArray())
        if (uniqueParts.Contains(part)) {
            int backReference = uniqueParts.FindIndex(p => p == part) + 1;

            regexPattern += @"\" + backReference;
        else {

            regexPattern += @"(\w+)";

    regexPattern += "$";

    var regex = new Regex(regexPattern);

    return regex.Match(text).Success;