
时间:2022-06-24 21:22:32

I have a matrix called data. It contains 3 columns, company name, company value & company currency, bit like below.


  Name      Value      Currency
  ABC       10         USD
  MNO       5          JPY
  PLM       3          USD
  NJK       7          EUR

I need to sum the total value for each currency so my answer would look like below,


 Currency    Value
 EUR         7
 JPY         5
 USD         13

I know I can do this using a loop but is it possible using an anonymous function and if so how?


Update - Extra information as original post lacked information


Below is my solution, which works. However I have seen people use cellFun or anonymous functions and fell like there is a more efficient way (and would to like alternative way) for problems of this nature


val     = cell2mat(data(:, 2));              % double - value
sedols  = data(:, [1 3]);                   % cell - name (1st column) and currency (2nd column)

ccy     = unique(sedols(:, 2));
fx_exp  = zeros(length(ccy(:, 1)), 1);

for n = 1 : length(ccy(:, 1))
    index           = strmatch(ccy(n, 1), sedols(:, 2));
    fx_exp(n, 1)    = sum(val(index));

1 个解决方案



Using cellfun or arrayfun is not more efficient than a simple loop. To take advantage of vectorization you need to work with pure double arrays.


Assuming your data is stored in a cell array, unique combined with accumarray is the way to go:


data = {
    'ABC'   10  'USD'
    'MNO'   5   'JPY'
    'PLM'   3   'USD'
    'NJK'   7   'EUR' };

[a,b,subs] = unique(data(:,3))
vals = [data{:,2}];
currsum = accumarray(subs,vals)
out = [data(b,3) num2cell(currsum)]

out = 

'EUR'    [ 7]
'JPY'    [ 5]
'USD'    [13]



Using cellfun or arrayfun is not more efficient than a simple loop. To take advantage of vectorization you need to work with pure double arrays.


Assuming your data is stored in a cell array, unique combined with accumarray is the way to go:


data = {
    'ABC'   10  'USD'
    'MNO'   5   'JPY'
    'PLM'   3   'USD'
    'NJK'   7   'EUR' };

[a,b,subs] = unique(data(:,3))
vals = [data{:,2}];
currsum = accumarray(subs,vals)
out = [data(b,3) num2cell(currsum)]

out = 

'EUR'    [ 7]
'JPY'    [ 5]
'USD'    [13]