
时间:2022-02-28 21:25:40

I'm working with numpy arrays of shape (N,), (N,3) and (N,3,3) which represent sequences of scalars, vectors and matrices in 3D space. I have implemented pointwise dot product, matrix multiplication, and matrix/vector multiplication as follows:

我使用的是形状(N,), (N,3)和(N,3,3)的numpy数组,它们表示三维空间中的标量、向量和矩阵的序列。我已经实现了点积,矩阵乘法,矩阵/向量乘法如下:

def dot_product(v, w):
    return np.einsum('ij, ij -> i', v, w)

def matrix_vector_product(M, v):
    return np.einsum('ijk, ik -> ij', M, v)

def matrix_matrix_product(A, B):
    return np.einsum('ijk, ikl -> ijl', A, B)

As you can see I use einsum for lack of a better solution. To my surprise I was not able to use which seems not suitable for this need. Is there a more numpythonic way to implement these function?


In particular it would be nice if the functions could work also on the shapes (3,) and (3,3) by broadcasting the first missing axis. I think I need ellipsis, but I don't quite understand how to achieve the result.


2 个解决方案



These operations cannot be reshaped into general BLAS calls and looping BLAS calls would be quite slow for arrays of this size. As such, einsum is likely optimal for this kind of operation.


Your functions can be generalized with ellipses as follows:


def dot_product(v, w):
    return np.einsum('...j,...j->...', v, w)

def matrix_vector_product(M, v):
    return np.einsum('...jk,...k->...j', M, v)

def matrix_matrix_product(A, B):
    return np.einsum('...jk,...kl->...jl', A, B)



Just as working notes, these 3 calculations can also be written as:



Or with Ophion's generalization


np.einsum(A,[Ellipsis,1,2], B, ...)

It shouldn't be hard to generate the [0,1,..] lists based on the dimensions of the inputs arrays.


By focusing on generalizing the einsum expressions, I missed the fact that what you are trying to reproduce is N small dot products.


np.array([,j) for i,j in zip(a,b)])

It's worth keeping mind that uses fast compiled code, and focuses on calculations where the arrays are large. Where as your problem is one of calculating many small dot products.


And without extra arguments that define axes, performs just 2 of the possible combinations, ones which can be expressed as:


np.einsum('i,i', v1, v2)
np.einsum('...ij,...jk->...ik', m1, m2)

An operator version of dot would face the same limitation - no extra parameters to specify how the axes are to be combined.


It may also be instructive to note what tensordot does to generalize dot:


def tensordot(a, b, axes=2):
    newshape_a = (-1, N2)
    newshape_b = (N2, -1)
    at = a.transpose(newaxes_a).reshape(newshape_a)
    bt = b.transpose(newaxes_b).reshape(newshape_b)
    res = dot(at, bt)
    return res.reshape(olda + oldb)

It can perform a dot with summation over several axes. But after the transposing and reshaping is done, the calculation becomes the standard dot with 2d arrays.


This could have been flagged as a duplicate issue. People have asking about doing multiple dot products for some time.


Matrix vector multiplication along array axes suggests using numpy.core.umath_tests.matrix_multiply

矩阵向量沿阵列轴相乘建议使用numpi .core.umath_tests.matrix_multiply

https://*.com/a/24174347/901925 equates:


matrix_multiply(matrices, vectors[..., None])
np.einsum('ijk,ik->ij', matrices, vectors)

The C documentation for matrix_multiply notes:


* This implements the function
* out[k, m, p] = sum_n { in1[k, m, n] * in2[k, n, p] }.

inner1d from the same directory does the same same for (N,n) vectors

来自同一目录的inner1d对(N, N)向量执行相同的操作。

inner1d(vector, vector)  
np.einsum('ij,ij->i', vector, vector)
# out[n] = sum_i { in1[n, i] * in2[n, i] }

Both are UFunc, and can handle broadcasting on the right most dimensions. In numpy/core/test/ these functions are used to exercise the UFunc mechanism.

两者都是UFunc,并且可以处理在最正确的维度上的广播。核心/测试/ test_ufunc numpy /。py这些函数用于执行UFunc机制。


https://*.com/a/16704079/901925 adds that this kind of calculation can be done with * and sum, eg



On further testing, I think inner1d and matrix_multiply match your dot and matrix-matrix product cases, and the matrix-vector case if you add the [...,None]. Looks like they are 2x faster than the einsum versions (on my machine and test arrays).

在进一步的测试中,我认为inner1d和matrix_multiply与你的点和矩阵-矩阵乘积的情况相匹配,而矩阵-向量的情况如果你加上[…,None]。看起来它们比einsum版本(在我的机器和测试数组上)快了2x。 is the discussion of the @ infix operator on numpy. I think the numpy developers are less enthused about this PEP than the Python ones. of matmu -pep.rst是对numpy上的@ infix操作符的讨论。我认为numpy开发人员对这个PEP的热情不如Python开发人员。



These operations cannot be reshaped into general BLAS calls and looping BLAS calls would be quite slow for arrays of this size. As such, einsum is likely optimal for this kind of operation.


Your functions can be generalized with ellipses as follows:


def dot_product(v, w):
    return np.einsum('...j,...j->...', v, w)

def matrix_vector_product(M, v):
    return np.einsum('...jk,...k->...j', M, v)

def matrix_matrix_product(A, B):
    return np.einsum('...jk,...kl->...jl', A, B)



Just as working notes, these 3 calculations can also be written as:



Or with Ophion's generalization


np.einsum(A,[Ellipsis,1,2], B, ...)

It shouldn't be hard to generate the [0,1,..] lists based on the dimensions of the inputs arrays.


By focusing on generalizing the einsum expressions, I missed the fact that what you are trying to reproduce is N small dot products.


np.array([,j) for i,j in zip(a,b)])

It's worth keeping mind that uses fast compiled code, and focuses on calculations where the arrays are large. Where as your problem is one of calculating many small dot products.


And without extra arguments that define axes, performs just 2 of the possible combinations, ones which can be expressed as:


np.einsum('i,i', v1, v2)
np.einsum('...ij,...jk->...ik', m1, m2)

An operator version of dot would face the same limitation - no extra parameters to specify how the axes are to be combined.


It may also be instructive to note what tensordot does to generalize dot:


def tensordot(a, b, axes=2):
    newshape_a = (-1, N2)
    newshape_b = (N2, -1)
    at = a.transpose(newaxes_a).reshape(newshape_a)
    bt = b.transpose(newaxes_b).reshape(newshape_b)
    res = dot(at, bt)
    return res.reshape(olda + oldb)

It can perform a dot with summation over several axes. But after the transposing and reshaping is done, the calculation becomes the standard dot with 2d arrays.


This could have been flagged as a duplicate issue. People have asking about doing multiple dot products for some time.


Matrix vector multiplication along array axes suggests using numpy.core.umath_tests.matrix_multiply

矩阵向量沿阵列轴相乘建议使用numpi .core.umath_tests.matrix_multiply

https://*.com/a/24174347/901925 equates:


matrix_multiply(matrices, vectors[..., None])
np.einsum('ijk,ik->ij', matrices, vectors)

The C documentation for matrix_multiply notes:


* This implements the function
* out[k, m, p] = sum_n { in1[k, m, n] * in2[k, n, p] }.

inner1d from the same directory does the same same for (N,n) vectors

来自同一目录的inner1d对(N, N)向量执行相同的操作。

inner1d(vector, vector)  
np.einsum('ij,ij->i', vector, vector)
# out[n] = sum_i { in1[n, i] * in2[n, i] }

Both are UFunc, and can handle broadcasting on the right most dimensions. In numpy/core/test/ these functions are used to exercise the UFunc mechanism.

两者都是UFunc,并且可以处理在最正确的维度上的广播。核心/测试/ test_ufunc numpy /。py这些函数用于执行UFunc机制。


https://*.com/a/16704079/901925 adds that this kind of calculation can be done with * and sum, eg



On further testing, I think inner1d and matrix_multiply match your dot and matrix-matrix product cases, and the matrix-vector case if you add the [...,None]. Looks like they are 2x faster than the einsum versions (on my machine and test arrays).

在进一步的测试中,我认为inner1d和matrix_multiply与你的点和矩阵-矩阵乘积的情况相匹配,而矩阵-向量的情况如果你加上[…,None]。看起来它们比einsum版本(在我的机器和测试数组上)快了2x。 is the discussion of the @ infix operator on numpy. I think the numpy developers are less enthused about this PEP than the Python ones. of matmu -pep.rst是对numpy上的@ infix操作符的讨论。我认为numpy开发人员对这个PEP的热情不如Python开发人员。