
时间:2021-11-21 21:23:08

I am trying to fit a polynomial to a set of data. Sometimes it may happen that the covariance matrix returned by numpy.ployfit only consists of inf, although the fit seems to be useful. There are no numpy.inf or 'numpy.nan' in the data!




import numpy as np
# sample data, does not contain really x**2-like behaviour, 
# but that should be visible in the fit results
x = [-449., -454., -459., -464., -469.]
y = [ 0.9677024,   0.97341953,  0.97724978,  0.98215678,  0.9876293]

fit, cov = np.polyfit(x, y, 2, cov=True)

print 'fit: ', fit
print 'cov: ', cov



fit: [  1.67867158e-06   5.69199547e-04   8.85146009e-01]
cov: [[ inf  inf  inf]
      [ inf  inf  inf]
      [ inf  inf  inf]]

np.cov(x,y) gives


[[  6.25000000e+01  -6.07388099e-02]
 [ -6.07388099e-02   5.92268942e-05]]

So np.cov is not the same as the covariance returned from np.polyfit. Has anybody an idea what's going on?


EDIT: I now got the point that numpy.cov is not what I want. I need the variances of the polynom coefficients, but I dont get them if (len(x) - order - 2.0) == 0. Is there another way to get the variances of the fit polynom coefficients?

编辑:我现在的意思是,numpy。cov不是我想要的。我需要的是多名系数的方差,但如果(len(x) - order - 2.0) == 0,我就不会得到它们。是否有另一种方法来获得适合的多子系数的方差?

2 个解决方案



As rustil's answer says, this is caused by the bias correction applied to the denominator of the covariance equation, which results in a zero divide for this input. The reasoning behind this correction is similar to that behind Bessel's Correction. This is really a sign that there are too few datapoints to estimate covariance in a well-defined way.


How to skirt this problem? Well, this version of polyfit accepts weights. You could add another datapoint but weight it at epsilon. This is equivalent to reducing the 2.0 in this formula to a 1.0.


x = [-449., -454., -459., -464., -469.]
y = [ 0.9677024,   0.97341953,  0.97724978,  0.98215678,  0.9876293]

x_extra = x + x[-1:]
y_extra = y + y[-1:]
weights = [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, sys.float_info.epsilon]

fit, cov = np.polyfit(x, y, 2, cov=True)
fit_extra, cov_extra = np.polyfit(x_extra, y_extra, 2, w=weights, cov=True)

print fit == fit_extra
print cov_extra

The output. Note that the fit values are identical:


>>> print fit == fit_extra
[ True  True  True]
>>> print cov_extra
[[  8.84481850e-11   8.11954338e-08   1.86299297e-05]
 [  8.11954338e-08   7.45405039e-05   1.71036963e-02]
 [  1.86299297e-05   1.71036963e-02   3.92469307e+00]]

I am very uncertain that this will be especially meaningful, but it's a way to work around the problem. It's a bit of a kludge though. For something more robust, you could modify polyfit to accept its own ddof parameter, perhaps in lieu of the boolean that cov currently accepts. (I just opened an issue to suggest as much.)


A quick final note about the calculation of cov: If you look at the wikipedia page on least squares regression, you'll see that the simplified formula for the covariance of the coefficients is inv(dot(dot(X, W), X)), which has a corresponding line in the numpy code -- at least roughly speaking. In this case, X is the Vandermonde matrix, and the weights have already been multiplied in. The numpy code also does some scaling (which I understand; it's part of a strategy to minimize numerical error) and multiplies the result by the norm of the residuals (which I don't understand; I can only guess that it's part of another version of the covariance formula).

关于cov计算的一个快速的最后说明:如果你看一下*上关于最小二乘回归的页面,你会发现系数的协方差的简化公式是inv(点(点(X, W), X)),它在numpy代码中有一个对应的行——至少粗略地说。在这种情况下,X是Vandermonde矩阵,权重已经相乘了。numpy代码也进行了一些扩展(我理解;这是一个最小化数值误差的策略的一部分,并将结果乘以残差的平均值(我不理解;我只能猜测它是协方差公式的另一个版本的一部分。



the difference should be in the degree of freedom. In the polyfit method it already takes into account that your degree is 2, thus causing:


RuntimeWarning: divide by zero encountered in true_divide
  fac = resids / (len(x) - order - 2.0)

you can pass your np.cov a ddof= keyword (ddof = delta degrees of freedom) and you'll run into the same problem

你可以通过np。cov a ddof=关键字(ddof =*度),你会遇到同样的问题。



As rustil's answer says, this is caused by the bias correction applied to the denominator of the covariance equation, which results in a zero divide for this input. The reasoning behind this correction is similar to that behind Bessel's Correction. This is really a sign that there are too few datapoints to estimate covariance in a well-defined way.


How to skirt this problem? Well, this version of polyfit accepts weights. You could add another datapoint but weight it at epsilon. This is equivalent to reducing the 2.0 in this formula to a 1.0.


x = [-449., -454., -459., -464., -469.]
y = [ 0.9677024,   0.97341953,  0.97724978,  0.98215678,  0.9876293]

x_extra = x + x[-1:]
y_extra = y + y[-1:]
weights = [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, sys.float_info.epsilon]

fit, cov = np.polyfit(x, y, 2, cov=True)
fit_extra, cov_extra = np.polyfit(x_extra, y_extra, 2, w=weights, cov=True)

print fit == fit_extra
print cov_extra

The output. Note that the fit values are identical:


>>> print fit == fit_extra
[ True  True  True]
>>> print cov_extra
[[  8.84481850e-11   8.11954338e-08   1.86299297e-05]
 [  8.11954338e-08   7.45405039e-05   1.71036963e-02]
 [  1.86299297e-05   1.71036963e-02   3.92469307e+00]]

I am very uncertain that this will be especially meaningful, but it's a way to work around the problem. It's a bit of a kludge though. For something more robust, you could modify polyfit to accept its own ddof parameter, perhaps in lieu of the boolean that cov currently accepts. (I just opened an issue to suggest as much.)


A quick final note about the calculation of cov: If you look at the wikipedia page on least squares regression, you'll see that the simplified formula for the covariance of the coefficients is inv(dot(dot(X, W), X)), which has a corresponding line in the numpy code -- at least roughly speaking. In this case, X is the Vandermonde matrix, and the weights have already been multiplied in. The numpy code also does some scaling (which I understand; it's part of a strategy to minimize numerical error) and multiplies the result by the norm of the residuals (which I don't understand; I can only guess that it's part of another version of the covariance formula).

关于cov计算的一个快速的最后说明:如果你看一下*上关于最小二乘回归的页面,你会发现系数的协方差的简化公式是inv(点(点(X, W), X)),它在numpy代码中有一个对应的行——至少粗略地说。在这种情况下,X是Vandermonde矩阵,权重已经相乘了。numpy代码也进行了一些扩展(我理解;这是一个最小化数值误差的策略的一部分,并将结果乘以残差的平均值(我不理解;我只能猜测它是协方差公式的另一个版本的一部分。



the difference should be in the degree of freedom. In the polyfit method it already takes into account that your degree is 2, thus causing:


RuntimeWarning: divide by zero encountered in true_divide
  fac = resids / (len(x) - order - 2.0)

you can pass your np.cov a ddof= keyword (ddof = delta degrees of freedom) and you'll run into the same problem

你可以通过np。cov a ddof=关键字(ddof =*度),你会遇到同样的问题。