您必须使用dtype float为占位符张量'Placeholder_1'提供值

时间:2022-03-04 21:24:38
import tensorflow as tf

# H(x) = Wx + b

W = tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([1],name='weight'))
b = tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([1],name='bias'))

X = tf.placeholder(tf.float32)
Y = tf.placeholder(tf.float32)

hypothesis = X * W + b

cost = tf.reduce_mean(tf.square(hypothesis - Y))
optimizer = tf.train.GradientDescentOptimizer(learning_rate=0.01)
train = optimizer.minimize(cost)

sess = tf.Session()

Weights = []

for step in range(100):
    sess.run([cost,hypothesis,train], feed_dict={X:x_col[0],Y:y_col[0]})
    if step % 99 ==0:
        print(step, sess.run(cost), sess.run(W), sess.run(b))

This is the code I have. When I enter x_col[0] in Python Shell I get array([ 3., 5., 73., 33.], dtype=float32) and for y_col[0], I get array([ 3., 5., 73., 33.]).

这是我的代码。当我在Python Shell中输入x_col [0]时,我得到数组([3.,5.,73。,33。],dtype = float32),对于y_col [0],我得到数组([3.,5, 73。,33。])。

So I believe the code should work giving cost of 0 and W of 1 and 0 for b. But this error comes up. I don't know how I can fix this problem


For your information, for sess.run([cost,hypothesis,train], feed_dict={X:x_col[0],Y:y_col[0]}) I get [960446.13, array([ 76.92639923, 127.70278168, 1854.09997559, 838.57220459], dtype=float32), None].

为了您的信息,sess.run([费用,假设,火车],feed_dict = {X:x_col [0],Y:y_col [0]})我得到[960446.13,数组([76.92639923,127.70278168,1854.09997559,838.57220459] ],dtype = float32),无]。

3 个解决方案



In your print statement


print(step, sess.run(cost), sess.run(W), sess.run(b))

you are using sess.run(cost), but cost is dependent upon X and Y, whose values you should provide as they are placeholders. So, you'll need to provide that in feed_dict as


print(step, sess.run(cost, feed_dict={X: some_x_value, Y: some_y_value}), sess.run(W), sess.run(b))



In TensorFlow you define a computational graph that is executed with the sess.run() statement. As part of that graph the cost operation is defined by placeholder X and Y. To compute the cost you have to feed a value for X and Y.


In your print statement you call sess.run(cost) without feeding X and Y. That is the reason for the error.


But you already executed the graph. Just store the resulting values:


C, H, _ = sess.run([cost,hypothesis,train], feed_dict={X:x_col[0],Y:y_col[0]})

and print results for cost C and hypothesis H




@layog's answer is right. Just want to show you the code you should use:

@ layog的回答是对的。只是想向您展示您应该使用的代码:

for step in range(100):
  cost_val, W_val, b_val, _ = sess.run([cost, W, b, train], 
  if step % 99 ==0:
    print(step, cost_val, W_val, b_val)

It's more efficient to run the training op and compute tensor values in one shot (note that you don't have to specify hypothesis). If you want to explicitly compute any tensor, you'll have to pass the placeholders too:


sess.run(cost, feed_dict={X:x_col[0],Y:y_col[0]})



In your print statement


print(step, sess.run(cost), sess.run(W), sess.run(b))

you are using sess.run(cost), but cost is dependent upon X and Y, whose values you should provide as they are placeholders. So, you'll need to provide that in feed_dict as


print(step, sess.run(cost, feed_dict={X: some_x_value, Y: some_y_value}), sess.run(W), sess.run(b))



In TensorFlow you define a computational graph that is executed with the sess.run() statement. As part of that graph the cost operation is defined by placeholder X and Y. To compute the cost you have to feed a value for X and Y.


In your print statement you call sess.run(cost) without feeding X and Y. That is the reason for the error.


But you already executed the graph. Just store the resulting values:


C, H, _ = sess.run([cost,hypothesis,train], feed_dict={X:x_col[0],Y:y_col[0]})

and print results for cost C and hypothesis H




@layog's answer is right. Just want to show you the code you should use:

@ layog的回答是对的。只是想向您展示您应该使用的代码:

for step in range(100):
  cost_val, W_val, b_val, _ = sess.run([cost, W, b, train], 
  if step % 99 ==0:
    print(step, cost_val, W_val, b_val)

It's more efficient to run the training op and compute tensor values in one shot (note that you don't have to specify hypothesis). If you want to explicitly compute any tensor, you'll have to pass the placeholders too:


sess.run(cost, feed_dict={X:x_col[0],Y:y_col[0]})