I have a boolean array whose size depends on the size of a randomly selected string.
So I have something like this:
boolean[] foundLetterArray = new boolean[selectedWord.length()];
As the program progresses, this particular boolean array gets filled with true values for each element in the array. I just want to print a statement as soon as all the elements of the array are true. So I have tried:
System.out.println("You have reached the end");
This gives me an out of bounds exception error. I have also tried contains()
method but that ends the loop even if 1 element in the array is true. Do I need a for loop that iterates through all the elements of the array? How can I set a test condition in that?
8 个解决方案
Using the enhanced for loop, you can easily iterate over an array, no need for indexes and size calculations:
private static boolean allTrue (boolean[] values) {
for (boolean value : values) {
if (!value)
return false;
return true;
There is a Java 8 one-liner for this:
这有一个Java 8单线程:
boolean allTrue(boolean[] arr) {
return IntStream.range(0, arr.length).allMatch(i -> arr[i]);
boolean[] foundLetterArray = new boolean[5]; The memory allocation for the abow array is like
boolean [] foundLetterArray = new boolean [5]; abow数组的内存分配就像
Array index starts with 0 and the total memory count is 5 and the last array index is 4.
You are trying to get index 5 that is foundLetterArray[5] which does not exist. That's why you are getting the ArrayIndexOutofBoundsException
您正在尝试获取不存在的foundLetterArray [5]的索引5。这就是你得到ArrayIndexOutofBoundsException的原因
System.out.println("You have reached the end");
Arrays in Java starts from index 0
and last index is always [array.length()-1]
Java中的数组从索引0开始,最后一个索引始终是[array.length() - 1]
As you are checking for foundLetterArray[selectedWord.length()]
,its giving you a array out of Bound Exception try foundLetterArray[selectedWord.length()-1]
当你检查foundLetterArray [selectedWord.length()]时,它会给你一个绑定异常的数组,试试findLetterArray [selectedWord.length() - 1]
System.out.println("You have reached the end");
Indices in java, as well as most programming languages, are 0-based, meaning that individual elements in an array with n elements have indices 0, 1, 2, ..., n-1. The last element in an array is always at index array.length - 1.
java中的索引以及大多数编程语言都是基于0的,这意味着具有n个元素的数组中的各个元素具有索引0,1,2,...,n-1。数组中的最后一个元素始终位于索引array.length - 1。
Array index start from 0 so last index is always 1 less then array length so here you are trying to access last index + 1 by doing foundLetterArray[selectedWord.length()] this so it is throuing ArrayIndexBoundEception use array.lastIndex() method or subtract 1 form length.
数组索引从0开始,所以最后一个索引总是比数组长度少1,所以这里你试图通过执行foundLetterArray [selectedWord.length()]来访问最后一个索引+ 1,这样就可以通过使用array.lastIndex()方法来实现ArrayIndexBoundEception或者减1表格长度。
Implementing this foundLetterArray[selectedWord.length()-1]
You must take care about one thing if your array does not contains any elements then selectedWord.length() return 0 and again you will get same exception so Its good to check lengh before doing this foundLetterArray[selectedWord.length()-1]
实现这个foundLetterArray [selectedWord.length() - 1]你必须要注意一件事,如果你的数组不包含任何元素,那么selectedWord.length()会返回0,你会得到同样的异常,所以在做之前检查lengh是好的这个foundLetterArray [selectedWord.length() - 1]。
do this
public boolean allTrue(boolean[] array) {
for (boolean b : array) {
if (!b) {
return false;
return true;
There is no 'one line' way of knowing whether all of the elements of an array meet a certain condition (there are libraries that take care of the looping for you, but you still need to write the condition). Querying array[x] will only tell you about the xth item in that array, so for your question you need to check every item.
没有“一行”的方式来了解数组的所有元素是否满足某个条件(有些库可以为您处理循环,但您仍然需要编写条件)。查询array [x]只会告诉你该数组中的第x项,所以对于你的问题,你需要检查每一项。
Also, as other people have pointed out, array indices are 0-based, so the first element is at array[0] and the last at array[array.length() - 1].
另外,正如其他人所指出的,数组索引是从0开始的,所以第一个元素在数组[0],最后一个在数组[array.length() - 1]。
My example uses an alternate looping construct known as for-each. This is appropriate when you don't need to modify the array contents, you only need to read from them. It avoids any messing around with indices.
You do the check only for last element in the array ( and do it wrong, above is described why ).
In order to get if arrays contains only true values you should check all of them.
boolean allAreTrue = true;
for (boolean val : foundLetterArray) {
allAreTrue = allAreTrue && val;
// at this line allAreTrue will contain true if all values are true and false if you have at least one "false"
Using the enhanced for loop, you can easily iterate over an array, no need for indexes and size calculations:
private static boolean allTrue (boolean[] values) {
for (boolean value : values) {
if (!value)
return false;
return true;
There is a Java 8 one-liner for this:
这有一个Java 8单线程:
boolean allTrue(boolean[] arr) {
return IntStream.range(0, arr.length).allMatch(i -> arr[i]);
boolean[] foundLetterArray = new boolean[5]; The memory allocation for the abow array is like
boolean [] foundLetterArray = new boolean [5]; abow数组的内存分配就像
Array index starts with 0 and the total memory count is 5 and the last array index is 4.
You are trying to get index 5 that is foundLetterArray[5] which does not exist. That's why you are getting the ArrayIndexOutofBoundsException
您正在尝试获取不存在的foundLetterArray [5]的索引5。这就是你得到ArrayIndexOutofBoundsException的原因
System.out.println("You have reached the end");
Arrays in Java starts from index 0
and last index is always [array.length()-1]
Java中的数组从索引0开始,最后一个索引始终是[array.length() - 1]
As you are checking for foundLetterArray[selectedWord.length()]
,its giving you a array out of Bound Exception try foundLetterArray[selectedWord.length()-1]
当你检查foundLetterArray [selectedWord.length()]时,它会给你一个绑定异常的数组,试试findLetterArray [selectedWord.length() - 1]
System.out.println("You have reached the end");
Indices in java, as well as most programming languages, are 0-based, meaning that individual elements in an array with n elements have indices 0, 1, 2, ..., n-1. The last element in an array is always at index array.length - 1.
java中的索引以及大多数编程语言都是基于0的,这意味着具有n个元素的数组中的各个元素具有索引0,1,2,...,n-1。数组中的最后一个元素始终位于索引array.length - 1。
Array index start from 0 so last index is always 1 less then array length so here you are trying to access last index + 1 by doing foundLetterArray[selectedWord.length()] this so it is throuing ArrayIndexBoundEception use array.lastIndex() method or subtract 1 form length.
数组索引从0开始,所以最后一个索引总是比数组长度少1,所以这里你试图通过执行foundLetterArray [selectedWord.length()]来访问最后一个索引+ 1,这样就可以通过使用array.lastIndex()方法来实现ArrayIndexBoundEception或者减1表格长度。
Implementing this foundLetterArray[selectedWord.length()-1]
You must take care about one thing if your array does not contains any elements then selectedWord.length() return 0 and again you will get same exception so Its good to check lengh before doing this foundLetterArray[selectedWord.length()-1]
实现这个foundLetterArray [selectedWord.length() - 1]你必须要注意一件事,如果你的数组不包含任何元素,那么selectedWord.length()会返回0,你会得到同样的异常,所以在做之前检查lengh是好的这个foundLetterArray [selectedWord.length() - 1]。
do this
public boolean allTrue(boolean[] array) {
for (boolean b : array) {
if (!b) {
return false;
return true;
There is no 'one line' way of knowing whether all of the elements of an array meet a certain condition (there are libraries that take care of the looping for you, but you still need to write the condition). Querying array[x] will only tell you about the xth item in that array, so for your question you need to check every item.
没有“一行”的方式来了解数组的所有元素是否满足某个条件(有些库可以为您处理循环,但您仍然需要编写条件)。查询array [x]只会告诉你该数组中的第x项,所以对于你的问题,你需要检查每一项。
Also, as other people have pointed out, array indices are 0-based, so the first element is at array[0] and the last at array[array.length() - 1].
另外,正如其他人所指出的,数组索引是从0开始的,所以第一个元素在数组[0],最后一个在数组[array.length() - 1]。
My example uses an alternate looping construct known as for-each. This is appropriate when you don't need to modify the array contents, you only need to read from them. It avoids any messing around with indices.
You do the check only for last element in the array ( and do it wrong, above is described why ).
In order to get if arrays contains only true values you should check all of them.
boolean allAreTrue = true;
for (boolean val : foundLetterArray) {
allAreTrue = allAreTrue && val;
// at this line allAreTrue will contain true if all values are true and false if you have at least one "false"