是否可以在C ++中创建“朋友类”?

时间:2022-08-24 21:20:51

I know it's possible to create a friend function in C++:

我知道可以在C ++中创建一个友元函数:

class box
friend void add(int num);
int contents;

void add(int num)
box::contents = num;

But is there a way to create friend classes?


NB: I know there are probably a lot of errors in this code, I don't use friend functions and am still pretty new to the language; if there are any, please tell me.


3 个解决方案


Yup - inside the declaration of class Box, do

是的 - 在类Box的声明中,做

friend class SomeOtherClass;

All member functions of SomeOtherClass will be able to access the contents member (and any other private members) of any Box.



By the way, a design guideline is that, if a class is close enough to be declared a friend, then it's close enough to be declared as a nested class in the same header file, for example:


class Box
  class SomeOtherClass
    //some implementation that might want to access private members of box
  friend class SomeOtherClass;
  int contents;

If you don't want to declare the other class as a nested class in the same header file, then perhaps you shouldn't (although you are able to) declare it a friend.



In your code, you are currently using the box member 'contents' as a static member in the add function ( box::contents = num; )

在您的代码中,您当前正在使用box成员'contents'作为add函数中的静态成员(box :: contents = num;)

You should either declare contents as being static, like so: (you also have to initialize it then..)


class box
    friend void add(int num);
      static int contents;

int box::contents;

void add(int num)
    box::contents = num;

or, change your add function to accept a box object and an int:


class box
    friend void add(box *b, int num);
      int contents;

void add(box *b, int num)
    b->contents = num;


Yup - inside the declaration of class Box, do

是的 - 在类Box的声明中,做

friend class SomeOtherClass;

All member functions of SomeOtherClass will be able to access the contents member (and any other private members) of any Box.



By the way, a design guideline is that, if a class is close enough to be declared a friend, then it's close enough to be declared as a nested class in the same header file, for example:


class Box
  class SomeOtherClass
    //some implementation that might want to access private members of box
  friend class SomeOtherClass;
  int contents;

If you don't want to declare the other class as a nested class in the same header file, then perhaps you shouldn't (although you are able to) declare it a friend.



In your code, you are currently using the box member 'contents' as a static member in the add function ( box::contents = num; )

在您的代码中,您当前正在使用box成员'contents'作为add函数中的静态成员(box :: contents = num;)

You should either declare contents as being static, like so: (you also have to initialize it then..)


class box
    friend void add(int num);
      static int contents;

int box::contents;

void add(int num)
    box::contents = num;

or, change your add function to accept a box object and an int:


class box
    friend void add(box *b, int num);
      int contents;

void add(box *b, int num)
    b->contents = num;