
时间:2021-12-16 21:22:43

How can I shuffle a multidimensional array by row only in Python (so do not shuffle the columns).


I am looking for the most efficient solution, because my matrix is very huge. Is it also possible to do this highly efficient on the original array (to save memory)?




import numpy as np
X = np.random.random((6, 2))
Y = ???shuffle by row only not colls???

What I expect now is original matrix:


[[ 0.48252164  0.12013048]
 [ 0.77254355  0.74382174]
 [ 0.45174186  0.8782033 ]
 [ 0.75623083  0.71763107]
 [ 0.26809253  0.75144034]
 [ 0.23442518  0.39031414]]

Output shuffle the rows not cols e.g.:


[[ 0.45174186  0.8782033 ]
 [ 0.48252164  0.12013048]
 [ 0.77254355  0.74382174]
 [ 0.75623083  0.71763107]
 [ 0.23442518  0.39031414]
 [ 0.26809253  0.75144034]]

3 个解决方案



That's what numpy.random.shuffle() is for :


>>> X = np.random.random((6, 2))
>>> X
array([[ 0.9818058 ,  0.67513579],
       [ 0.82312674,  0.82768118],
       [ 0.29468324,  0.59305925],
       [ 0.25731731,  0.16676408],
       [ 0.27402974,  0.55215778],
       [ 0.44323485,  0.78779887]])

>>> np.random.shuffle(X)
>>> X
array([[ 0.9818058 ,  0.67513579],
       [ 0.44323485,  0.78779887],
       [ 0.82312674,  0.82768118],
       [ 0.29468324,  0.59305925],
       [ 0.25731731,  0.16676408],
       [ 0.27402974,  0.55215778]])



You can also use np.random.permutation to generate random permutation of row indices and then index into the rows of X using np.take with axis=0. Also, np.take facilitates overwriting to the input array X itself with out= option, which would save us memory. Thus, the implementation would look like this -

您还可以使用np.random.permutation生成行索引的随机排列,然后使用轴= 0的np.take将索引转换为X行。此外,np.take有助于使用out =选项覆盖输入数组X本身,这将节省我们的内存。因此,实现看起来像这样 -


Sample run -

样品运行 -

In [23]: X
array([[ 0.60511059,  0.75001599],
       [ 0.30968339,  0.09162172],
       [ 0.14673218,  0.09089028],
       [ 0.31663128,  0.10000309],
       [ 0.0957233 ,  0.96210485],
       [ 0.56843186,  0.36654023]])

In [24]: np.take(X,np.random.permutation(X.shape[0]),axis=0,out=X);

In [25]: X
array([[ 0.14673218,  0.09089028],
       [ 0.31663128,  0.10000309],
       [ 0.30968339,  0.09162172],
       [ 0.56843186,  0.36654023],
       [ 0.0957233 ,  0.96210485],
       [ 0.60511059,  0.75001599]])

Additional performance boost


Here's a trick to speed up np.random.permutation(X.shape[0]) with np.argsort() -

这是使用np.argsort()加速np.random.permutation(X.shape [0])的技巧 -


Speedup results -

加速结果 -

In [32]: X = np.random.random((6000, 2000))

In [33]: %timeit np.random.permutation(X.shape[0])
1000 loops, best of 3: 510 µs per loop

In [34]: %timeit np.random.rand(X.shape[0]).argsort()
1000 loops, best of 3: 297 µs per loop

Thus, the shuffling solution could be modified to -

因此,改组解决方案可以修改为 -


Runtime tests -

运行时测试 -

These tests include the two approaches listed in this post and np.shuffle based one in @Kasramvd's solution.

这些测试包括本文中列出的两种方法和基于@ Kasramvd解决方案的np.shuffle。

In [40]: X = np.random.random((6000, 2000))

In [41]: %timeit np.random.shuffle(X)
10 loops, best of 3: 25.2 ms per loop

In [42]: %timeit np.take(X,np.random.permutation(X.shape[0]),axis=0,out=X)
10 loops, best of 3: 53.3 ms per loop

In [43]: %timeit np.take(X,np.random.rand(X.shape[0]).argsort(),axis=0,out=X)
10 loops, best of 3: 53.2 ms per loop

So, it seems using these np.take based could be used only if memory is a concern or else np.random.shuffle based solution looks like the way to go.




After a bit experiment i found most memory and time efficient way to shuffle data(row wise) of nd-array is, shuffle the index and get the data from shuffled index


rand_num2 = np.random.randint(5, size=(6000, 2000))
perm = np.arange(rand_num2.shape[0])
rand_num2 = rand_num2[perm]

in more details
Here, I am using memory_profiler to find memory usage and python's builtin "time" module to record time and comparing all previous answers


def main():
    # shuffle data itself
    rand_num = np.random.randint(5, size=(6000, 2000))
    start = time.time()
    print('Time for direct shuffle: {0}'.format((time.time() - start)))

    # Shuffle index and get data from shuffled index
    rand_num2 = np.random.randint(5, size=(6000, 2000))
    start = time.time()
    perm = np.arange(rand_num2.shape[0])
    rand_num2 = rand_num2[perm]
    print('Time for shuffling index: {0}'.format((time.time() - start)))

    # using np.take()
    rand_num3 = np.random.randint(5, size=(6000, 2000))
    start = time.time()
    np.take(rand_num3, np.random.rand(rand_num3.shape[0]).argsort(), axis=0, out=rand_num3)
    print("Time taken by np.take, {0}".format((time.time() - start)))

Result for Time


Time for direct shuffle: 0.03345608711242676   # 33.4msec
Time for shuffling index: 0.019818782806396484 # 19.8msec
Time taken by np.take, 0.06726956367492676     # 67.2msec

Memory profiler Result


Line #    Mem usage    Increment   Line Contents
    39  117.422 MiB    0.000 MiB   @profile
    40                             def main():
    41                                 # shuffle data itself
    42  208.977 MiB   91.555 MiB       rand_num = np.random.randint(5, size=(6000, 2000))
    43  208.977 MiB    0.000 MiB       start = time.time()
    44  208.977 MiB    0.000 MiB       np.random.shuffle(rand_num)
    45  208.977 MiB    0.000 MiB       print('Time for direct shuffle: {0}'.format((time.time() - start)))
    47                                 # Shuffle index and get data from shuffled index
    48  300.531 MiB   91.555 MiB       rand_num2 = np.random.randint(5, size=(6000, 2000))
    49  300.531 MiB    0.000 MiB       start = time.time()
    50  300.535 MiB    0.004 MiB       perm = np.arange(rand_num2.shape[0])
    51  300.539 MiB    0.004 MiB       np.random.shuffle(perm)
    52  300.539 MiB    0.000 MiB       rand_num2 = rand_num2[perm]
    53  300.539 MiB    0.000 MiB       print('Time for shuffling index: {0}'.format((time.time() - start)))
    55                                 # using np.take()
    56  392.094 MiB   91.555 MiB       rand_num3 = np.random.randint(5, size=(6000, 2000))
    57  392.094 MiB    0.000 MiB       start = time.time()
    58  392.242 MiB    0.148 MiB       np.take(rand_num3, np.random.rand(rand_num3.shape[0]).argsort(), axis=0, out=rand_num3)
    59  392.242 MiB    0.000 MiB       print("Time taken by np.take, {0}".format((time.time() - start)))



That's what numpy.random.shuffle() is for :


>>> X = np.random.random((6, 2))
>>> X
array([[ 0.9818058 ,  0.67513579],
       [ 0.82312674,  0.82768118],
       [ 0.29468324,  0.59305925],
       [ 0.25731731,  0.16676408],
       [ 0.27402974,  0.55215778],
       [ 0.44323485,  0.78779887]])

>>> np.random.shuffle(X)
>>> X
array([[ 0.9818058 ,  0.67513579],
       [ 0.44323485,  0.78779887],
       [ 0.82312674,  0.82768118],
       [ 0.29468324,  0.59305925],
       [ 0.25731731,  0.16676408],
       [ 0.27402974,  0.55215778]])



You can also use np.random.permutation to generate random permutation of row indices and then index into the rows of X using np.take with axis=0. Also, np.take facilitates overwriting to the input array X itself with out= option, which would save us memory. Thus, the implementation would look like this -

您还可以使用np.random.permutation生成行索引的随机排列,然后使用轴= 0的np.take将索引转换为X行。此外,np.take有助于使用out =选项覆盖输入数组X本身,这将节省我们的内存。因此,实现看起来像这样 -


Sample run -

样品运行 -

In [23]: X
array([[ 0.60511059,  0.75001599],
       [ 0.30968339,  0.09162172],
       [ 0.14673218,  0.09089028],
       [ 0.31663128,  0.10000309],
       [ 0.0957233 ,  0.96210485],
       [ 0.56843186,  0.36654023]])

In [24]: np.take(X,np.random.permutation(X.shape[0]),axis=0,out=X);

In [25]: X
array([[ 0.14673218,  0.09089028],
       [ 0.31663128,  0.10000309],
       [ 0.30968339,  0.09162172],
       [ 0.56843186,  0.36654023],
       [ 0.0957233 ,  0.96210485],
       [ 0.60511059,  0.75001599]])

Additional performance boost


Here's a trick to speed up np.random.permutation(X.shape[0]) with np.argsort() -

这是使用np.argsort()加速np.random.permutation(X.shape [0])的技巧 -


Speedup results -

加速结果 -

In [32]: X = np.random.random((6000, 2000))

In [33]: %timeit np.random.permutation(X.shape[0])
1000 loops, best of 3: 510 µs per loop

In [34]: %timeit np.random.rand(X.shape[0]).argsort()
1000 loops, best of 3: 297 µs per loop

Thus, the shuffling solution could be modified to -

因此,改组解决方案可以修改为 -


Runtime tests -

运行时测试 -

These tests include the two approaches listed in this post and np.shuffle based one in @Kasramvd's solution.

这些测试包括本文中列出的两种方法和基于@ Kasramvd解决方案的np.shuffle。

In [40]: X = np.random.random((6000, 2000))

In [41]: %timeit np.random.shuffle(X)
10 loops, best of 3: 25.2 ms per loop

In [42]: %timeit np.take(X,np.random.permutation(X.shape[0]),axis=0,out=X)
10 loops, best of 3: 53.3 ms per loop

In [43]: %timeit np.take(X,np.random.rand(X.shape[0]).argsort(),axis=0,out=X)
10 loops, best of 3: 53.2 ms per loop

So, it seems using these np.take based could be used only if memory is a concern or else np.random.shuffle based solution looks like the way to go.




After a bit experiment i found most memory and time efficient way to shuffle data(row wise) of nd-array is, shuffle the index and get the data from shuffled index


rand_num2 = np.random.randint(5, size=(6000, 2000))
perm = np.arange(rand_num2.shape[0])
rand_num2 = rand_num2[perm]

in more details
Here, I am using memory_profiler to find memory usage and python's builtin "time" module to record time and comparing all previous answers


def main():
    # shuffle data itself
    rand_num = np.random.randint(5, size=(6000, 2000))
    start = time.time()
    print('Time for direct shuffle: {0}'.format((time.time() - start)))

    # Shuffle index and get data from shuffled index
    rand_num2 = np.random.randint(5, size=(6000, 2000))
    start = time.time()
    perm = np.arange(rand_num2.shape[0])
    rand_num2 = rand_num2[perm]
    print('Time for shuffling index: {0}'.format((time.time() - start)))

    # using np.take()
    rand_num3 = np.random.randint(5, size=(6000, 2000))
    start = time.time()
    np.take(rand_num3, np.random.rand(rand_num3.shape[0]).argsort(), axis=0, out=rand_num3)
    print("Time taken by np.take, {0}".format((time.time() - start)))

Result for Time


Time for direct shuffle: 0.03345608711242676   # 33.4msec
Time for shuffling index: 0.019818782806396484 # 19.8msec
Time taken by np.take, 0.06726956367492676     # 67.2msec

Memory profiler Result


Line #    Mem usage    Increment   Line Contents
    39  117.422 MiB    0.000 MiB   @profile
    40                             def main():
    41                                 # shuffle data itself
    42  208.977 MiB   91.555 MiB       rand_num = np.random.randint(5, size=(6000, 2000))
    43  208.977 MiB    0.000 MiB       start = time.time()
    44  208.977 MiB    0.000 MiB       np.random.shuffle(rand_num)
    45  208.977 MiB    0.000 MiB       print('Time for direct shuffle: {0}'.format((time.time() - start)))
    47                                 # Shuffle index and get data from shuffled index
    48  300.531 MiB   91.555 MiB       rand_num2 = np.random.randint(5, size=(6000, 2000))
    49  300.531 MiB    0.000 MiB       start = time.time()
    50  300.535 MiB    0.004 MiB       perm = np.arange(rand_num2.shape[0])
    51  300.539 MiB    0.004 MiB       np.random.shuffle(perm)
    52  300.539 MiB    0.000 MiB       rand_num2 = rand_num2[perm]
    53  300.539 MiB    0.000 MiB       print('Time for shuffling index: {0}'.format((time.time() - start)))
    55                                 # using np.take()
    56  392.094 MiB   91.555 MiB       rand_num3 = np.random.randint(5, size=(6000, 2000))
    57  392.094 MiB    0.000 MiB       start = time.time()
    58  392.242 MiB    0.148 MiB       np.take(rand_num3, np.random.rand(rand_num3.shape[0]).argsort(), axis=0, out=rand_num3)
    59  392.242 MiB    0.000 MiB       print("Time taken by np.take, {0}".format((time.time() - start)))