
时间:2021-09-13 21:20:06

I use the gbm library in R and I would like to use all my CPU to fit a model.


gbm.fit(x, y,
        offset = NULL,
        misc = NULL,...

2 个解决方案



As far as I know, both h2o and xgboost have this.


For h2o, see e.g. this blog post of theirs from 2013 from which I quote


At 0xdata we build state-of-the-art distributed algorithms - and recently we embarked on building GBM, and algorithm notorious for being impossible to parallelize much less distribute. We built the algorithm shown in Elements of Statistical Learning II, Trevor Hastie, Robert Tibshirani, and Jerome Friedman on page 387 (shown at the bottom of this post). Most of the algorithm is straightforward “small” math, but step 2.b.ii says “Fit a regression tree to the targets….”, i.e. fit a regression tree in the middle of the inner loop, for targets that change with each outer loop. This is where we decided to distribute/parallelize.

在0xdata,我们构建了最先进的分布式算法——最近,我们开始构建GBM,而这种算法因为不能并行化更少的分布而臭名昭著。我们在第387页构建了统计学习II元素、Trevor Hastie、Robert Tibshirani和Jerome Friedman(见下面)所示的算法。大多数算法都是简单的“小”运算,但是步骤2 b。二说“回归树适合目标....,即在内部循环的中间安装一个回归树,用于每个外部循环改变的目标。这就是我们决定分发/并行化的地方。

The platform we build on is H2O, and as talked about in the prior blog has an API focused on doing big parallel vector operations - and for GBM (and also Random Forest) we need to do big parallel tree operations. But not really any tree operation; GBM (and RF) constantly build trees - and the work is always at the leaves of a tree, and is about finding the next best split point for the subset of training data that falls into a particular leaf.

我们所构建的平台是H2O,正如前面的博客中提到的,它有一个API,专注于进行大型并行向量操作——对于GBM(也包括Random Forest),我们需要进行大型并行树操作。但不是任何树的运算;GBM(和RF)不断地构建树——并且工作总是在树的叶子上,并且是关于找到属于特定叶子的训练数据子集的下一个最佳分割点。

The code can be found on our git: http://0xdata.github.io/h2o/


(Edit: The repo now is at https://github.com/h2oai/.)


The other parallel GBM implementation is, I think, in xgboost. Its Descriptions says


Extreme Gradient Boosting, which is an efficient implementation of gradient boosting framework. This package is its R interface. The package includes efficient linear model solver and tree learning algorithms. The package can automatically do parallel computation on a single machine which could be more than 10 times faster than existing gradient boosting packages. It supports various objective functions, including regression, classification and ranking. The package is made to be extensible, so that users are also allowed to define their own objectives easily.




Well, there cannot be a parallel implementation of GBM in principle, neither in R neither nor in any other implementation. And the reason is very simple: the boosting algorithm is by definition sequential.


Consider the following, quoted from The Elements of Statistical Learning, Ch. 10 (Boosting and Additive Trees), pp. 337-339 (emphasis mine):


A weak classifier is one whose error rate is only slightly better than random guessing. The purpose of boosting is to sequentially apply the weak classification algorithm to repeatedly modified versions of the data, thereby producing a sequence of weak classifiers Gm(x), m = 1, 2, . . . , M. The predictions from all of them are then combined through a weighted majority vote to produce the final prediction. [...] Each successive classifier is thereby forced to concentrate on those training observations that are missed by previous ones in the sequence.

弱分类器的错误率仅略高于随机猜测。增强的目的是将弱分类算法依次应用到反复修改的数据版本中,从而产生一个弱分类器序列Gm(x), m = 1,2,…然后,通过加权多数投票,将所有预测组合在一起,得出最终的预测。[…因此,每个连续的分类器都必须专注于序列中先前的训练观测所遗漏的。

In a picture (ibid, p. 338):



In fact, this is frequently noted as a key disadvantage of GBM relative to, say, Random Forest (RF), where the trees are independent and can thus be fitted in parrallel (see the bigrf R package).

事实上,这经常被认为是GBM相对于随机森林(RF)的一个关键缺点,在随机森林(Random Forest)中,树是独立的,因此可以安装在parrallel中(参见bigrf R包)。

Hence, the best you can do, as the commenters above have pinpointed, is to use your excess CPU cores to parallelize the cross-validation process...




As far as I know, both h2o and xgboost have this.


For h2o, see e.g. this blog post of theirs from 2013 from which I quote


At 0xdata we build state-of-the-art distributed algorithms - and recently we embarked on building GBM, and algorithm notorious for being impossible to parallelize much less distribute. We built the algorithm shown in Elements of Statistical Learning II, Trevor Hastie, Robert Tibshirani, and Jerome Friedman on page 387 (shown at the bottom of this post). Most of the algorithm is straightforward “small” math, but step 2.b.ii says “Fit a regression tree to the targets….”, i.e. fit a regression tree in the middle of the inner loop, for targets that change with each outer loop. This is where we decided to distribute/parallelize.

在0xdata,我们构建了最先进的分布式算法——最近,我们开始构建GBM,而这种算法因为不能并行化更少的分布而臭名昭著。我们在第387页构建了统计学习II元素、Trevor Hastie、Robert Tibshirani和Jerome Friedman(见下面)所示的算法。大多数算法都是简单的“小”运算,但是步骤2 b。二说“回归树适合目标....,即在内部循环的中间安装一个回归树,用于每个外部循环改变的目标。这就是我们决定分发/并行化的地方。

The platform we build on is H2O, and as talked about in the prior blog has an API focused on doing big parallel vector operations - and for GBM (and also Random Forest) we need to do big parallel tree operations. But not really any tree operation; GBM (and RF) constantly build trees - and the work is always at the leaves of a tree, and is about finding the next best split point for the subset of training data that falls into a particular leaf.

我们所构建的平台是H2O,正如前面的博客中提到的,它有一个API,专注于进行大型并行向量操作——对于GBM(也包括Random Forest),我们需要进行大型并行树操作。但不是任何树的运算;GBM(和RF)不断地构建树——并且工作总是在树的叶子上,并且是关于找到属于特定叶子的训练数据子集的下一个最佳分割点。

The code can be found on our git: http://0xdata.github.io/h2o/


(Edit: The repo now is at https://github.com/h2oai/.)


The other parallel GBM implementation is, I think, in xgboost. Its Descriptions says


Extreme Gradient Boosting, which is an efficient implementation of gradient boosting framework. This package is its R interface. The package includes efficient linear model solver and tree learning algorithms. The package can automatically do parallel computation on a single machine which could be more than 10 times faster than existing gradient boosting packages. It supports various objective functions, including regression, classification and ranking. The package is made to be extensible, so that users are also allowed to define their own objectives easily.




Well, there cannot be a parallel implementation of GBM in principle, neither in R neither nor in any other implementation. And the reason is very simple: the boosting algorithm is by definition sequential.


Consider the following, quoted from The Elements of Statistical Learning, Ch. 10 (Boosting and Additive Trees), pp. 337-339 (emphasis mine):


A weak classifier is one whose error rate is only slightly better than random guessing. The purpose of boosting is to sequentially apply the weak classification algorithm to repeatedly modified versions of the data, thereby producing a sequence of weak classifiers Gm(x), m = 1, 2, . . . , M. The predictions from all of them are then combined through a weighted majority vote to produce the final prediction. [...] Each successive classifier is thereby forced to concentrate on those training observations that are missed by previous ones in the sequence.

弱分类器的错误率仅略高于随机猜测。增强的目的是将弱分类算法依次应用到反复修改的数据版本中,从而产生一个弱分类器序列Gm(x), m = 1,2,…然后,通过加权多数投票,将所有预测组合在一起,得出最终的预测。[…因此,每个连续的分类器都必须专注于序列中先前的训练观测所遗漏的。

In a picture (ibid, p. 338):



In fact, this is frequently noted as a key disadvantage of GBM relative to, say, Random Forest (RF), where the trees are independent and can thus be fitted in parrallel (see the bigrf R package).

事实上,这经常被认为是GBM相对于随机森林(RF)的一个关键缺点,在随机森林(Random Forest)中,树是独立的,因此可以安装在parrallel中(参见bigrf R包)。

Hence, the best you can do, as the commenters above have pinpointed, is to use your excess CPU cores to parallelize the cross-validation process...
