
时间:2021-10-05 21:21:03

In java-land, there are a handful of useful libraries which will convert json strings to objects of matching type. The json libraries I've seen for cocoa simply create nested NSDictionaries and NSArrays. Is there a tool out there which will go the extra step of reconstituting whatever object type I want?


So, for example, if I have a class called "Unicorn", with a property "maneColor", and I have json that looks like this:



I can automatically instantiate a Unicorn object with "maneColor" set to "silver".


4 个解决方案



I'm not aware of any specific implementations, but key-value coding gets you very close to what you want: Key Value Coding Guide. I've had good results combining streamed json parsing with KVC.


The -setValue:forKey: method makes adapting serialized data to custom objects fairly straightforward. To continue with your example, you'd create a Unicorn class with all required accessor methods: -setName:/-name, -setManeColor/-maneColor, etc. (You may be able to use properties for some expected values, but there are cases, as with the maneColor value, where you probably want to write a custom setter to convert from the color name string to an NSColor or UIColor object.)

-setValue:forKey:方法使序列化数据适应自定义对象相当简单。要继续您的示例,您将创建一个包含所有必需访问器方法的Unicorn类:-setName:/ - name,-setManeColor / -maneColor等。(您可以使用某些预期值的属性,但有例如,与maneColor值一样,您可能希望编写自定义setter以将颜色名称字符串转换为NSColor或UIColor对象。)

You'll also want to add two more methods to your custom object: -setValue:forUndefinedKey: and -valueForUndefinedKey:. These are the methods that will be called if your object has no accessor methods matching a key passed into the KVC methods. You can catch unexpected or unsupported values here, and store them or ignore them as necessary.


When you send -setValue:forKey: to the Unicorn object, the framework looks for accessors matching the key pattern. For instance, if the key is "maneColor" and you're setting the value, the framework checks to see if your object implements -setManeColor:. If so, it invokes that method, passing in the value; otherwise, -setValue:forUndefinedKey: is called, and if your object doesn't implement it, an exception is thrown.


When your parser's delegate receives notification that parsing a json unicorn object has begun, instantiate a Unicorn object. As your parser returns the parsed data to you, use -setValue:forKey: to add the data to your object:

当解析器的委托收到解析json unicorn对象的通知时,实例化一个Unicorn对象。当您的解析器将解析后的数据返回给您时,请使用-setValue:forKey:将数据添加到您的对象:

- ( void )parserDidBeginParsingDictionary: (SomeParser *)p
     self.currentUnicorn = [ Unicorn unicorn ];

- ( void )parser: (SomeParser *)p didParseString: (NSString *)string
          forKey: (NSString *)key
    [ self.currentUnicorn setValue: string forKey: key ]

- ( void )parserDidFinishParsingDictionary: (SomeParser *)p
    [ self.unicorns addObject: self.currentUnicorn ];



Use Jastor - Takes already parsed JSON into NSDictionary and fills an instance of real Objective-C class.

使用Jastor -将已经解析的JSON解析为NSDictionary并填充真实Objective-C类的实例。

NSDictionary *parsedJSON = (yajl, JSONKit etc)
Unicorn *unicorn = [[Unicorn alloc] initWithDictionary:parsedJSON];

unicorn.maneColor // "silver"



As any subclass of NSObject conforms to NSKeyValueCoding protocol:


NSDictionary *parsedJSON = //whatever
id <NSKeyValueCoding> entity = [[CustomNSObjectSubclass alloc] init];
[entity setValuesForKeysWithDictionary:parsedJSON];



Apple added the NSJSONSerialization class to iOS 5.0 which, according to the documentation, does the following:

Apple将NSJSONSerialization类添加到iOS 5.0,根据文档,它执行以下操作:

You use the NSJSONSerialization class to convert JSON to Foundation objects and convert Foundation objects to JSON.


An object that may be converted to JSON must have the following properties:


The top level object is an NSArray or NSDictionary. All objects are instances of NSString, NSNumber, NSArray, NSDictionary, or NSNull. All dictionary keys are instances of NSString. Numbers are not NaN or infinity.


Here's a tutorial and wrapper method to get you started.




I'm not aware of any specific implementations, but key-value coding gets you very close to what you want: Key Value Coding Guide. I've had good results combining streamed json parsing with KVC.


The -setValue:forKey: method makes adapting serialized data to custom objects fairly straightforward. To continue with your example, you'd create a Unicorn class with all required accessor methods: -setName:/-name, -setManeColor/-maneColor, etc. (You may be able to use properties for some expected values, but there are cases, as with the maneColor value, where you probably want to write a custom setter to convert from the color name string to an NSColor or UIColor object.)

-setValue:forKey:方法使序列化数据适应自定义对象相当简单。要继续您的示例,您将创建一个包含所有必需访问器方法的Unicorn类:-setName:/ - name,-setManeColor / -maneColor等。(您可以使用某些预期值的属性,但有例如,与maneColor值一样,您可能希望编写自定义setter以将颜色名称字符串转换为NSColor或UIColor对象。)

You'll also want to add two more methods to your custom object: -setValue:forUndefinedKey: and -valueForUndefinedKey:. These are the methods that will be called if your object has no accessor methods matching a key passed into the KVC methods. You can catch unexpected or unsupported values here, and store them or ignore them as necessary.


When you send -setValue:forKey: to the Unicorn object, the framework looks for accessors matching the key pattern. For instance, if the key is "maneColor" and you're setting the value, the framework checks to see if your object implements -setManeColor:. If so, it invokes that method, passing in the value; otherwise, -setValue:forUndefinedKey: is called, and if your object doesn't implement it, an exception is thrown.


When your parser's delegate receives notification that parsing a json unicorn object has begun, instantiate a Unicorn object. As your parser returns the parsed data to you, use -setValue:forKey: to add the data to your object:

当解析器的委托收到解析json unicorn对象的通知时,实例化一个Unicorn对象。当您的解析器将解析后的数据返回给您时,请使用-setValue:forKey:将数据添加到您的对象:

- ( void )parserDidBeginParsingDictionary: (SomeParser *)p
     self.currentUnicorn = [ Unicorn unicorn ];

- ( void )parser: (SomeParser *)p didParseString: (NSString *)string
          forKey: (NSString *)key
    [ self.currentUnicorn setValue: string forKey: key ]

- ( void )parserDidFinishParsingDictionary: (SomeParser *)p
    [ self.unicorns addObject: self.currentUnicorn ];



Use Jastor - Takes already parsed JSON into NSDictionary and fills an instance of real Objective-C class.

使用Jastor -将已经解析的JSON解析为NSDictionary并填充真实Objective-C类的实例。

NSDictionary *parsedJSON = (yajl, JSONKit etc)
Unicorn *unicorn = [[Unicorn alloc] initWithDictionary:parsedJSON];

unicorn.maneColor // "silver"



As any subclass of NSObject conforms to NSKeyValueCoding protocol:


NSDictionary *parsedJSON = //whatever
id <NSKeyValueCoding> entity = [[CustomNSObjectSubclass alloc] init];
[entity setValuesForKeysWithDictionary:parsedJSON];



Apple added the NSJSONSerialization class to iOS 5.0 which, according to the documentation, does the following:

Apple将NSJSONSerialization类添加到iOS 5.0,根据文档,它执行以下操作:

You use the NSJSONSerialization class to convert JSON to Foundation objects and convert Foundation objects to JSON.


An object that may be converted to JSON must have the following properties:


The top level object is an NSArray or NSDictionary. All objects are instances of NSString, NSNumber, NSArray, NSDictionary, or NSNull. All dictionary keys are instances of NSString. Numbers are not NaN or infinity.


Here's a tutorial and wrapper method to get you started.
