I want to compute 10 raised to the power minus m
. In addition to use the math function pow(10, -m)
, is there any fast and efficient way to do that?
我想计算10的-m次方。除了使用数学函数pow(10, -m),还有什么快速有效的方法吗?
What I ask such a simple question to the c++ gurus from SO is that, as you know, just like base 2, 10 is also a special base. If some value n
times the 10's power minus m
, it is equivalent to move n's decimal point to the left m times. I think it must be a fast and efficient way to cope with.
9 个解决方案
For floating point m, so long as your standard library implementation is well written, then pow
will be efficient.
If m is an integer, and you hinted that it is, then you could use an array of pre calculated values.
You should only be worrying about this kind of thing if that routine is a bottleneck in your code. That is if the calls to that routine take a significant proportion of the total running time.
Ten is not a special value on a binary machine, only two is. Use pow
or exponentiation by squaring.
Unfortunately there is no fast and efficient way to calculate it using IEEE 754 floating point representation. The fastest way to get the result is to build a table for every value of m
that you care about, and then just perform a lookup.
不幸的是,没有快速有效的方法来计算它使用IEEE 754浮点表示法。得到结果的最快方法是为您关心的每一个值构建一个表,然后执行查找。
If there's a fast and efficient way to do it then I'm sure your CPU supports it, unless you're running on an embedded system in which case I'd hope that the pow(...) implementation is well written.
10 is special to us as most of us have ten fingers. Computers only have two digits, so 2 is special to them. :)
Use lookup table there cant be more than 1000 floats and especially if m is integer.
If you could operate with log n instead of n for a significant time, you could save time because instead of
如果你可以用log n而不是n来操作很长一段时间,你可以节省时间,因为
n = pow(10*n,-m)
you now have to calculate (using the definition l = log10(n))
现在需要计算(使用定义l = log10(n)))
l = -m*(l+1)
Just some more ideas which may lead you to further solutions...
If you are interested in optimization on algorithm level you might look for a parallelized approach.
You may speed up on system/archtectural level on using Ipp (for Intel Processors), or e.g. AMD Core Math Library (ACML) for AMD
To use the power of your graphics card may be another way (e.g. CUDA for NVIDEA cards)
I think it's also worth to look at OpenCL
IEEE 754 specifies a bunch of floating-point formats. Those that are in widespread use are binary, which means that base 10 isn't in any way special. This is contrary to your assumption that "10 is also a special base".
IEEE 754指定了一组浮点格式。那些被广泛使用的是二进制,这意味着基数为10并没有什么特别之处。这与“10也是一个特殊基数”的假设相反。
Interestingly, IEEE 754-2008 does add decimal floating-point formats (decimal32
and friends). However, I'm yet to come across hardware implementations of those.
有趣的是,IEEE 754-2008确实增加了十进制浮点格式(decimal32和friends)。但是,我还没有遇到这些硬件实现。
In any case, you shouldn't be micro-optimizing your code before you've profiled it and established that this is indeed the bottleneck.
If m is integer, just compute 10^m and calculate the inverse (1 / 10^m). Using exponentiation by squaring time will be proportional to log2(m). Using float, max m will be close to 1000, so you can just precompute using exponentiation by squaring and use a lookup table.
如果m是整数,计算10 ^ m和计算逆(^ 1/10米)。用指数除以平方时间将与log2(m)成正比。使用浮点数,最大m将接近1000,所以您可以通过平方和使用查找表来预计算指数。
For floating point m, so long as your standard library implementation is well written, then pow
will be efficient.
If m is an integer, and you hinted that it is, then you could use an array of pre calculated values.
You should only be worrying about this kind of thing if that routine is a bottleneck in your code. That is if the calls to that routine take a significant proportion of the total running time.
Ten is not a special value on a binary machine, only two is. Use pow
or exponentiation by squaring.
Unfortunately there is no fast and efficient way to calculate it using IEEE 754 floating point representation. The fastest way to get the result is to build a table for every value of m
that you care about, and then just perform a lookup.
不幸的是,没有快速有效的方法来计算它使用IEEE 754浮点表示法。得到结果的最快方法是为您关心的每一个值构建一个表,然后执行查找。
If there's a fast and efficient way to do it then I'm sure your CPU supports it, unless you're running on an embedded system in which case I'd hope that the pow(...) implementation is well written.
10 is special to us as most of us have ten fingers. Computers only have two digits, so 2 is special to them. :)
Use lookup table there cant be more than 1000 floats and especially if m is integer.
If you could operate with log n instead of n for a significant time, you could save time because instead of
如果你可以用log n而不是n来操作很长一段时间,你可以节省时间,因为
n = pow(10*n,-m)
you now have to calculate (using the definition l = log10(n))
现在需要计算(使用定义l = log10(n)))
l = -m*(l+1)
Just some more ideas which may lead you to further solutions...
If you are interested in optimization on algorithm level you might look for a parallelized approach.
You may speed up on system/archtectural level on using Ipp (for Intel Processors), or e.g. AMD Core Math Library (ACML) for AMD
To use the power of your graphics card may be another way (e.g. CUDA for NVIDEA cards)
I think it's also worth to look at OpenCL
IEEE 754 specifies a bunch of floating-point formats. Those that are in widespread use are binary, which means that base 10 isn't in any way special. This is contrary to your assumption that "10 is also a special base".
IEEE 754指定了一组浮点格式。那些被广泛使用的是二进制,这意味着基数为10并没有什么特别之处。这与“10也是一个特殊基数”的假设相反。
Interestingly, IEEE 754-2008 does add decimal floating-point formats (decimal32
and friends). However, I'm yet to come across hardware implementations of those.
有趣的是,IEEE 754-2008确实增加了十进制浮点格式(decimal32和friends)。但是,我还没有遇到这些硬件实现。
In any case, you shouldn't be micro-optimizing your code before you've profiled it and established that this is indeed the bottleneck.
If m is integer, just compute 10^m and calculate the inverse (1 / 10^m). Using exponentiation by squaring time will be proportional to log2(m). Using float, max m will be close to 1000, so you can just precompute using exponentiation by squaring and use a lookup table.
如果m是整数,计算10 ^ m和计算逆(^ 1/10米)。用指数除以平方时间将与log2(m)成正比。使用浮点数,最大m将接近1000,所以您可以通过平方和使用查找表来预计算指数。