
时间:2022-01-20 21:21:53

In the following program


int main(){
char * time;
struct tm timeptr;
t.tm_sec = 10;
t.tm_min = 10;
t.tm_hour = 6;
t.tm_mday = 25;
t.tm_mon = 2;
t.tm_year = 89;
t.tm_wday = 6;
time = asctime(&timeptr);

Where the memory to string returned by asctime() is allocated? I mean is it allocated in heap or caller/called function's stack or where else? if its in heap then do I need to free it? if its in the asctime's stack how it is accessible to me even if the function has returned the control to me? if its in caller function's stack how did it not corrupt any data of the callers stack?All I understood is it has to be allocated in user space.


3 个解决方案



The returned value is calculated from the static area; it's not Heap. hence, subsequent calls to asctime would modify the string pointed by an earlier returned pointer. No need to free the returned pointer.




In the asctime documentation at cppreference says:


Return value pointer to a static null-terminated character string holding the textual representation of date and time. The string may be shared between asctime and ctime, and may be overwritten on each invocation of any of those functions.




asctime returns a pointer to a string.


There are two possible questions that can be asked.


  1. Where the pointer is allocated?
  2. 指针分配的位置?

  3. Where is the pointed-to string is allocated?
  4. 指向字符串的位置在哪里?

The answers are:


  1. Where the compiler writer decides to allocate it (normally in a register, but for larger return types it could be on the stack).
  2. 编译器编写者决定分配它的地方(通常在寄存器中,但对于较大的返回类型,它可能在堆栈中)。

  3. Where the function writer decides to allocate it. It could reasonably be either a static array or a heap-allocated array. In order to know, you need to read the function documentation. For asctime it's a static arrray. For other functions it may be something else.
  4. 函数编写者决定分配它的位置。它可以合理地是静态数组或堆分配数组。要知道,您需要阅读功能文档。对于asctime来说,它是一个静态的arrray。对于其他功能,它可能是其他功能。



The returned value is calculated from the static area; it's not Heap. hence, subsequent calls to asctime would modify the string pointed by an earlier returned pointer. No need to free the returned pointer.




In the asctime documentation at cppreference says:


Return value pointer to a static null-terminated character string holding the textual representation of date and time. The string may be shared between asctime and ctime, and may be overwritten on each invocation of any of those functions.




asctime returns a pointer to a string.


There are two possible questions that can be asked.


  1. Where the pointer is allocated?
  2. 指针分配的位置?

  3. Where is the pointed-to string is allocated?
  4. 指向字符串的位置在哪里?

The answers are:


  1. Where the compiler writer decides to allocate it (normally in a register, but for larger return types it could be on the stack).
  2. 编译器编写者决定分配它的地方(通常在寄存器中,但对于较大的返回类型,它可能在堆栈中)。

  3. Where the function writer decides to allocate it. It could reasonably be either a static array or a heap-allocated array. In order to know, you need to read the function documentation. For asctime it's a static arrray. For other functions it may be something else.
  4. 函数编写者决定分配它的位置。它可以合理地是静态数组或堆分配数组。要知道,您需要阅读功能文档。对于asctime来说,它是一个静态的arrray。对于其他功能,它可能是其他功能。