正则表达式子串如果向后和向前斜杠“\ /”

时间:2022-05-31 21:18:56

What's the correct RegEx syntax for separating on a backward and forward slash?


For Oracle I have tried:




regexp_substr(string, '[^"\\/"]+', 1, 1) first

but it does not work correctly


2 个解决方案


You're using a character class [^"\\/"]; that selects all characters that aren't in the set {", /, \}. That's probably not what you want.

你正在使用一个字符类[^“\\ /”];选择不在集合{“,/,\}中的所有字符。这可能不是你想要的。

Instead, try


This will match up to the \/ or the end of string, whichever comes first. Note that the \/ will be included in the match, because Oracle's regexp_substr doesn't appear to support lookahead assertions yet.

这将匹配字符串的\ /或结尾,以先到者为准。请注意,\ /将包含在匹配中,因为Oracle的regexp_substr似乎还不支持先行断言。


If you want to get all the words you could just replace the \/ with space:

如果你想得到所有单词,你可以用空格替换\ /:

select REPLACE ('word1\/word2\/word3','\/',' ') "changes" FROM dual 

Or if you want only the first word:


select REGEXP_SUBSTR('word1\/word2\/word3', '[^\\^/]+') "changes" FROM dual


You're using a character class [^"\\/"]; that selects all characters that aren't in the set {", /, \}. That's probably not what you want.

你正在使用一个字符类[^“\\ /”];选择不在集合{“,/,\}中的所有字符。这可能不是你想要的。

Instead, try


This will match up to the \/ or the end of string, whichever comes first. Note that the \/ will be included in the match, because Oracle's regexp_substr doesn't appear to support lookahead assertions yet.

这将匹配字符串的\ /或结尾,以先到者为准。请注意,\ /将包含在匹配中,因为Oracle的regexp_substr似乎还不支持先行断言。


If you want to get all the words you could just replace the \/ with space:

如果你想得到所有单词,你可以用空格替换\ /:

select REPLACE ('word1\/word2\/word3','\/',' ') "changes" FROM dual 

Or if you want only the first word:


select REGEXP_SUBSTR('word1\/word2\/word3', '[^\\^/]+') "changes" FROM dual