c++ vector of objects holding pointer

时间:2021-12-05 21:17:53
struct Obj
    Obj(P *p, int i): m_p(p), m_info(info) {}
    std::auto_ptr<P> m_p;
    int m_info;

std::vector<Obj> objects; // error C2558: struct 'Obj' : no copy constructor available...

The problem here resides in auto_ptr, I guess. Everybody knows that it's a bad thing to push auto_ptr into containers, and it's also a bad to push those who holds auto_ptr into containers. It I had no m_info field, I would use boost::ptr_vector<P> objects

我想这里的问题在于auto_ptr。每个人都知道将auto_ptr推入容器是一件坏事,将那些持有auto_ptr的人推入容器也是一件坏事。我没有m_info字段,我会使用boost :: ptr_vector


How would you suggest to sort it out?


2 个解决方案



You can either manage the raw pointer yourself (allocate in constructor, deallocate in destructor and implement copy semantics - conformant with RAII) or change the type of the pointer from std::auto_ptr to std::shared_ptr / boost::shared_ptr / something else.

您可以自己管理原始指针(在构造函数中分配,在析构函数中释放并实现复制语义 - 符合RAII)或将指针类型从std :: auto_ptr更改为std :: shared_ptr / boost :: shared_ptr / something 。



I assume your class Obj is suppose to take ownership of p. Why not, simply use a normal pointer, with RAII (assign m_p in Obj(P *p, int i) and delete it in ~Obj() ) ?

我假设你的班级Obj假设取得p的所有权。为什么不,简单地使用普通指针,使用RAII(在Obj中指定m_p(P * p,int i)并在~Obj()中删除它)?

Or you could easily create a ScopedPointer class, like that one http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_36_0/libs/smart_ptr/scoped_ptr.htm




You can either manage the raw pointer yourself (allocate in constructor, deallocate in destructor and implement copy semantics - conformant with RAII) or change the type of the pointer from std::auto_ptr to std::shared_ptr / boost::shared_ptr / something else.

您可以自己管理原始指针(在构造函数中分配,在析构函数中释放并实现复制语义 - 符合RAII)或将指针类型从std :: auto_ptr更改为std :: shared_ptr / boost :: shared_ptr / something 。



I assume your class Obj is suppose to take ownership of p. Why not, simply use a normal pointer, with RAII (assign m_p in Obj(P *p, int i) and delete it in ~Obj() ) ?

我假设你的班级Obj假设取得p的所有权。为什么不,简单地使用普通指针,使用RAII(在Obj中指定m_p(P * p,int i)并在~Obj()中删除它)?

Or you could easily create a ScopedPointer class, like that one http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_36_0/libs/smart_ptr/scoped_ptr.htm
