
时间:2021-06-15 21:19:46

I am currently working on a project which involves authenticating form fields based on the length of the strings in the fields. For example, the zip field needs to be atleast 5 characters. This is the code I have so far;


$(document).ready(function() {
//Building the Address from the Form
var address = document.getElementById("address");
var city = document.getElementById("city");
var state = document.getElementById("state");
var zip = document.getElementById("zip");

var addressobject = buildAddress(address.value, city.value, state.value, zip.value);

function buildAddress(address, city, state, zip){
    addressobject = {
        address: address,
        city: city,
        state: state,
        zip: zip,
        toString: function(){
            return (this.address + "," + this.city + "," + this.state + "," + this.zip);
//Validation Function
$("#btn").on("click", function(addressobject) {
  if(address.zip < 5){
  } else


There are other parts to this project however right now I just need to get this authentication part working. Again, I can't seem to get the (address.zip < 5) working, instead as of right now any input in the zip field produces an alert box of "bad". The above document.getElementById is referencing the div input id from the html page. Should I be referencing something else instead maybe?

这个项目还有其他部分,但是现在我只需要让这个认证部分正常工作。再一次,我似乎无法使(address.zip <5)工作,而现在,zip字段中的任何输入都会产生一个“坏”的警告框。上面的document.getElementById引用了html页面中的div输入id。我应该引用其他东西而不是吗?

1 个解决方案



Note that any text input is a string and cannot be evaluated as a number. You either need to convert it to a number via parseInt (or parseFloat) and compare it against a five digit number that is the minimum NUMBER that you want to validate or get the length of the inputted string from the text input and compare that against the 5 characters you require using the .length property.




Note that any text input is a string and cannot be evaluated as a number. You either need to convert it to a number via parseInt (or parseFloat) and compare it against a five digit number that is the minimum NUMBER that you want to validate or get the length of the inputted string from the text input and compare that against the 5 characters you require using the .length property.
