使用vb.net Action(Of T)和lambda声明匿名方法的问题

时间:2021-06-15 21:14:58
Imports System.Reflection
Public Class Test
    Private Field As String
End Class

Module Module1
    Sub Main()

        Dim field = GetType(Test).GetField("Field", Reflection.BindingFlags.NonPublic Or Reflection.BindingFlags.Instance)

        Dim test = New Test

        Dim GetValue = New Func(Of Test, String)(Function(t As Test) field.GetValue(test))

        'This line indicates a compile error: 'Expression does not produce a value':
        Dim SetValue = New Action(Of Test, String)(Function(t As Test, value As String) field.SetValue(test, value))
    End Sub
 End Module

Module Module2
    Dim field = GetType(Test).GetField("Field", Reflection.BindingFlags.NonPublic Or Reflection.BindingFlags.Instance) 'Is Shared (Module)
    Sub Main2()
        Dim test = New Test
        Dim GetValue = New Func(Of Test, String)(Function(t As Test) field.GetValue(test))
        Dim SetValue = New Action(Of Test, String)(Function(t As Test, value As String) field.SetValue(test, value))
    End Sub
End Module

Donno what's wrong but Module2 works just great!


2 个解决方案


EDIT Scratch my original answer, I misread the problem.

EDIT Scratch我的原始答案,我误解了这个问题。

The reason this does not compile is an issue of type inference and late binding. In the first example field is a local variable and hence can participate in type inference. The compiler will correctly deduce the type to be FieldInfo. This means the SetValue call is a statically typed call. It is a void returning method and is hence incompatible with a Function lambda expression which requires a return value.

这不编译的原因是类型推断和后期绑定的问题。在第一个示例中,字段是局部变量,因此可以参与类型推断。编译器将正确推断出类型为FieldInfo。这意味着SetValue调用是静态类型调用。它是一个void返回方法,因此与需要返回值的Function lambda表达式不兼容。

The field value in the second example though is declared at a module level. These variables are not subject to type inference and hence the type object will be chosen. Since the type is object, the SetValue call becomes a late bound call. All late bound calls are assumed to point to a function that has a return type of Object. At runtime if the function returns void, Nothing will actually be returned. So in this context it is a non-void returning expression and hence compiles.


One option you have to work around this is to explicitly type field as Object in the first example. This will force it to be a late bound call and it will compile just like the second one


Dim field As Object = ...


Well here is the final answer based on JaredPar's post:


Module Module1
    Sub Main()
        Dim field = GetType(Test).GetField("Field", Reflection.BindingFlags.NonPublic Or Reflection.BindingFlags.Instance)
        Dim test = New Test
        Dim GetValue = New Func(Of Test, String)(Function(t As Test) field.GetValue(test))
        'This line indicates a compile error: 'Expression does not produce a value': 
        Dim SetValue = New Action(Of Test, String)(Function(t As Test, value As String) DirectCast(field, Object).SetValue(test, value))
    End Sub
End Module

Notice the cast to object at


Dim SetValue = New Action(Of Test, String)(Function(t As Test, value As String) DirectCast(field, Object).SetValue(test, value))


EDIT Scratch my original answer, I misread the problem.

EDIT Scratch我的原始答案,我误解了这个问题。

The reason this does not compile is an issue of type inference and late binding. In the first example field is a local variable and hence can participate in type inference. The compiler will correctly deduce the type to be FieldInfo. This means the SetValue call is a statically typed call. It is a void returning method and is hence incompatible with a Function lambda expression which requires a return value.

这不编译的原因是类型推断和后期绑定的问题。在第一个示例中,字段是局部变量,因此可以参与类型推断。编译器将正确推断出类型为FieldInfo。这意味着SetValue调用是静态类型调用。它是一个void返回方法,因此与需要返回值的Function lambda表达式不兼容。

The field value in the second example though is declared at a module level. These variables are not subject to type inference and hence the type object will be chosen. Since the type is object, the SetValue call becomes a late bound call. All late bound calls are assumed to point to a function that has a return type of Object. At runtime if the function returns void, Nothing will actually be returned. So in this context it is a non-void returning expression and hence compiles.


One option you have to work around this is to explicitly type field as Object in the first example. This will force it to be a late bound call and it will compile just like the second one


Dim field As Object = ...


Well here is the final answer based on JaredPar's post:


Module Module1
    Sub Main()
        Dim field = GetType(Test).GetField("Field", Reflection.BindingFlags.NonPublic Or Reflection.BindingFlags.Instance)
        Dim test = New Test
        Dim GetValue = New Func(Of Test, String)(Function(t As Test) field.GetValue(test))
        'This line indicates a compile error: 'Expression does not produce a value': 
        Dim SetValue = New Action(Of Test, String)(Function(t As Test, value As String) DirectCast(field, Object).SetValue(test, value))
    End Sub
End Module

Notice the cast to object at


Dim SetValue = New Action(Of Test, String)(Function(t As Test, value As String) DirectCast(field, Object).SetValue(test, value))