
时间:2022-07-10 21:17:28

Ok, I have this constructor:


Board::Board(int nRows, int nCols){

    int** board=new int*[numRows];
    for(int i=0; i<numRows; i++){
        board[i]=new int[numCols];

        for(int j=0; j<numCols; j++){
            board[i] [j]=-1;

where board is an array of the number of rows where each item in the array points to an array of length of the number of columns, so this board is set up and initialized to values of -1. My question is how I'm supposed to implement my destructor for a case like this, I understand the concept of the creation of each array of pointers, but in destruction I'm still a little lost. Any help is appreciated!


3 个解决方案



First point: don't do it. Just don't. Use an std::vector to store the data, and user operator overloading to allow the client to use 2D dimensions to index into it.

第一点:不要这样做。只是不要。使用std :: vector存储数据,并使用用户操作符重载以允许客户端使用2D维度为其编制索引。

That said, you'll probably insist on doing it anyway, so you might as well do it as well at least know the basic idea: take your original news, and invert them so to speak. So, you started with:


int** board=new int*[numRows];
for(int i=0; i<numRows; i++){
    board[i]=new int[numCols];

Inverting that, you start by deleting the individual items:


for (int i=0; i<numRows; i++)
    delete [] board[i];

Then you delete the outer pointer:


delete [] board;

I'll repeat though: it's much cleaner to just use a std::vector for the storage.

我会重复一遍:只需使用std :: vector进行存储就可以了。



For everything you allocated with new[], call a delete[], and for everything you allocate with new, call delete.

对于使用new []分配的所有内容,请调用delete [],对于使用new分配的所有内容,请调用delete。

You're doing one top-level new[] allocation (so one delete[] for that) and another numRows new[] allocation, each requiring their own delete[].

你正在做一个*的new []分配(所以一个删除[])和另一个numRows new []分配,每个都需要自己的delete []。

The order should be reversed for deallocation.


The actual code is left as an exercise.




You are better of using std::vector<std::vector<int> >;

你最好使用std :: vector >;

But here's what you need


for(int i=0; i<numRows; i++){
        delete[] board[i];    //Delete each row allotted inside the for loop
 delete[] board;         //Delete the row/array of pointers



First point: don't do it. Just don't. Use an std::vector to store the data, and user operator overloading to allow the client to use 2D dimensions to index into it.

第一点:不要这样做。只是不要。使用std :: vector存储数据,并使用用户操作符重载以允许客户端使用2D维度为其编制索引。

That said, you'll probably insist on doing it anyway, so you might as well do it as well at least know the basic idea: take your original news, and invert them so to speak. So, you started with:


int** board=new int*[numRows];
for(int i=0; i<numRows; i++){
    board[i]=new int[numCols];

Inverting that, you start by deleting the individual items:


for (int i=0; i<numRows; i++)
    delete [] board[i];

Then you delete the outer pointer:


delete [] board;

I'll repeat though: it's much cleaner to just use a std::vector for the storage.

我会重复一遍:只需使用std :: vector进行存储就可以了。



For everything you allocated with new[], call a delete[], and for everything you allocate with new, call delete.

对于使用new []分配的所有内容,请调用delete [],对于使用new分配的所有内容,请调用delete。

You're doing one top-level new[] allocation (so one delete[] for that) and another numRows new[] allocation, each requiring their own delete[].

你正在做一个*的new []分配(所以一个删除[])和另一个numRows new []分配,每个都需要自己的delete []。

The order should be reversed for deallocation.


The actual code is left as an exercise.




You are better of using std::vector<std::vector<int> >;

你最好使用std :: vector >;

But here's what you need


for(int i=0; i<numRows; i++){
        delete[] board[i];    //Delete each row allotted inside the for loop
 delete[] board;         //Delete the row/array of pointers