
时间:2023-01-05 21:17:44

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I am programming with normal pointers, but I have heard about libraries like Boost that implement smart pointers. I have also seen that in Ogre3D rendering engine there is a deep use of shared pointers.


What exactly is the difference between the three, and should I stick on using just a type of them?


5 个解决方案



Sydius outlined the types fairly well:


  • Normal pointers are just that - they point to some thing in memory somewhere. Who owns it? Only the comments will let you know. Who frees it? Hopefully the owner at some point.
  • 普通指针只是指向内存中的某个地方。谁拥有它?只有评论才会让你知道。谁使它?希望老板在某个时候。
  • Smart pointers are a blanket term that cover many types; I'll assume you meant scoped pointer which uses the RAII pattern. It is a stack-allocated object that wraps a pointer; when it goes out of scope, it calls delete on the pointer it wraps. It "owns" the contained pointer in that it is in charge of deleteing it at some point. They allow you to get a raw reference to the pointer they wrap for passing to other methods, as well as releasing the pointer, allowing someone else to own it. Copying them does not make sense.
  • 智能指针是一个涵盖多种类型的通用术语;我假设您指的是使用RAII模式的作用域指针。它是包装指针的堆栈分配对象;当它超出范围时,它调用它所包装的指针上的delete。它“拥有”包含的指针,因为它负责在某个点删除它。它们允许您获得对传递给其他方法的指针的原始引用,以及释放指针,允许其他人拥有它。复制它们是没有意义的。
  • Shared pointers is a stack-allocated object that wraps a pointer so that you don't have to know who owns it. When the last shared pointer for an object in memory is destructed, the wrapped pointer will also be deleted.
  • 共享指针是一个堆栈分配的对象,它封装一个指针,这样您就不必知道谁拥有它。当内存中对象的最后一个共享指针被销毁时,包装的指针也将被删除。

How about when you should use them? You will either make heavy use of scoped pointers or shared pointers. How many threads are running in your application? If the answer is "potentially a lot", shared pointers can turn out to be a performance bottleneck if used everywhere. The reason being that creating/copying/destructing a shared pointer needs to be an atomic operation, and this can hinder performance if you have many threads running. However, it won't always be the case - only testing will tell you for sure.


There is an argument (that I like) against shared pointers - by using them, you are allowing programmers to ignore who owns a pointer. This can lead to tricky situations with circular references (Java will detect these, but shared pointers cannot) or general programmer laziness in a large code base.


There are two reasons to use scoped pointers. The first is for simple exception safety and cleanup operations - if you want to guarantee that an object is cleaned up no matter what in the face of exceptions, and you don't want to stack allocate that object, put it in a scoped pointer. If the operation is a success, you can feel free to transfer it over to a shared pointer, but in the meantime save the overhead with a scoped pointer.


The other case is when you want clear object ownership. Some teams prefer this, some do not. For instance, a data structure may return pointers to internal objects. Under a scoped pointer, it would return a raw pointer or reference that should be treated as a weak reference - it is an error to access that pointer after the data structure that owns it is destructed, and it is an error to delete it. Under a shared pointer, the owning object can't destruct the internal data it returned if someone still holds a handle on it - this could leave resources open for much longer than necessary, or much worse depending on the code.




the term "smart pointer" includes shared pointers, auto pointers, locking pointers and others. you meant to say auto pointer (more ambiguously known as "owning pointer"), not smart pointer.


Dumb pointers (T*) are never the best solution. They make you do explicit memory management, which is verbose, error prone, and sometimes nigh impossible. But more importantly, they don't signal your intent.


Auto pointers delete the pointee at destruction. For arrays, prefer encapsulations like vector and deque. For other objects, there's very rarely a need to store them on the heap - just use locals and object composition. Still the need for auto pointers arises with functions that return heap pointers -- such as factories and polymorphic returns.


Shared pointers delete the pointee when the last shared pointer to it is destroyed. This is useful when you want a no-brainer, open-ended storage scheme where expected lifetime and ownership can vary widely depending on the situation. Due to the need to keep an (atomic) counter, they're a bit slower than auto pointers. Some say half in jest that shared pointers are for people who can't design systems -- judge for yourself.


For an essential counterpart to shared pointers, look up weak pointers too.




Smart pointers will clean themselves up after they go out of scope (thereby removing fear of most memory leaks). Shared pointers are smart pointers that keep a count of how many instances of the pointer exist, and only clean up the memory when the count reaches zero. In general, only use shared pointers (but be sure to use the correct kind--there is a different one for arrays). They have a lot to do with RAII.




To avoid memory leaks you may use smart pointers whenever you can. There are basically 2 different types of smart pointers in C++


  • Reference counted (e.g. boost::shared_ptr / std::tr1:shared_ptr)
  • 引用计数(例如boost: shared_ptr / std::tr1:shared_ptr)
  • non reference counted (e.g. boost::scoped_ptr / std::auto_ptr)
  • 非引用计数(例如boost: scoped_ptr / std::auto_ptr)

The main difference is that reference counted smart pointers can be copied (and used in std:: containers) while scoped_ptr cannot. Non reference counted pointers have almost no overhead or no overhead at all. Reference counting always introduces some kind of overhead.

主要的区别是,可以复制引用计数的智能指针(并在std:: container中使用),而scoped_ptr不能。非引用计数指针几乎没有开销或根本没有开销。引用计数总是会引入一些开销。

(I suggest to avoid auto_ptr, it has some serious flaws if used incorrectly)




To add a small bit to Sydius' answer, smart pointers will often provide a more stable solution by catching many easy to make errors. Raw pointers will have some perfromance advantages and can be more flexible in certain circumstances. You may also be forced to use raw pointers when linking into certain 3rd party libraries.




Sydius outlined the types fairly well:


  • Normal pointers are just that - they point to some thing in memory somewhere. Who owns it? Only the comments will let you know. Who frees it? Hopefully the owner at some point.
  • 普通指针只是指向内存中的某个地方。谁拥有它?只有评论才会让你知道。谁使它?希望老板在某个时候。
  • Smart pointers are a blanket term that cover many types; I'll assume you meant scoped pointer which uses the RAII pattern. It is a stack-allocated object that wraps a pointer; when it goes out of scope, it calls delete on the pointer it wraps. It "owns" the contained pointer in that it is in charge of deleteing it at some point. They allow you to get a raw reference to the pointer they wrap for passing to other methods, as well as releasing the pointer, allowing someone else to own it. Copying them does not make sense.
  • 智能指针是一个涵盖多种类型的通用术语;我假设您指的是使用RAII模式的作用域指针。它是包装指针的堆栈分配对象;当它超出范围时,它调用它所包装的指针上的delete。它“拥有”包含的指针,因为它负责在某个点删除它。它们允许您获得对传递给其他方法的指针的原始引用,以及释放指针,允许其他人拥有它。复制它们是没有意义的。
  • Shared pointers is a stack-allocated object that wraps a pointer so that you don't have to know who owns it. When the last shared pointer for an object in memory is destructed, the wrapped pointer will also be deleted.
  • 共享指针是一个堆栈分配的对象,它封装一个指针,这样您就不必知道谁拥有它。当内存中对象的最后一个共享指针被销毁时,包装的指针也将被删除。

How about when you should use them? You will either make heavy use of scoped pointers or shared pointers. How many threads are running in your application? If the answer is "potentially a lot", shared pointers can turn out to be a performance bottleneck if used everywhere. The reason being that creating/copying/destructing a shared pointer needs to be an atomic operation, and this can hinder performance if you have many threads running. However, it won't always be the case - only testing will tell you for sure.


There is an argument (that I like) against shared pointers - by using them, you are allowing programmers to ignore who owns a pointer. This can lead to tricky situations with circular references (Java will detect these, but shared pointers cannot) or general programmer laziness in a large code base.


There are two reasons to use scoped pointers. The first is for simple exception safety and cleanup operations - if you want to guarantee that an object is cleaned up no matter what in the face of exceptions, and you don't want to stack allocate that object, put it in a scoped pointer. If the operation is a success, you can feel free to transfer it over to a shared pointer, but in the meantime save the overhead with a scoped pointer.


The other case is when you want clear object ownership. Some teams prefer this, some do not. For instance, a data structure may return pointers to internal objects. Under a scoped pointer, it would return a raw pointer or reference that should be treated as a weak reference - it is an error to access that pointer after the data structure that owns it is destructed, and it is an error to delete it. Under a shared pointer, the owning object can't destruct the internal data it returned if someone still holds a handle on it - this could leave resources open for much longer than necessary, or much worse depending on the code.




the term "smart pointer" includes shared pointers, auto pointers, locking pointers and others. you meant to say auto pointer (more ambiguously known as "owning pointer"), not smart pointer.


Dumb pointers (T*) are never the best solution. They make you do explicit memory management, which is verbose, error prone, and sometimes nigh impossible. But more importantly, they don't signal your intent.


Auto pointers delete the pointee at destruction. For arrays, prefer encapsulations like vector and deque. For other objects, there's very rarely a need to store them on the heap - just use locals and object composition. Still the need for auto pointers arises with functions that return heap pointers -- such as factories and polymorphic returns.


Shared pointers delete the pointee when the last shared pointer to it is destroyed. This is useful when you want a no-brainer, open-ended storage scheme where expected lifetime and ownership can vary widely depending on the situation. Due to the need to keep an (atomic) counter, they're a bit slower than auto pointers. Some say half in jest that shared pointers are for people who can't design systems -- judge for yourself.


For an essential counterpart to shared pointers, look up weak pointers too.




Smart pointers will clean themselves up after they go out of scope (thereby removing fear of most memory leaks). Shared pointers are smart pointers that keep a count of how many instances of the pointer exist, and only clean up the memory when the count reaches zero. In general, only use shared pointers (but be sure to use the correct kind--there is a different one for arrays). They have a lot to do with RAII.




To avoid memory leaks you may use smart pointers whenever you can. There are basically 2 different types of smart pointers in C++


  • Reference counted (e.g. boost::shared_ptr / std::tr1:shared_ptr)
  • 引用计数(例如boost: shared_ptr / std::tr1:shared_ptr)
  • non reference counted (e.g. boost::scoped_ptr / std::auto_ptr)
  • 非引用计数(例如boost: scoped_ptr / std::auto_ptr)

The main difference is that reference counted smart pointers can be copied (and used in std:: containers) while scoped_ptr cannot. Non reference counted pointers have almost no overhead or no overhead at all. Reference counting always introduces some kind of overhead.

主要的区别是,可以复制引用计数的智能指针(并在std:: container中使用),而scoped_ptr不能。非引用计数指针几乎没有开销或根本没有开销。引用计数总是会引入一些开销。

(I suggest to avoid auto_ptr, it has some serious flaws if used incorrectly)




To add a small bit to Sydius' answer, smart pointers will often provide a more stable solution by catching many easy to make errors. Raw pointers will have some perfromance advantages and can be more flexible in certain circumstances. You may also be forced to use raw pointers when linking into certain 3rd party libraries.
