
时间:2021-02-22 21:18:12

I am dynamically creating a table using php and mysql into a containing div and then I print it using jsPDF. Its all good until the table exceeds a single page. Then all I get is the first page. I have spent weeks, hours of reading, trying and testing and just can't get it to print more than the first page.


Here's what I have:


<!-- jsPDF Scripts -->
<script src="//mrrio.github.io/jsPDF/dist/jspdf.debug.js"></script>
<script src="//html2canvas.hertzen.com/build/html2canvas.js"></script>

$(document).ready(function() {

        $("#pdfDiv").click(function() {

            var pdf = new jsPDF('p','pt','letter');

            pdf.addHTML($('#rentalListCan').first(), function() {

I have tried printing the page directly but the formatting doesn't hold.


I have tried css using @page with page-break-inside: auto but it doesn't create the page breaks. Thanks for your help.

我已经尝试使用@page with page-break-inside:auto但它不会创建分页符。谢谢你的帮助。

1 个解决方案



To solve your problem, there are two approaches that I am aware of -

为了解决您的问题,我知道有两种方法 -

  1. Providing options to the page to split


    options = { pagesplit: true };

    options = {pagesplit:true};

    And then -

    接着 -

    pdf.addHTML($('#someDiv'), marginX,  marginY, options, function() {

Note that this can split your table badly (try it and u'll see)- one thing you can do is add blank space between the rows which get split just before printing the page as pdf. This happens because fromHTML() converts the table into canvas and then splits the canvas as per page size of the pdf.

请注意,这可能会严重分割您的表(尝试它并且您将看到) - 您可以做的一件事是在行之间添加空格,在打印页面之前将其拆分为pdf。发生这种情况是因为fromHTML()将表转换为画布,然后根据pdf的页面大小拆分画布。

  1. Using a plugin like this - https://github.com/Prashanth-Nelli/jsPdfTablePlugin
  2. 使用这样的插件 - https://github.com/Prashanth-Nelli/jsPdfTablePlugin

But customizing the table in style is not supported here yet. But you can customize the font and colors. If you table is simple enough, it is a great and easy to use plugin.


Hope this helps!




To solve your problem, there are two approaches that I am aware of -

为了解决您的问题,我知道有两种方法 -

  1. Providing options to the page to split


    options = { pagesplit: true };

    options = {pagesplit:true};

    And then -

    接着 -

    pdf.addHTML($('#someDiv'), marginX,  marginY, options, function() {

Note that this can split your table badly (try it and u'll see)- one thing you can do is add blank space between the rows which get split just before printing the page as pdf. This happens because fromHTML() converts the table into canvas and then splits the canvas as per page size of the pdf.

请注意,这可能会严重分割您的表(尝试它并且您将看到) - 您可以做的一件事是在行之间添加空格,在打印页面之前将其拆分为pdf。发生这种情况是因为fromHTML()将表转换为画布,然后根据pdf的页面大小拆分画布。

  1. Using a plugin like this - https://github.com/Prashanth-Nelli/jsPdfTablePlugin
  2. 使用这样的插件 - https://github.com/Prashanth-Nelli/jsPdfTablePlugin

But customizing the table in style is not supported here yet. But you can customize the font and colors. If you table is simple enough, it is a great and easy to use plugin.


Hope this helps!
