
时间:2021-04-10 21:15:45

I have an array of Realm objects and before i save them in Realm DB i have my own array of objects in for loop:

我有一个Realm对象数组,在我将它们保存在Realm DB之前,我在for循环中有自己的对象数组:

var objs = [self.friendsObject] //0 values at first
for i in (0..<json.count) { //counts 2

  let _id = json[i]["_id"] as? String
  let userName = json[i]["userName"] as? String
  let profile_pic = json[i]["profile_pic"] as? String
  let phone = json[i]["phone"] as? String

  self.friendsObject.id = _id!
  self.friendsObject.username = userName!
  self.friendsObject.profilepic = profile_pic!
  self.friendsObject.phone = phone!

  objs.append(self.friendsObject) //2nd element overwrites 1st one
self.friendsObject.save(objects: objs)

So i can see the first object with correct items inside objs before i insert second array, but in second index there are 2 array of objects with same values. i appreciate any help.


Note: It is not duplicate, i have already checked some similar questions but it doesn't apply to my issue.


1 个解决方案



As Vadian commented, the problem is that the code is not creating new instances of friendsObject but appending the same instance with different values.



Below an example of how to copy JSON to a class based on the information provided in the question:


    // Simulating a JSON structure filled with some data.
    var jsonData = [Int: [String: String]]()

    for index in 0..<10 {
        var values = [String: String]()
        values["id"] = "id\(index)"
        values["username"] = "username\(index)"
        values["profilepic"] = "profilepic\(index)"
        values["phone"] = "phone\(index)"
        jsonData[index] = values

    // Friend sample class where JSON data will be copied to.
    class Friend {

        var id: String
        var username: String
        var profilepic: String
        var phone: String

        init(_ id: String, _ username: String, _ profilepic: String, _ phone: String) {
            self.id = id
            self.username = username
            self.profilepic = profilepic
            self.phone = phone

    // The array where to copy the values from the JSON data.
    var friends = [Friend]()

    // Looping through the JSON data with a sorted key.
    for jsonSortedKey in jsonData.keys.sorted(by: <) {

        // Obtaining a JSON element containing friend data.
        let jsonFriend = jsonData[jsonSortedKey]!

        // Creating a new friend's instance from the JSON friend's data.
        let friend = Friend((jsonFriend["id"]!), jsonFriend["username"]!, (jsonFriend["profilepic"]!),  (jsonFriend["phone"]!))


The result is this:





As Vadian commented, the problem is that the code is not creating new instances of friendsObject but appending the same instance with different values.



Below an example of how to copy JSON to a class based on the information provided in the question:


    // Simulating a JSON structure filled with some data.
    var jsonData = [Int: [String: String]]()

    for index in 0..<10 {
        var values = [String: String]()
        values["id"] = "id\(index)"
        values["username"] = "username\(index)"
        values["profilepic"] = "profilepic\(index)"
        values["phone"] = "phone\(index)"
        jsonData[index] = values

    // Friend sample class where JSON data will be copied to.
    class Friend {

        var id: String
        var username: String
        var profilepic: String
        var phone: String

        init(_ id: String, _ username: String, _ profilepic: String, _ phone: String) {
            self.id = id
            self.username = username
            self.profilepic = profilepic
            self.phone = phone

    // The array where to copy the values from the JSON data.
    var friends = [Friend]()

    // Looping through the JSON data with a sorted key.
    for jsonSortedKey in jsonData.keys.sorted(by: <) {

        // Obtaining a JSON element containing friend data.
        let jsonFriend = jsonData[jsonSortedKey]!

        // Creating a new friend's instance from the JSON friend's data.
        let friend = Friend((jsonFriend["id"]!), jsonFriend["username"]!, (jsonFriend["profilepic"]!),  (jsonFriend["phone"]!))


The result is this:

