为什么Swift nil-coalescing返回一个Optional?

时间:2021-10-12 21:18:11

First, I try mapping a [String?], to get a [String]:


$ xcrun swift
Welcome to Apple Swift version 2.2 (swiftlang-703.0.18.8 clang-703.0.30). Type :help for assistance.
  1> import Foundation
  2> let j: [String?] = ["a", nil]
j: [String?] = 2 values {
  [0] = "a"
  [1] = nil
  3> j.map {$0 ?? ""}
$R0: [String] = 2 values {
  [0] = "a"
  [1] = ""

This makes perfect sense to me. I nil-coalesce a String?, and I get a String. But with [AnyObject?], something strange occurs:


  4> let k: [AnyObject?] = ["a", nil]
k: [AnyObject?] = 2 values {
  [0] = "a"
  [1] = nil
  5> k.map {$0 ?? ""}
$R1: [AnyObject?] = 2 values {
  [0] = "a"
  [1] = (instance_type = 0x00007fff7bc2c140 @"")

I'm nil-coalescing optionals, but this time I get out an optional. Why?


The Swift Programming Language says a ?? b is shorthand for a != nil ? a! : b, but when I try that, I get out an array of non-optionals:

Swift编程语言说? b是!= nil的简写?一个! :b,但是当我尝试这个时,我会得出一系列非选项:

  6> k.map {$0 != nil ? $0! : ""}
$R2: [AnyObject] = 2 values {
  [0] = "a"
  [1] = ""

Am I misunderstanding how ?? is supposed to work? What is going on here?


2 个解决方案



The detailed behaviour is not well-documented, so, would change in the future Swifts.


But you should know coalescing operator has two overloads:


public func ??<T>(optional: T?, @autoclosure defaultValue: () throws -> T) rethrows -> T

public func ??<T>(optional: T?, @autoclosure defaultValue: () throws -> T?) rethrows -> T?

In your case, Swift has chosen the latter for your code.


You can test with a simplified codes like:


let x: AnyObject? = "a"
x ?? ""

The inferred type (in Swift 2.2.1) becomes AnyObject?. But this code is also valid.

推断类型(在Swift 2.2.1中)变成AnyObject?。但是这段代码也是有效的。

let y: AnyObject = x ?? ""

String literals like "" can be treated as variety of types. All of these are valid in Swift.


"" as String
"" as String?
"" as NSString
"" as NSString?
"" as AnyObject
"" as AnyObject?

So, with some unspecified reason Swift has chosen AnyObject?. And, in case type inference can be ambiguous, you should use explicit type annotation, as suggested in appzYourLife's comment.




It has come to my attention that Apple considered this a bug in Swift 2.

我注意到Apple认为这是Swift 2中的一个错误。

In Swift 3, the 1st example above still works, while the 2nd and 3rd examples are invalid syntax (with or without Foundation bridging).

在Swift 3中,上面的第一个示例仍然有效,而第二个和第三个示例是无效的语法(有或没有Foundation桥接)。

Replacing the AnyObject declaration with Any works: a ?? b then behaves identically to a != nil ? a! : b, as the documentation says.

用Any替换AnyObject声明:a ?? b然后表现与!= nil相同?一个! :b,正如文件所说。



The detailed behaviour is not well-documented, so, would change in the future Swifts.


But you should know coalescing operator has two overloads:


public func ??<T>(optional: T?, @autoclosure defaultValue: () throws -> T) rethrows -> T

public func ??<T>(optional: T?, @autoclosure defaultValue: () throws -> T?) rethrows -> T?

In your case, Swift has chosen the latter for your code.


You can test with a simplified codes like:


let x: AnyObject? = "a"
x ?? ""

The inferred type (in Swift 2.2.1) becomes AnyObject?. But this code is also valid.

推断类型(在Swift 2.2.1中)变成AnyObject?。但是这段代码也是有效的。

let y: AnyObject = x ?? ""

String literals like "" can be treated as variety of types. All of these are valid in Swift.


"" as String
"" as String?
"" as NSString
"" as NSString?
"" as AnyObject
"" as AnyObject?

So, with some unspecified reason Swift has chosen AnyObject?. And, in case type inference can be ambiguous, you should use explicit type annotation, as suggested in appzYourLife's comment.




It has come to my attention that Apple considered this a bug in Swift 2.

我注意到Apple认为这是Swift 2中的一个错误。

In Swift 3, the 1st example above still works, while the 2nd and 3rd examples are invalid syntax (with or without Foundation bridging).

在Swift 3中,上面的第一个示例仍然有效,而第二个和第三个示例是无效的语法(有或没有Foundation桥接)。

Replacing the AnyObject declaration with Any works: a ?? b then behaves identically to a != nil ? a! : b, as the documentation says.

用Any替换AnyObject声明:a ?? b然后表现与!= nil相同?一个! :b,正如文件所说。