
时间:2023-01-14 21:17:13

actually i 'm calling multiple ajax calls but i want some ajax calls completes first and exectute the atsk defined in its stop function.but some ajax call should be made once function defined in stop method executes and those ajax call should not cal.stop method once again



          alert("ajax rqst completed");


 type: "POST",

           url: "WebServices/abc.asmx/dosomething",
        data: "{  }",
                    contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
                    dataType: "json",
                    success: function(serviceReply) {
                          var serviceReplyArray = serviceReply.d.split("#");

                    error: function(xhr, errDesc, exception) {

another ajax call here but should not call .ajaxstop this time


i'm putting my question in this way:


suppose there are two ajax call to webservice. when one ajax call completes the function dependent on taht ajax call should get executed before waiting for second jax call execution.for eaxample: one ajax call create chart and other ajax call log user activities.if a functon to display chaet is dependent on create chart so that function get executed before calling aax call for log activities.no waiting for ajajx call for user activities


2 个解决方案



I think you want to set:


 async: false

By default, all requests are sent asynchronously . If you need synchronous requests, set this option to false. Note that synchronous requests may temporarily lock the browser, disabling any actions while the request is active.
See also this old question.
How can I get jQuery to perform a synchronous, rather than asynchronous, Ajax request?




As of jQuery 1.8, the use of async: false with jqXHR ($.Deferred) is deprecated; you must use the complete/success/error callbacks.

从jQuery 1.8开始,不推荐使用async:false和jqXHR($ .Deferred);您必须使用完整/成功/错误回调。

http://api.jquery.com/jQuery.ajax/ (async section)

http://api.jquery.com/jQuery.ajax/(async section)

I found this a bit annoying... developers should be given the choice to make a blocking call with async: false if its something the platform allows - why restrict it? I'd just set a timeout to minimize the impact of a hang.

我发现这有点烦人......开发人员应该选择使用async进行阻塞调用:如果平台允许的话,可以使用false - 为什么要限制它?我只是设置一个超时来最小化挂起的影响。

Nonetheless, I'm using a queue now in 1.8, which is non-blocking, and works quite nicely. Sebastien Roch created a easy to use utility that allows you to queue up functions and run/pause them. https://github.com/sebastien-roch/Jquery-Async-queue

尽管如此,我现在在1.8中使用队列,这是一个非阻塞的,并且工作得非常好。 Sebastien Roch创建了一个易于使用的实用程序,允许您排队功能并运行/暂停它们。 https://github.com/sebastien-roch/Jquery-Async-queue

    queue = new $.AsyncQueue();
    queue.add(function (queue) { ajaxCall1(queue); });
    queue.add(function (queue) { ajaxCall2(queue); });
    queue.add(function() { ajaxCall3() });

In the first 2 functions I pass the queue object into the calls, here's what the calls would look like:


function ajaxCall1(queue) {
       // your parameters ....
       complete: function() {
         // your completing steps

// similar for ajaxCall2

Notice the queue.pause(); at the beginning of each function, and queue.run() to continue queue execution at the end of your complete statement.




I think you want to set:


 async: false

By default, all requests are sent asynchronously . If you need synchronous requests, set this option to false. Note that synchronous requests may temporarily lock the browser, disabling any actions while the request is active.
See also this old question.
How can I get jQuery to perform a synchronous, rather than asynchronous, Ajax request?




As of jQuery 1.8, the use of async: false with jqXHR ($.Deferred) is deprecated; you must use the complete/success/error callbacks.

从jQuery 1.8开始,不推荐使用async:false和jqXHR($ .Deferred);您必须使用完整/成功/错误回调。

http://api.jquery.com/jQuery.ajax/ (async section)

http://api.jquery.com/jQuery.ajax/(async section)

I found this a bit annoying... developers should be given the choice to make a blocking call with async: false if its something the platform allows - why restrict it? I'd just set a timeout to minimize the impact of a hang.

我发现这有点烦人......开发人员应该选择使用async进行阻塞调用:如果平台允许的话,可以使用false - 为什么要限制它?我只是设置一个超时来最小化挂起的影响。

Nonetheless, I'm using a queue now in 1.8, which is non-blocking, and works quite nicely. Sebastien Roch created a easy to use utility that allows you to queue up functions and run/pause them. https://github.com/sebastien-roch/Jquery-Async-queue

尽管如此,我现在在1.8中使用队列,这是一个非阻塞的,并且工作得非常好。 Sebastien Roch创建了一个易于使用的实用程序,允许您排队功能并运行/暂停它们。 https://github.com/sebastien-roch/Jquery-Async-queue

    queue = new $.AsyncQueue();
    queue.add(function (queue) { ajaxCall1(queue); });
    queue.add(function (queue) { ajaxCall2(queue); });
    queue.add(function() { ajaxCall3() });

In the first 2 functions I pass the queue object into the calls, here's what the calls would look like:


function ajaxCall1(queue) {
       // your parameters ....
       complete: function() {
         // your completing steps

// similar for ajaxCall2

Notice the queue.pause(); at the beginning of each function, and queue.run() to continue queue execution at the end of your complete statement.
