
时间:2022-07-04 21:17:36

Using a Single Page Architecture, every time the uses goes to a particular page, the controller for that page is run. I need to maintain alot of state across the various SPA pages.


Question: what is the proper way to maintain state across controllers (SPA pages) without polluting the $rootScope?

问题:在不污染$ rootScope的情况下,跨控制器(SPA页面)维护状态的正确方法是什么?

For some reason, it does not seem "proper" to use a service for managing state.


Thanks, -Andres


2 个解决方案



The answer is to use Services. Services are singleton objects that can be injected into multiple controllers, that can be used to store state.


Within your state, you can use some kind of caching mechanism like localStorage, or sessionStorage to maintain persistent storage


 $routeProvider.when('/', {
   controller: 'MainCtrl'
 }).when('/another', {
   controller: 'SideCtrl'

app.controller('MainCtrl', function($scope, State){
  $scope.formData = State.formData;   

  $scope./* other scope stuff that deal with with your current page*/

app.controller('SideCtrl', function($scope, State){
  $scope.formData = State.formData; // same state from MainCtrl


app.directive('myDirective', function(State){
  return {
    controller: function(){
      State.formData; // same state!

Code courtesy




It's not a good practice to store your state directly inside of $rootScope.

将状态直接存储在$ rootScope中并不是一个好习惯。

Why ?


Because during the digest cycle of angular (dirty checking), rootScope will check that every scope watchers of the application are "stable", this means many, many, many loop inside the DOM to check for modifications and this is really heavy...


However, you can make something better, and you have multiple solutions :


Solution 1 - Your component/directive tree fits your state tree

解决方案1 ​​ - 您的组件/指令树适合您的状态树

Use higher order directives / components that hold the state and pass the data through child components/directives. This way everything is managed in the parent and you don't have to store anything anywhere else, giving you with stateless components. Pretty simple solution when your component tree match your state tree.


Solution 2 - Your component/directive tree doesnt fit your state tree

解决方案2 - 您的组件/指令树不适合您的状态树

You can use angular services to store some kind of information directly inside of them and reuse the state everywhere you need. I don't really like this solution since every services (factory / providers / services) in angularjs are singleton, and it's an anti pattern...


Solution 3 - Redux

解决方案3 - Redux

Redux has been presented (and almost used) by the Reactjs community, but it's not only for React.


You can use it with Angularjs, Angular 2 etc... If your component tree doesn't fit your state tree, I suggest you to take an eye on this library that works pretty well in any frontend javascript project / fw.

您可以将它与Angularjs,Angular 2等一起使用......如果您的组件树不适合您的状态树,我建议您关注这个在任何前端javascript项目/ fw中运行良好的库。



The answer is to use Services. Services are singleton objects that can be injected into multiple controllers, that can be used to store state.


Within your state, you can use some kind of caching mechanism like localStorage, or sessionStorage to maintain persistent storage


 $routeProvider.when('/', {
   controller: 'MainCtrl'
 }).when('/another', {
   controller: 'SideCtrl'

app.controller('MainCtrl', function($scope, State){
  $scope.formData = State.formData;   

  $scope./* other scope stuff that deal with with your current page*/

app.controller('SideCtrl', function($scope, State){
  $scope.formData = State.formData; // same state from MainCtrl


app.directive('myDirective', function(State){
  return {
    controller: function(){
      State.formData; // same state!

Code courtesy




It's not a good practice to store your state directly inside of $rootScope.

将状态直接存储在$ rootScope中并不是一个好习惯。

Why ?


Because during the digest cycle of angular (dirty checking), rootScope will check that every scope watchers of the application are "stable", this means many, many, many loop inside the DOM to check for modifications and this is really heavy...


However, you can make something better, and you have multiple solutions :


Solution 1 - Your component/directive tree fits your state tree

解决方案1 ​​ - 您的组件/指令树适合您的状态树

Use higher order directives / components that hold the state and pass the data through child components/directives. This way everything is managed in the parent and you don't have to store anything anywhere else, giving you with stateless components. Pretty simple solution when your component tree match your state tree.


Solution 2 - Your component/directive tree doesnt fit your state tree

解决方案2 - 您的组件/指令树不适合您的状态树

You can use angular services to store some kind of information directly inside of them and reuse the state everywhere you need. I don't really like this solution since every services (factory / providers / services) in angularjs are singleton, and it's an anti pattern...


Solution 3 - Redux

解决方案3 - Redux

Redux has been presented (and almost used) by the Reactjs community, but it's not only for React.


You can use it with Angularjs, Angular 2 etc... If your component tree doesn't fit your state tree, I suggest you to take an eye on this library that works pretty well in any frontend javascript project / fw.

您可以将它与Angularjs,Angular 2等一起使用......如果您的组件树不适合您的状态树,我建议您关注这个在任何前端javascript项目/ fw中运行良好的库。