
时间:2021-08-17 21:16:20

Based on the Stanford iOS course I am playing with modal view controllers. In the demo they have a button that would launch a modal view and when it is clicked the function prepareForSegue is called. I mimicked the code and implementation into my project with the only difference is that my demo is on an iPhone storyboard and theirs is on the iPad.


I noticed that while my modal view controller is coming up, it does not call prepareForSegue prior to that. I searched the Stanford project to see where they may register any segue behavior before prepareForSegue is called but there is no evidence. Can anyone shed some light on this. I searched stack overflow and all I found were that users were missing the call implementation of performSegueWithIdentifier. However, in the Stanford demo they never do that.

我注意到,当我的模态视图控制器出现时,它不会调用prepareForSegue。我搜索了Stanford项目,看看在调用prepareForSegue之前,他们可以在哪里注册任何segue行为,但没有证据。有人能解释一下吗?我搜索了stack overflow,发现用户丢失了performSegueWithIdentifier的调用实现。然而,在斯坦福的演示中,他们从来没有这样做过。

- (void)prepareForSegue:(UIStoryboardSegue *)segue sender:(id)sender
    if ([segue.identifier hasPrefix:@"Create Label"]) {
        AskerViewController *asker = (AskerViewController *)segue.destinationViewController;
        asker.question = @"What do you want your label to say?";
        asker.answer = @"Label Text";
        asker.delegate = self;


Here is an example of there storyboard: 当我不使用performSegueWithIdentifier点击一个按钮时,prepareForSegue不会被调用


Here is an example of my storyboard: 当我不使用performSegueWithIdentifier点击一个按钮时,prepareForSegue不会被调用


In the debugger when I stop in the Stanford Demo code the call stack shows that the storyboard is performing a segue action, what do I need to configure in my storyboard to achieve the same result? 当我不使用performSegueWithIdentifier点击一个按钮时,prepareForSegue不会被调用


10 个解决方案



Well, as it turns out, my view controller where button calls the modal view did not have the right class where prepareForSegue is implemented. It was the default UIViewController instead of my custom class.


The way I figured it out was by putting a break point in viewDidLoad and even that was not breaking and thus I suspected that in the storyboard I did not have the right class associated with the view where the button is implemented.




When hooking up an automatic segue for a table view, there is, in addition to Amro's answer (not assigning your corresponding subclass), another two cases where prepareForSegue might not be called. Ensure you've:


  1. hooked up the segue from the table view prototype cell, not the table view controller.


  2. used a segue from under the "Selection Segue" group in the segue connection pop-up menu, not one under "Accessory Action".



[Click image to enlarge]




For others with this problem, if you are now using Swift 3 having the following function will not throw errors as it is the correct syntax but it will not work because it is the Swift 2 function:

对于其他有此问题的人,如果您现在使用的是Swift 3,如果您现在使用的函数是Swift 2,那么它不会抛出错误,因为它是正确的语法,但是它不会工作,因为它是Swift 2函数:

override func prepareForSegue(segue: UIStoryboardSegue, sender: AnyObject?) {
    // code

You must update to Swift 3 "prepare" function for it to work for segues:

您必须更新到Swift 3“准备”函数,使其适用于segue:

override func prepare(for segue: UIStoryboardSegue, sender: Any?) {
    // code



Whether its an Modal or Push Segue below code will always be called

无论它是模态Segue还是Push Segue,代码下面都会调用它

- (void)prepareForSegue:(UIStoryboardSegue *)segue sender:(id)sender
    if ([segue.identifier isEqualToString:@"Create Label"]) {
        SignUpViewController *asker = segue.destinationViewController;



I had a similar problem with UICollectionViewCell as the source of segue.
It seems that for the storyboard segue to work (without performSegueWithIdentifier) it's required that you have a custom subclass of UICollectionViewCell, and use it as a Class for the CollectionViewCell on the story board.




In my case, I did not set the module under the name of the class in the storyboard of the view controller that contains the segue. It was set to none and once I clicked in the module field it set to the correct project / module and resolved the issue.




I had a similar issue.


The thought process was:


  1. make sure you have the correct method signature. It has changed in Swift 3.
  2. 确保您有正确的方法签名。它在Swift 3中发生了变化。
  3. Then make sure the way you have hooked up the button (or whatever that triggers the segue) matches with the way you have hooked the segue in storyboard. Sometimes you call a button, but haven't properly hooked up the segue from that button to the destination viewcontroller.
  4. 然后确保连接按钮(或触发segue的任何东西)的方式与在故事板中连接segue的方式相匹配。有时你调用一个按钮,但是没有正确地将segue从这个按钮连接到目标视图控制器。
  5. Be sure the identifier of the segue is correct. Though this isn't the reason the prepareForSegue doesn't get called, this only the reason that a specific segue isn't called.
  6. 确保segue的标识符是正确的。虽然这不是prepareForSegue没有被调用的原因,但这只是一个特定的segue没有被调用的原因。



In my case, it ocured because my controller was extending another controller (Eureka Form View Controller = FormViewController) witch has implemented the performSegue function like this:

在我的例子中,因为我的控制器在扩展另一个控制器(Eureka表单视图控制器= FormViewController),它已经实现了performSegue的功能:

open override func prepare(for segue: UIStoryboardSegue, sender: Any?) {
    // code

My function was implemented like this:


func prepare(for segue: UIStoryboardSegue, sender: Any?) {
    // code

To solve this, i just added override before:

为了解决这个问题,我添加了override before:

override func prepare(for segue: UIStoryboardSegue, sender: Any?) {
    // code





In my case, I have a base class for several view controllers in my project. That base class has an implementation of prepareForSegue() which wasn't getting called in every case. The problem was that in one of my view controllers that inherits from the base class and overrides its prepareForSegue() implementation, I forgot to call super.prepareForSegue().




Firstly you have to select on your button + ctrl drag item to you view controller choose selection segue .Later, you have to name segue identifier properly.

首先你要在你的按钮上选择+ ctrl拖动项目到你的视图控制器选择选择segue。

Don't connect to one view controller to other view controller. import UIKit.framework for this Then this method will get called.


- (void)prepareForSegue:(UIStoryboardSegue *)segue sender:(id)sender
    if ([segue.identifier isEqualToString:@"identifierName"])
        NSIndexPath *indexPath = [self.tableView indexPathForSelectedRow];
        ExampleViewController *destViewController = segue.destinationViewController;



Well, as it turns out, my view controller where button calls the modal view did not have the right class where prepareForSegue is implemented. It was the default UIViewController instead of my custom class.


The way I figured it out was by putting a break point in viewDidLoad and even that was not breaking and thus I suspected that in the storyboard I did not have the right class associated with the view where the button is implemented.




When hooking up an automatic segue for a table view, there is, in addition to Amro's answer (not assigning your corresponding subclass), another two cases where prepareForSegue might not be called. Ensure you've:


  1. hooked up the segue from the table view prototype cell, not the table view controller.


  2. used a segue from under the "Selection Segue" group in the segue connection pop-up menu, not one under "Accessory Action".



[Click image to enlarge]




For others with this problem, if you are now using Swift 3 having the following function will not throw errors as it is the correct syntax but it will not work because it is the Swift 2 function:

对于其他有此问题的人,如果您现在使用的是Swift 3,如果您现在使用的函数是Swift 2,那么它不会抛出错误,因为它是正确的语法,但是它不会工作,因为它是Swift 2函数:

override func prepareForSegue(segue: UIStoryboardSegue, sender: AnyObject?) {
    // code

You must update to Swift 3 "prepare" function for it to work for segues:

您必须更新到Swift 3“准备”函数,使其适用于segue:

override func prepare(for segue: UIStoryboardSegue, sender: Any?) {
    // code



Whether its an Modal or Push Segue below code will always be called

无论它是模态Segue还是Push Segue,代码下面都会调用它

- (void)prepareForSegue:(UIStoryboardSegue *)segue sender:(id)sender
    if ([segue.identifier isEqualToString:@"Create Label"]) {
        SignUpViewController *asker = segue.destinationViewController;



I had a similar problem with UICollectionViewCell as the source of segue.
It seems that for the storyboard segue to work (without performSegueWithIdentifier) it's required that you have a custom subclass of UICollectionViewCell, and use it as a Class for the CollectionViewCell on the story board.




In my case, I did not set the module under the name of the class in the storyboard of the view controller that contains the segue. It was set to none and once I clicked in the module field it set to the correct project / module and resolved the issue.




I had a similar issue.


The thought process was:


  1. make sure you have the correct method signature. It has changed in Swift 3.
  2. 确保您有正确的方法签名。它在Swift 3中发生了变化。
  3. Then make sure the way you have hooked up the button (or whatever that triggers the segue) matches with the way you have hooked the segue in storyboard. Sometimes you call a button, but haven't properly hooked up the segue from that button to the destination viewcontroller.
  4. 然后确保连接按钮(或触发segue的任何东西)的方式与在故事板中连接segue的方式相匹配。有时你调用一个按钮,但是没有正确地将segue从这个按钮连接到目标视图控制器。
  5. Be sure the identifier of the segue is correct. Though this isn't the reason the prepareForSegue doesn't get called, this only the reason that a specific segue isn't called.
  6. 确保segue的标识符是正确的。虽然这不是prepareForSegue没有被调用的原因,但这只是一个特定的segue没有被调用的原因。



In my case, it ocured because my controller was extending another controller (Eureka Form View Controller = FormViewController) witch has implemented the performSegue function like this:

在我的例子中,因为我的控制器在扩展另一个控制器(Eureka表单视图控制器= FormViewController),它已经实现了performSegue的功能:

open override func prepare(for segue: UIStoryboardSegue, sender: Any?) {
    // code

My function was implemented like this:


func prepare(for segue: UIStoryboardSegue, sender: Any?) {
    // code

To solve this, i just added override before:

为了解决这个问题,我添加了override before:

override func prepare(for segue: UIStoryboardSegue, sender: Any?) {
    // code





In my case, I have a base class for several view controllers in my project. That base class has an implementation of prepareForSegue() which wasn't getting called in every case. The problem was that in one of my view controllers that inherits from the base class and overrides its prepareForSegue() implementation, I forgot to call super.prepareForSegue().




Firstly you have to select on your button + ctrl drag item to you view controller choose selection segue .Later, you have to name segue identifier properly.

首先你要在你的按钮上选择+ ctrl拖动项目到你的视图控制器选择选择segue。

Don't connect to one view controller to other view controller. import UIKit.framework for this Then this method will get called.


- (void)prepareForSegue:(UIStoryboardSegue *)segue sender:(id)sender
    if ([segue.identifier isEqualToString:@"identifierName"])
        NSIndexPath *indexPath = [self.tableView indexPathForSelectedRow];
        ExampleViewController *destViewController = segue.destinationViewController;