
时间:2021-11-06 21:12:23

I just created a New Xcode Project as a Page-Based Application and I want to add a new button that will create a new page on runtime. How can I do that?


Actually, an app called "Dwindle" has it. It's free to download, just saying it for if someone wants to know what I am talking about.


Thanks for help.


1 个解决方案



This can be achieved. The UIPageViewController calculates the number of pages it has, from the delegate method - presentationCountForPageViewController:. You can add a property in your class for example:

这可以实现。 UIPageViewController从委托方法 - presentationCountForPageViewController:计算它拥有的页数。您可以在类中添加属性,例如:

@property int total;

And you can return the property value from the delegate method this way.


- (NSInteger)presentationCountForPageViewController:(UIPageViewController *)pageViewController {
    // The number of items reflected in the page indicator.
    return self.total;

And whenever an event occurs (Ex button click that you mentioned) - you can increment the value for the property - total and re-render the pageViewController using the method - setViewControllers: .

每当事件发生时(Ex按钮单击你提到的) - 你可以增加属性的值 - total并使用方法重新渲染pageViewController - setViewControllers :.

[self.pageController setViewControllers:viewControllers direction:UIPageViewControllerNavigationDirectionForward animated:NO completion:nil];

This will reload the pageViewController with the new value of total.




This can be achieved. The UIPageViewController calculates the number of pages it has, from the delegate method - presentationCountForPageViewController:. You can add a property in your class for example:

这可以实现。 UIPageViewController从委托方法 - presentationCountForPageViewController:计算它拥有的页数。您可以在类中添加属性,例如:

@property int total;

And you can return the property value from the delegate method this way.


- (NSInteger)presentationCountForPageViewController:(UIPageViewController *)pageViewController {
    // The number of items reflected in the page indicator.
    return self.total;

And whenever an event occurs (Ex button click that you mentioned) - you can increment the value for the property - total and re-render the pageViewController using the method - setViewControllers: .

每当事件发生时(Ex按钮单击你提到的) - 你可以增加属性的值 - total并使用方法重新渲染pageViewController - setViewControllers :.

[self.pageController setViewControllers:viewControllers direction:UIPageViewControllerNavigationDirectionForward animated:NO completion:nil];

This will reload the pageViewController with the new value of total.
