
时间:2022-01-14 21:15:49

Need to rewrite JavaME application for JavaSE. (source code is not mine) There are "draw*" methods using anchors, but how can I implement this in awt?

需要为JavaSE重写JavaME应用程序。 (源代码不是我的)有使用锚点的“draw *”方法,但我怎样才能在awt中实现它?

1 个解决方案



it depends on what kind of anchors your are interested in. If your are wanna just use three lines do something like this


public void paintAnchor( Point start, Point end, Graphics g ) {
  g.drawLine( start.x, start.y, end.x, end.y);
  g.drawLine( end.x - ( end.x / 10 ), end.y - 5, end.x, end.y );
  g.drawLine( end.x - ( end.x / 10 ), end.y + 5, end.x, end.y );

this ist the simplest approach i can think about. And you will see it will only work good for a horizontal anchor. So what you have to do is, you have to implement it for different angles, maybe different thicknesses and for each quadrant of the coordinate system.


An alternative could be to select a specific font with anchors and just paint them. So it depends on what you trying to do.





it depends on what kind of anchors your are interested in. If your are wanna just use three lines do something like this


public void paintAnchor( Point start, Point end, Graphics g ) {
  g.drawLine( start.x, start.y, end.x, end.y);
  g.drawLine( end.x - ( end.x / 10 ), end.y - 5, end.x, end.y );
  g.drawLine( end.x - ( end.x / 10 ), end.y + 5, end.x, end.y );

this ist the simplest approach i can think about. And you will see it will only work good for a horizontal anchor. So what you have to do is, you have to implement it for different angles, maybe different thicknesses and for each quadrant of the coordinate system.


An alternative could be to select a specific font with anchors and just paint them. So it depends on what you trying to do.

