
时间:2021-04-28 21:14:33

I have learned that I can download a part of a file if I send the Range: bytes=n-m header to an HTTP server.

我了解到,如果我将Range: bytes=n-m报头发送到HTTP服务器,我可以下载文件的一部分。

Does that mean I can use multiple threads to download only if I know the exact file length? What I'm confused about is, how can I write a multi-threaded program, if I can't get the Content-Length beforehand?


1 个解决方案



Sending Range requests is only possible if the response on a full request (which can be a HEAD if you just want to check the headers) to that file returns a Accept-Ranges response header with value of bytes and a Content-Range or Content-Length header which both contain information about the content length (and also ETag and/or Last-Modified so that the file can be uniquely identified).


If there's no Accept-Ranges response header at all, then you're lost. It means that the server simply doesn't support it.




Sending Range requests is only possible if the response on a full request (which can be a HEAD if you just want to check the headers) to that file returns a Accept-Ranges response header with value of bytes and a Content-Range or Content-Length header which both contain information about the content length (and also ETag and/or Last-Modified so that the file can be uniquely identified).


If there's no Accept-Ranges response header at all, then you're lost. It means that the server simply doesn't support it.
