
时间:2020-11-29 21:12:40

I have a very simple greasemonkey script that I want to call an already existing javascript function on the page. I've read the documentation and nothing seems to work


window.setTimeout(function() { 
    alert('test') // This alert works, but nothing after it does
    myFunction() // undefined
    window.myFunction() // undefined
    document.myFunction() // undefined
}, 1000);

3 个解决方案



Try using: unsafeWindow.myFunction();


More details and info - http://wiki.greasespot.net/UnsafeWindow

更多细节和信息 - http://wiki.greasespot.net/UnsafeWindow



One way to call a function in the original page is like this:


location.href = "javascript:void(myFunction());";

It is a bit ugly. There is also the unsafeWindow provided by GreaseMonkey too, but the authors advise against using it.

这有点难看。 GreaseMonkey也提供了不安全的窗口,但作者建议不要使用它。


Looks neater but make sure you understand the ramifications. From the manual:


unsafeWindow bypasses Greasemonkey's XPCNativeWrapper-based security model, which exists to make sure that malicious web pages cannot alter objects in such a way as to make greasemonkey scripts (which execute with more privileges than ordinary Javascript running in a web page) do things that their authors or users did not intend. User scripts should therefore avoid calling or in any other way depending on any properties on unsafeWindow - especally if if they are executed for arbitrary web pages, such as those with @include *, where the page authors may have subverted the environment in this way.

unsafeWindow绕过Greasemonkey的基于XPCNativeWrapper的安全模型,该模型的存在是为了确保恶意网页不会改变对象,从而使paintmonkey脚本(以比网页中运行的普通Javascript更多的权限执行)执行其作者的操作或用户不打算。因此,用户脚本应该避免调用或以任何其他方式取决于unsafeWindow上的任何属性 - 特别是如果它们是针对任意网页执行的,例如@include *,其中页面作者可能以这种方式颠覆了环境。

In other words, your script elevates the privileges available to the original page script if you use unsafeWindow.




You could try using javascript event listeners.


These execute code on response to object events occurring (such as page load)


For example, to execute code on page load:


window.addEventListener('load', function () 
    /* code goes here */



Try using: unsafeWindow.myFunction();


More details and info - http://wiki.greasespot.net/UnsafeWindow

更多细节和信息 - http://wiki.greasespot.net/UnsafeWindow



One way to call a function in the original page is like this:


location.href = "javascript:void(myFunction());";

It is a bit ugly. There is also the unsafeWindow provided by GreaseMonkey too, but the authors advise against using it.

这有点难看。 GreaseMonkey也提供了不安全的窗口,但作者建议不要使用它。


Looks neater but make sure you understand the ramifications. From the manual:


unsafeWindow bypasses Greasemonkey's XPCNativeWrapper-based security model, which exists to make sure that malicious web pages cannot alter objects in such a way as to make greasemonkey scripts (which execute with more privileges than ordinary Javascript running in a web page) do things that their authors or users did not intend. User scripts should therefore avoid calling or in any other way depending on any properties on unsafeWindow - especally if if they are executed for arbitrary web pages, such as those with @include *, where the page authors may have subverted the environment in this way.

unsafeWindow绕过Greasemonkey的基于XPCNativeWrapper的安全模型,该模型的存在是为了确保恶意网页不会改变对象,从而使paintmonkey脚本(以比网页中运行的普通Javascript更多的权限执行)执行其作者的操作或用户不打算。因此,用户脚本应该避免调用或以任何其他方式取决于unsafeWindow上的任何属性 - 特别是如果它们是针对任意网页执行的,例如@include *,其中页面作者可能以这种方式颠覆了环境。

In other words, your script elevates the privileges available to the original page script if you use unsafeWindow.




You could try using javascript event listeners.


These execute code on response to object events occurring (such as page load)


For example, to execute code on page load:


window.addEventListener('load', function () 
    /* code goes here */