
时间:2021-03-26 21:12:26

How to call master page method in content page but the content page is not inheritted from the master page. what i have to do to call the master page method in content page


this is my Operation master page method public void RedirectPage(string url) {
ifrmMstr.Attributes.Add("src", url);

这是我的操作主页面方法public void RedirectPage(string url){ifrmMstr.Attributes.Add(“src”,url); }

And this is my content page and i am calling the function like this in the page load


Operation master = new Operation(); master.rpage("../Default.aspx");

操作master = new Operation(); master.rpage( “../ Default.aspx的”);

2 个解决方案


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"....To access the Master Page's methods or properties from a content page, reference the Master Page through the Page.Master property. This property returns an object of type MasterPage, so you'll need to explicitly cast it to the appropriate type before calling its methods or referencing its properties. Alternatively, you can set the @MasterType directive, which adds a property to the auto-generated ASP.NET code-behind class code named Master that is a strongly-typed reference to the specified Master Page...."


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You can change the Master page frame's source from content page by calling a master page's JavaScript function and doing it client side.


Add something like this in your content page method (vb.net):


    Dim frameSourceMethod As String = String.Format("YourMethod('{0}');",frameSourcePath)
    ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(Me, Me.GetType(), "displdcccdsse4errnfokf", frameSourceMethod , True)   


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"....To access the Master Page's methods or properties from a content page, reference the Master Page through the Page.Master property. This property returns an object of type MasterPage, so you'll need to explicitly cast it to the appropriate type before calling its methods or referencing its properties. Alternatively, you can set the @MasterType directive, which adds a property to the auto-generated ASP.NET code-behind class code named Master that is a strongly-typed reference to the specified Master Page...."


This will also be useful


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You can change the Master page frame's source from content page by calling a master page's JavaScript function and doing it client side.


Add something like this in your content page method (vb.net):


    Dim frameSourceMethod As String = String.Format("YourMethod('{0}');",frameSourcePath)
    ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(Me, Me.GetType(), "displdcccdsse4errnfokf", frameSourceMethod , True)