iOS Swift:LaunchScreen不显示图像

时间:2021-07-26 21:12:53

Evening, my launch screen doesn't show the new images that I add in the assets. It displays only a black screen... Like if the image view isn't there.


This happen only in my device, while in the simulator they are visible. The old images are all displayed properly.


I've tried to delete the app and install it agains but still I have the problem.


I've tired with jpgs pngs and vector.

我厌倦了jpgs pngs和vector。

Any tip?

1 个解决方案



Seems like you were having different images then you change it to something else, the device cache the old launch screen and doesn't show your new images, just try to restart the device then reinstall, it will show your new images




Seems like you were having different images then you change it to something else, the device cache the old launch screen and doesn't show your new images, just try to restart the device then reinstall, it will show your new images
