
时间:2021-05-12 21:08:53

hello i have a window(wpf) with labels and text boxes, i want him to fit to the screen resolution as much as possible, how do i do it


4 个解决方案



Viewbox is quite useful if you need the content of your window to scale proportionally when you resize the window (for example maximize it). In this minimalistic page


<Window x:Class="WpfApplication1.Window1"
    Title="Window1" Height="300" Width="300">
            <TextBlock FontSize="14">Example</TextBlock>
            <Border Background="Aqua" Width="100" Height="100"></Border>                    

you have a TextBlock and a colored Border stacked vertically; if you start this xaml the window will have a size of 300x300, the font of the TextBlock will be 14 in size and the colored border will be 100x100. If you rescale the window you will see both the TextBlock and the Border scale accordingly (so they'll be no more of the size you've specified in the xaml), keeping relative proportions. Viewbox is really useful, in this respect, if you need a window whose internal components layout look always the same independently from the final resolution it will be displayed (what does matter is aspect-ratio, thought). This obviously work with any contents you'll put inside the Viewbox (we had an application with videos and 3D views for example). Note that in Visual Studio 2008 you'll not be able to see the content of the Viewbox in the Designer.

你有一个TextBlock和一个垂直堆叠的彩色边框;如果你启动这个xaml,窗口的大小将为300x300,TextBlock的字体大小为14,彩色边框的大小为100x100。如果您重新缩放窗口,您将相应地看到TextBlock和Border缩放(因此它们将不再是您在xaml中指定的大小),保持相对比例。在这方面,Viewbox非常有用,如果你需要一个窗口,其内部组件布局看起来总是独立于它将显示的最终分辨率(重要的是宽高比,思考)。这显然适用于您将放入Viewbox中的任何内容(例如,我们有一个带有视频和3D视图的应用程序)。请注意,在Visual Studio 2008中,您将无法在Designer中看到Viewbox的内容。

Hope this help.




If you want to scale really everything including font sizes, you could probably apply a scale transform to your content, and bind it's X and Y values to the window's width and height. You would then also need a value converter to convert those to the appropriate scale.




If you want to scale everything to the size of the window just put everything inside a Viewbox control.




Do you mean you want the window to fill the entire screen? The simplest way to do that (without causing further headaches) is to maximise the window.


w.WindowState = WindowState.Maximized;



A scalable window layout requires you to avoid using the XAML editor in Visual Studio! Actually you can do it in the editor, but it is very hard.

可伸缩的窗口布局要求您避免在Visual Studio中使用XAML编辑器!实际上你可以在编辑器中完成它,但这很难。

Much easier to write the XAML by hand:



    <Label Grid.Column="0" Grid.Row="0">First Name</Label>
    <TextBox Grid.Column="1" Grid.Row="0" Name="firstName">Fred</TextBox>
    <Label Grid.Column="0" Grid.Row="1">First Name</Label>
    <TextBox Grid.Column="1" Grid.Row="1" Name="lastName">Smith</TextBox>

This will size to fit the window, though may look strange, as the rows and columns will by default get half the space each. You can override this so they have a height determined by their contents instead:


<RowDefinition Height="Auto"/>

It can also help to put margins on some controls, to space them out:


<TextBox Grid.Column="1" Grid.Row="1" Margin="6" Name="lastName">Smith</TextBox>



Viewbox is quite useful if you need the content of your window to scale proportionally when you resize the window (for example maximize it). In this minimalistic page


<Window x:Class="WpfApplication1.Window1"
    Title="Window1" Height="300" Width="300">
            <TextBlock FontSize="14">Example</TextBlock>
            <Border Background="Aqua" Width="100" Height="100"></Border>                    

you have a TextBlock and a colored Border stacked vertically; if you start this xaml the window will have a size of 300x300, the font of the TextBlock will be 14 in size and the colored border will be 100x100. If you rescale the window you will see both the TextBlock and the Border scale accordingly (so they'll be no more of the size you've specified in the xaml), keeping relative proportions. Viewbox is really useful, in this respect, if you need a window whose internal components layout look always the same independently from the final resolution it will be displayed (what does matter is aspect-ratio, thought). This obviously work with any contents you'll put inside the Viewbox (we had an application with videos and 3D views for example). Note that in Visual Studio 2008 you'll not be able to see the content of the Viewbox in the Designer.

你有一个TextBlock和一个垂直堆叠的彩色边框;如果你启动这个xaml,窗口的大小将为300x300,TextBlock的字体大小为14,彩色边框的大小为100x100。如果您重新缩放窗口,您将相应地看到TextBlock和Border缩放(因此它们将不再是您在xaml中指定的大小),保持相对比例。在这方面,Viewbox非常有用,如果你需要一个窗口,其内部组件布局看起来总是独立于它将显示的最终分辨率(重要的是宽高比,思考)。这显然适用于您将放入Viewbox中的任何内容(例如,我们有一个带有视频和3D视图的应用程序)。请注意,在Visual Studio 2008中,您将无法在Designer中看到Viewbox的内容。

Hope this help.




If you want to scale really everything including font sizes, you could probably apply a scale transform to your content, and bind it's X and Y values to the window's width and height. You would then also need a value converter to convert those to the appropriate scale.




If you want to scale everything to the size of the window just put everything inside a Viewbox control.




Do you mean you want the window to fill the entire screen? The simplest way to do that (without causing further headaches) is to maximise the window.


w.WindowState = WindowState.Maximized;



A scalable window layout requires you to avoid using the XAML editor in Visual Studio! Actually you can do it in the editor, but it is very hard.

可伸缩的窗口布局要求您避免在Visual Studio中使用XAML编辑器!实际上你可以在编辑器中完成它,但这很难。

Much easier to write the XAML by hand:



    <Label Grid.Column="0" Grid.Row="0">First Name</Label>
    <TextBox Grid.Column="1" Grid.Row="0" Name="firstName">Fred</TextBox>
    <Label Grid.Column="0" Grid.Row="1">First Name</Label>
    <TextBox Grid.Column="1" Grid.Row="1" Name="lastName">Smith</TextBox>

This will size to fit the window, though may look strange, as the rows and columns will by default get half the space each. You can override this so they have a height determined by their contents instead:


<RowDefinition Height="Auto"/>

It can also help to put margins on some controls, to space them out:


<TextBox Grid.Column="1" Grid.Row="1" Margin="6" Name="lastName">Smith</TextBox>