Say, if I were using a Label that I want to use at multiple (say three) places on a form. I could use three different labels but it would be much simpler if I could just use copies of one label. This latter approach would allow me to change properties related to the labels at one place, while with the former approach I'd have to go to each of the three labels to change their properties. Hopefully, my question is clear.
Is there a way to use multiple copies of the same Windows Forms Control?
4 个解决方案
For example, you want to have labels that their text are same in your designer.
We make a class, say LabelTextResourced
public class LabelTextResourced: Label
private string _textResourceName;
public string TextResourceName
get { return _textResourceName; }
_textResourceName = value;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_textResourceName))
base.Text = Properties.Resources.ResourceManager.GetString(_textResourceName);
public override string Text
get { return base.Text; }
// Set is done by resource name.
Build your project, now you can add LabelTextResourced
control to your designer.
Right click your project and go to properties and select resource tab. add a resource for example: {Name: "LabelText", Value: "Hiiiiii!!!"}
右键单击您的项目,然后转到属性并选择资源选项卡。添加资源,例如:{Name:“LabelText”,Value:“Hiiiiii !!!”}
Now, go back to form designer, select your instance of LabelTextResourced
and set it's TextResourceName
property to LabelText
Build again and now you should see that your label text is set from the resource. Now you can have many label that their text are all set from one location and changing the LabelText
resource (and a build) results to changing of all of you LabelTextResourced
controls that have LabelText
as their TextResourceName
This is just a starting point, you can customize this class and any other properties you want with some effort.
You could set one of the control instance as a 'template' and copy all necessary properties to other instances (of course, leave there positions alone).
As @nim suggested, you could create a property mapper. Of course, in design-time, things might look ugly. For example:
public partial class MyForm : Form
public MyForm()
PropertyMapper.Map(txtBox1, textBox2,
new[] { "width", "font", "forecolor", "backcolor", "text" });
public static class PropertyMapper
public static void Map(Control source, Control target, params string[] properties)
properties = properties.Select(p => p.ToLowerInvariant()).ToArray();
foreach (var prop in source.GetType().GetProperties()
.Where(p => properties.Contains(p.Name.ToLowerInvariant()))
.Where(prop => prop.CanWrite))
prop.SetValue(target, prop.GetValue(source));

You could add a static method to your form's code behind:
private static void SetTextToLabels(string text, params Label[] labels)
foreach (var label in labels)
label.Text = text;
// Use like this
private void UpdateTextInLabels()
SetTextToLabels("SomeText", label1, label2, label3);
Or if all labels are in the same container (Form, Panel, etc.) and all labels in that container need to display the same you could write an extension method on the container control.
public static class ControlExtensions
public static void SetTextOnMyLabels(this Control control, string text)
foreach (var label in control.Controls.OfType<Label>())
label.Text = text;
// Use like this in your form
private void UpdateTextInLabels()
//Update all labels in panel1
For example, you want to have labels that their text are same in your designer.
We make a class, say LabelTextResourced
public class LabelTextResourced: Label
private string _textResourceName;
public string TextResourceName
get { return _textResourceName; }
_textResourceName = value;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_textResourceName))
base.Text = Properties.Resources.ResourceManager.GetString(_textResourceName);
public override string Text
get { return base.Text; }
// Set is done by resource name.
Build your project, now you can add LabelTextResourced
control to your designer.
Right click your project and go to properties and select resource tab. add a resource for example: {Name: "LabelText", Value: "Hiiiiii!!!"}
右键单击您的项目,然后转到属性并选择资源选项卡。添加资源,例如:{Name:“LabelText”,Value:“Hiiiiii !!!”}
Now, go back to form designer, select your instance of LabelTextResourced
and set it's TextResourceName
property to LabelText
Build again and now you should see that your label text is set from the resource. Now you can have many label that their text are all set from one location and changing the LabelText
resource (and a build) results to changing of all of you LabelTextResourced
controls that have LabelText
as their TextResourceName
This is just a starting point, you can customize this class and any other properties you want with some effort.
You could set one of the control instance as a 'template' and copy all necessary properties to other instances (of course, leave there positions alone).
As @nim suggested, you could create a property mapper. Of course, in design-time, things might look ugly. For example:
public partial class MyForm : Form
public MyForm()
PropertyMapper.Map(txtBox1, textBox2,
new[] { "width", "font", "forecolor", "backcolor", "text" });
public static class PropertyMapper
public static void Map(Control source, Control target, params string[] properties)
properties = properties.Select(p => p.ToLowerInvariant()).ToArray();
foreach (var prop in source.GetType().GetProperties()
.Where(p => properties.Contains(p.Name.ToLowerInvariant()))
.Where(prop => prop.CanWrite))
prop.SetValue(target, prop.GetValue(source));

You could add a static method to your form's code behind:
private static void SetTextToLabels(string text, params Label[] labels)
foreach (var label in labels)
label.Text = text;
// Use like this
private void UpdateTextInLabels()
SetTextToLabels("SomeText", label1, label2, label3);
Or if all labels are in the same container (Form, Panel, etc.) and all labels in that container need to display the same you could write an extension method on the container control.
public static class ControlExtensions
public static void SetTextOnMyLabels(this Control control, string text)
foreach (var label in control.Controls.OfType<Label>())
label.Text = text;
// Use like this in your form
private void UpdateTextInLabels()
//Update all labels in panel1