在Kohana 3中,您如何计算查询期间发生的错误?

时间:2021-08-20 21:10:43

I'm using Kohana 3.

我正在使用Kohana 3。

I'm writing an update query, and it is working for everything except this one section.


If I do a var_dump() on the results of $db->execute() I get either a 1 or 0 to say it failed or not. It is failing in this example (returning 0).

如果我对$ db-> execute()的结果执行var_dump(),我得到一个1或0来表示它失败了。在这个例子中失败了(返回0)。

How can I figure out what error is happening? It justs seems to be silenty failing at the time being. I tried doing echo mysql_error() but it didn't work, as I expected, as Kohana 3's db library uses PDO I'm pretty sure.

我怎样才能弄清楚发生了什么错误?它似乎只是暂时失败了。我尝试使用echo mysql_error()但它没有用,正如我所料,因为Kohana 3的db库使用PDO我很确定。

How can I figure out the error that has occurred?


3 个解决方案



Try executing this after calling $db->execute():

在调用$ db-> execute()之后尝试执行此操作:

echo Database::instance()->last_query



Inside the Controller run the profiler:


$this->profiler = new Profiler;

And then after rendering View you'll see a list of queries that were executed. Try them out by connecting to the database or by using some software (like MySQL Query Browser).

然后在渲染View之后,您将看到已执行的查询列表。通过连接到数据库或使用某些软件(如MySQL Query Browser)来尝试它们。

Good luck!




It should throw an exception if it's a SQL error. You can catch this and echo it to get the error. See http://kerkness.ca/wiki/doku.php?id=crud_with_the_query_builder




Try executing this after calling $db->execute():

在调用$ db-> execute()之后尝试执行此操作:

echo Database::instance()->last_query



Inside the Controller run the profiler:


$this->profiler = new Profiler;

And then after rendering View you'll see a list of queries that were executed. Try them out by connecting to the database or by using some software (like MySQL Query Browser).

然后在渲染View之后,您将看到已执行的查询列表。通过连接到数据库或使用某些软件(如MySQL Query Browser)来尝试它们。

Good luck!




It should throw an exception if it's a SQL error. You can catch this and echo it to get the error. See http://kerkness.ca/wiki/doku.php?id=crud_with_the_query_builder
