
时间:2022-06-02 21:08:30

I have an integral to evaluate


      "x^(-0.5)" ; x in [0.01,1] 

for which I am using Importance Sampling MC : The theory says that an approximate PDF has to be used to compute the expected value (which will almost surely converge to the mean - value of the integral)


After plotting the given integral, and exponential PDF, based only on the plots, I chose the rexp and dexp to generate the PDF - and my code looks like this -


#Without Importance Sampling
X <- runif(1000,0.01,1)
Y <- X^(-0.5)
c( mean(Y), var(Y) )

#Importance sampling Monte Carlo
w <- function(x) dunif(x, 0.01, 1)/dexp(x,rate=1.5)
f <- function(x) x^(-0.5)
X= rexp(1000,rate=1.5)
c( mean(Y), var(Y) )

Could someone please confirm if my line of thought is correct? If wrong, how differently am I supposed to approach this? Please elucidate - I have understood the theory but implementation is proving to be problematic for me.


For integrals that are not so simple,


1.) f(x) = [1+sinh(2x)ln(x)]^-1 I chose the normal PDF = g(x) (with mean = 0.5 and SD = 5) as approximate only after observing the plot. I wrote a code similar to the one for it , but it says NaN's produced in case of importance sampling. (this ideally means undefined function but I don't know how to solve this).

1)f(x)=(1 + sinh(2 x)ln(x))^ 1我选择正常的PDF = g(x)(意味着= 0.5和SD = 5)近似后观察情节。我为它写了一个类似的代码,但是它说NaN是在重要抽样的情况下生成的。(这理想的方法是未定义的函数,但我不知道如何解决这个问题)。

2.) f(x,y) = exp(-x^4 - y^4)

2)f(x,y)= exp(- x y ^ ^ 4 - 4)

How do I choose the g(x,y) for the above function ?

如何为上述函数选择g(x,y) ?

1 个解决方案



Generally your approach seems to be correct, but you have to be more careful with the domain over which you want to integrate. In your original example, about 20% of values rexp(1000, 1.5) are above 1. The function dexp(x, rate=1.5) is not a density function on the interval [0,1]. You have to divide by pexp(1, rate=1.5). So here is what I would do for the importance sampling example:

一般来说,您的方法似乎是正确的,但是您必须对要集成的域更加小心。在最初的示例中,大约20%的值rexp(1000, 1.5)在1以上。函数dexp(x, rate=1.5)在区间上不是一个密度函数[0,1]。你要除以pexp(1,速率=1。5)这就是我要做的重要性抽样的例子

#Importance sampling Monte Carlo
w <- function(x) dunif(x, 0.01, 1)/dexp(x,rate=1.5) * pexp(1, rate=1.5)
f <- function(x) x^(-0.5)
X <- rexp(1000,rate=1.5)
X <- X[X<=1]
Y <- w(X)*f(X)
c(mean(Y), var(Y))

In your second example the same thing causes the problem. You get negative X and therefore get NA values for log(X). Furthermore, your normal function should be centered at 0.5 with less variance. Here's my approach:

在第二个例子中,同样的事情导致了问题。得到- X,得到log(X)的NA值。此外,你的正常函数应该以0.5为中心,方差更小。这是我的方法:

#Without Importance Sampling
X <- runif(1000,0.01,1)
Y <- (1+sinh(2*X)*log(X))^(-1)
c(mean(Y), var(Y))

#Importance sampling Monte Carlo
w <- function(x) dunif(x, 0.01, 1)/dnorm(x, mean=0.5, sd=0.25) * (1-2*pnorm(0, mean=0.5, sd=0.25))
f <- function(x) (1+sinh(2*x)*log(x))^(-1)
X <- rnorm(1000, mean=0.5, sd=0.25)
Y1 <- w(X)
Y2 <- f(X)
Y <- Y1*Y2
Y <- Y[!(is.na(Y2)&Y1==0)]
c(mean(Y), var(Y))

In your second example, I don't really understand what y is. Is it just a constant? Then perhaps a Weibull distribution may work.


EDIT: Regarding your additional questions in the comments. (1) Any probability density function should integrate to 1. Therefore dexp(x, rate=1.5) is not a density function on the interval [0,1], it only integrates to pexp(1, rate=1.5). However, the function

编辑:关于你在评论中的其他问题。(1)任何概率密度函数都应该对1积分。因此dexp(x, rate=1.5)不是区间[0,1]上的密度函数,它只与pexp(1, rate=1.5)积分。然而,这个函数

dexp01 <- function(x, rate){
  dexp(x, rate=rate)/pexp(1, rate=rate)

actually integrates to 1:


integrate(dexp, 0, 1, rate=1.5)
integrate(dexp01, 0, 1, rate=1.5)

That's the rationale of including the probability distribution function. If you have a different interval, e.g. [0.3,8], you have to adjust the function accordingly:


dexp0.3_8 <- function(x, rate){
  dexp(x, rate=rate)/(pexp(8, rate=rate)-pexp(0.3, rate=rate))
integrate(dexp0.3_8, 0.3, 8, rate=1.5)

(2) Here I choose the variance so that approximately 95% of the values in rnorm(1000, .5, .25) were in the interval from 0 to 1 (having many values outside this interval would certainly increase the variance). However, I am not certain that this is the best choice of distribution function. The selection of the importance function is a problem that I am not very familiar with. You could ask on CrossValidated. Same goes for your next question.




Generally your approach seems to be correct, but you have to be more careful with the domain over which you want to integrate. In your original example, about 20% of values rexp(1000, 1.5) are above 1. The function dexp(x, rate=1.5) is not a density function on the interval [0,1]. You have to divide by pexp(1, rate=1.5). So here is what I would do for the importance sampling example:

一般来说,您的方法似乎是正确的,但是您必须对要集成的域更加小心。在最初的示例中,大约20%的值rexp(1000, 1.5)在1以上。函数dexp(x, rate=1.5)在区间上不是一个密度函数[0,1]。你要除以pexp(1,速率=1。5)这就是我要做的重要性抽样的例子

#Importance sampling Monte Carlo
w <- function(x) dunif(x, 0.01, 1)/dexp(x,rate=1.5) * pexp(1, rate=1.5)
f <- function(x) x^(-0.5)
X <- rexp(1000,rate=1.5)
X <- X[X<=1]
Y <- w(X)*f(X)
c(mean(Y), var(Y))

In your second example the same thing causes the problem. You get negative X and therefore get NA values for log(X). Furthermore, your normal function should be centered at 0.5 with less variance. Here's my approach:

在第二个例子中,同样的事情导致了问题。得到- X,得到log(X)的NA值。此外,你的正常函数应该以0.5为中心,方差更小。这是我的方法:

#Without Importance Sampling
X <- runif(1000,0.01,1)
Y <- (1+sinh(2*X)*log(X))^(-1)
c(mean(Y), var(Y))

#Importance sampling Monte Carlo
w <- function(x) dunif(x, 0.01, 1)/dnorm(x, mean=0.5, sd=0.25) * (1-2*pnorm(0, mean=0.5, sd=0.25))
f <- function(x) (1+sinh(2*x)*log(x))^(-1)
X <- rnorm(1000, mean=0.5, sd=0.25)
Y1 <- w(X)
Y2 <- f(X)
Y <- Y1*Y2
Y <- Y[!(is.na(Y2)&Y1==0)]
c(mean(Y), var(Y))

In your second example, I don't really understand what y is. Is it just a constant? Then perhaps a Weibull distribution may work.


EDIT: Regarding your additional questions in the comments. (1) Any probability density function should integrate to 1. Therefore dexp(x, rate=1.5) is not a density function on the interval [0,1], it only integrates to pexp(1, rate=1.5). However, the function

编辑:关于你在评论中的其他问题。(1)任何概率密度函数都应该对1积分。因此dexp(x, rate=1.5)不是区间[0,1]上的密度函数,它只与pexp(1, rate=1.5)积分。然而,这个函数

dexp01 <- function(x, rate){
  dexp(x, rate=rate)/pexp(1, rate=rate)

actually integrates to 1:


integrate(dexp, 0, 1, rate=1.5)
integrate(dexp01, 0, 1, rate=1.5)

That's the rationale of including the probability distribution function. If you have a different interval, e.g. [0.3,8], you have to adjust the function accordingly:


dexp0.3_8 <- function(x, rate){
  dexp(x, rate=rate)/(pexp(8, rate=rate)-pexp(0.3, rate=rate))
integrate(dexp0.3_8, 0.3, 8, rate=1.5)

(2) Here I choose the variance so that approximately 95% of the values in rnorm(1000, .5, .25) were in the interval from 0 to 1 (having many values outside this interval would certainly increase the variance). However, I am not certain that this is the best choice of distribution function. The selection of the importance function is a problem that I am not very familiar with. You could ask on CrossValidated. Same goes for your next question.
