使用MPDF PHP生成多个PDF并将它们全部发送给用户

时间:2022-12-08 21:11:14

I am creating HTML to PDF with MPDF. It is working awesome. The issue is that I am unable to create two PDFs at the same page. I want to generate two PDFs and both are to auto download and echo a message after the download. My code:


$mpdf=new \mPDF('c','A4','','' , 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);     
$body='Hello One';


// Second File


$mpdftwo=new \mPDF('c','A4','','' , 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);     
$bodytwo='Hello Two';


echo "Thank you" ;

1 个解决方案



This is not possible with a single HTTP Request. You can do it either by executing separate async (eg AJAX) subrequests for each of downloaded files, or by eg. making an archive file of the PDF files and sending that archive to the user.


Also se this SO answer to the question on the same topic and this Q&A on why it is not possible to use plain HTTP to achieve what you want, at least not in every browser. To quote:


MIME/multipart is for email messages and/or POST transmission to the HTTP server. It was never intended to be received and parsed on the client side of a HTTP transaction. Some browsers do implement it, some others don't.

MIME / multipart用于向HTTP服务器发送电子邮件和/或POST。它从来没有打算在HTTP事务的客户端接收和解析。有些浏览器确实实现了它,有些则没有。



This is not possible with a single HTTP Request. You can do it either by executing separate async (eg AJAX) subrequests for each of downloaded files, or by eg. making an archive file of the PDF files and sending that archive to the user.


Also se this SO answer to the question on the same topic and this Q&A on why it is not possible to use plain HTTP to achieve what you want, at least not in every browser. To quote:


MIME/multipart is for email messages and/or POST transmission to the HTTP server. It was never intended to be received and parsed on the client side of a HTTP transaction. Some browsers do implement it, some others don't.

MIME / multipart用于向HTTP服务器发送电子邮件和/或POST。它从来没有打算在HTTP事务的客户端接收和解析。有些浏览器确实实现了它,有些则没有。