iText - 在所有元素的顶部插入叠加文本

时间:2022-02-20 21:11:07

Using the iText PDF library, is it possible to freely (like "position: absolute" in CSS) insert overlay text or other elements on page, so that it gets rendered on top of all existing elements?

使用iText PDF库,是否可以*地(如CSS中的“position:absolute”)在页面上插入叠加文本或其他元素,以便在所有现有元素之上进行渲染?

Thanks for all the help and tips in advance.


2 个解决方案


Check out PDFStamper. It might be exactly what you're looking for.


Here's the tutorial.



Yes, absolutely. Everything has to be absolutely positioned in PDF, so doing text flow, alignment, and so forth takes more work. iText does all that for you if you ask, but it's still more work.


As Suvesh pointed out, PdfStamper works great for making changes to an existing PDF. It's quite simple to add absolutely positioned text.


It's also possible to position text absolutely in a PDF you're building from scratch in iText.


In either case, you need to get a PdfContentByte. In PdfStamper, you call getOverContent(pageNum) or getUnderContent(pageNum). With a PdfWriter, you just call getOverContent() or getUnderContent().


With PdfWriter, you only need to get the over or under PdfContentByte once. Every time it starts a new page, it'll suck all the content out and reset the object, ready for the next page.


OTOH, it doesn't start building pages until you call doc.close(), so you need to use a PdfPageEvent (I recommend deriving from PdfPageEventHelper) to write on the pages as they're generated... not a problem you'll have with a PdfStamper.



Check out PDFStamper. It might be exactly what you're looking for.


Here's the tutorial.



Yes, absolutely. Everything has to be absolutely positioned in PDF, so doing text flow, alignment, and so forth takes more work. iText does all that for you if you ask, but it's still more work.


As Suvesh pointed out, PdfStamper works great for making changes to an existing PDF. It's quite simple to add absolutely positioned text.


It's also possible to position text absolutely in a PDF you're building from scratch in iText.


In either case, you need to get a PdfContentByte. In PdfStamper, you call getOverContent(pageNum) or getUnderContent(pageNum). With a PdfWriter, you just call getOverContent() or getUnderContent().


With PdfWriter, you only need to get the over or under PdfContentByte once. Every time it starts a new page, it'll suck all the content out and reset the object, ready for the next page.


OTOH, it doesn't start building pages until you call doc.close(), so you need to use a PdfPageEvent (I recommend deriving from PdfPageEventHelper) to write on the pages as they're generated... not a problem you'll have with a PdfStamper.
