
时间:2022-04-18 21:07:48

I have a solution that contains a website and a class library in Visual Studio 2008.

我有一个解决方案,在Visual Studio 2008中包含一个网站和一个类库。

I then have another web site project outside of the solution that needs to reference the class library. I right click the Bin folder or Project and select Add Reference, then select my Class Library Project, it adds the 15 or so DLLs that the class library needs to the websites bin folder, but none of the .cs files recognize the using statements.

然后,我在解决方案之外还有另一个web站点项目需要引用类库。我右键单击Bin文件夹或项目,选择Add Reference,然后选择我的类库项目,它将类库需要的大约15个dll添加到website Bin文件夹,但没有一个.cs文件能识别using语句。

using MyLibrary.MyFolder;

It says that it can't resolve it, and ReSharper just says it can be safely removed since it's not being used.


ReSharper can recognize that it needs the reference and suggests that it "Reference MyLibrary and use MyFolder". I'm not sure why it's suggesting I add a reference I already have. When I go with the suggestion, I get the error


"Failed to reference module. Probably, reference will produce circular dependencies between projects."


I've tried going to the websites property pages and removing all the references and re-adding them, but it gives the same errors. Any ideas why this isn't working?


18 个解决方案



Also, check that the new solution's projects run against a compatible framework to the project you're trying to include. I was trying to include a reference to a 4.0 project in a 3.5 project.




I found how to fix this issue (for me at least). Why it worked, I'm not sure, but it did. (I just tried against a second website that was having the same problem and the following solution worked for that as well).


I tried the normal cleaning of the projects and rebuilding, shutting down all my Visual Studio instances and restarting them, even tried restarting my computer.

我尝试了正常的项目清理和重建,关闭了所有的Visual Studio实例并重新启动它们,甚至尝试了重新启动我的计算机。

What actually worked was opening up the project in Visual Studio, closing all the open tabs, and then shutting it down.

真正起作用的是在Visual Studio中打开项目,关闭所有打开的选项卡,然后关闭它。

Before I had left the tabs open because I didn't think it mattered (and I hardly ever close the tabs I'm using).




One possibility is that the target .NET Framework version of the class library is higher than that of the project.




I had a similar problem, will all my references being buggered up by Resharper - The solution which worked for me is to clear the Resharper Cache and then restarting VS


tools->options->resharper->options-> general-> click the clear caches button and restart VS




I had a similar problems where VS would sometimes build and sometimes not. After some searching and attempts I discovered that I had an ambiguous reference to a class with the same name in different libraries ('FileManager'). The project that would not build were my Unit Tests that reference all modules in my solution. Enforcing the reference to a specific module sorted things out for me.


My point is: Rather than blaming ReSharper or VS, it may be a good idea to double check if there really isn't some kind of circular reference somehow. More than often, classes with the same names in different modules could cause confusion and is often a symptom of bad design (like in my case).




This sounds like a similar issue with ReSharper:




According to one user in the thread forcing a build fixes the issue (CTRL+Shift+B) after the first build..


Sounds like an issue with ReSharper specifically in their case.. Have you tried building regardless of the warnings and possible false errors?




Since they are both in the same solution, instead of adding a reference to the DLL, add a reference to the class library project itself (the Add Reference dialog will have a tab for this).


Ahh, it's a different solution. Missed that. How about you try instead of adding a reference to the project addding a reference to the compiled DLL of your class library. The Add Reference dialog has a Browse tab which does this.




If you're referencing assemblies for projects that are in the same solution, add a Project reference (using the "Projects" tab) rather than browsing for the dll in the \bin\Debug (or \bin\Release) folder (using the "Browse" tab). See screen shot below. Only browse for the assembly/dll file if it's considered an external assembly.

如果您正在为同一解决方案中的项目引用程序集,请添加一个项目引用(使用“projects”选项卡),而不是使用“Browse”选项卡(使用“Browse”选项卡)在\bin\ bin Debug(或\bin\ bin\Release)文件夹中浏览dll。请参阅下面的屏幕截图。只浏览程序集/dll文件,如果它被认为是外部程序集。




I deleted *.csproj.user ( resharper file) of my project, then, close all tabs and reopen it. After that I was able to compile my project and there was no resharper warnings.

我* .csproj删除。我的项目的用户(resharper file),然后关闭所有的标签并重新打开它。之后我就可以编译我的项目了,并且没有resharper警告。



I had this problem. It took me ages to figure out. I had people over my shoulder to help. We rebuilt, cleaned and restarted Visual studio and this didn't fix it. We removed and re-added the references...

我有这个问题。我花了很长时间才弄明白。我的肩膀上有人帮忙。我们重新构建、清理和重新启动了Visual studio,但这并没有修复它。我们删除并重新添加了引用…

All to no avail.... Until!


The solution to my problem was that my class declaration was spelt incorrectly.


Before you start judging me harshly, allow me to explain why it wasn't stupid, and also why this mistake could be made by even the most intelligent of programmers.


Since the mistake was early on in the name, it wasn't appearing in the intellisense class listing when I began typing.




Class name: Message.cs




public class Massage
    //code here


At a glance and in a small font, Massage looks identical to Message.


Typing M listed too many classes, so I typed e, which didn't appear in the mistyped version, which gave the impression that the class wasn't being picked up by the compiler.




I had a similar issue in VS 2010, when creating a test project for an MVC 2 application. The symptoms were identical.

在VS 2010中,我遇到了类似的问题,当时我为一个MVC 2应用程序创建了一个测试项目。症状是相同的。

The message from ReSharper was somewhat misleading. For a moment I completely ignored ReSharper and did it the "manual VS way":

来自ReSharper的信息有点误导人。有一段时间,我完全忽略了ReSharper,用“manual VS way”做了这件事:

  1. I cleaned the solution.
  2. 我打扫的解决方案。
  3. I manually added the reference to the MVC project.
  4. 我手动添加了对MVC项目的引用。
  5. I manually added the using directives.
  6. 我手动添加了使用指令。
  7. ctrl-shift-b
  8. ctrl-shift-b

At this stage I got a compilation error: I should have referenced the System.Web.Mvc assembly in my test project (sigh). Adding this reference causes the project to compile. The ReSharper issues remain, but the ReSharper test runner works.


When I restart VS, the ReSharper errors are gone too. I'm not sure if the restart is required - simply closing the .cs file might be enough.


From now on, when I see the ReSharper message


Failed to reference module. Probably, reference will produce circular dependencies between projects.


I'll read


Failed to reference module. Probably, reference will produce circular dependencies between projects, or you are missing some references to dependencies of the reference's dependencies.




Another possible fix that just worked for me:


If you have Assembly A, which references Assembly B, both of which reference a non-project (external) assembly X, and Assembly B's code will not recognize that you have referenced X, then try the following steps in order:


  • Drop reference to X from BOTH A and B
  • 从A和B中删除对X的引用
  • Recreate reference to X in B
  • 在B中重新创建对X的引用
  • Recreate reference to X in A
  • 在A中重新创建对X的引用

Apparently, VS will not recognize a reference to an external assembly in a project that is a dependency of another project that already references the external. By setting up the references again from the ground up, you overcome this. It's just very odd.




If using TFS, performing a Get latest (recursive) doesn't always work. Instead, I force a get latest by clicking Source control => Get specific version then clicking both boxes. This tends to work.

如果使用TFS,执行Get latest(递归)并不总是有效的。相反,我通过单击Source control =>获取特定版本来强制获取最新版本,然后单击这两个框。这往往工作。


If it still doesn't work then deleting the suo file (usually found in the same place as the solution) forces visual studio to get all the files from the source (and subsequently rebuild the suo file).

如果它仍然不起作用,那么删除suo文件(通常与解决方案位于同一位置)将迫使visual studio从源获取所有文件(然后重新构建suo文件)。

If that doesn't work then try closing all your open files and closing Visual studio. When you next open Visual studio it should be fixed. There is a resharper bug that is resolved this way.

如果这不起作用,那么尝试关闭所有打开的文件并关闭Visual studio。当您下一次打开Visual studio时,它应该被修复。有一个resharper错误以这种方式解析。



I had stumbled upon a similar issue recently. I am working in Visual Studio 2015 with Resharper Ultimate 2016.1.2. I was trying to add a new class to my code base while trying to reference a class from another assembly but Resharper would throw an error for that package.

我最近遇到了一个类似的问题。我在Visual Studio 2015工作,Resharper Ultimate 2016.1.2。我试图在代码库中添加一个新类,同时尝试从另一个程序集引用一个类,但是Resharper会为这个包抛出一个错误。

With some help of a co-worker, I figured out that the referenced class existed in the global namespace and wasn't accessible from the new class since it was hidden by another entity of same name that existed in current namespace.


Adding a 'global::' keyword before the required namespace helped me to reference the class I was actually looking for. More details on this can be found on the page listed below:






I faced this problem, and I solved it by closing visual studio, reopening visual studio, cleaning and rebuilding the solution. This worked for me.

我遇到了这个问题,我通过关闭visual studio、重新打开visual studio、清理和重新构建解决方案来解决它。这为我工作。



Unfortunately the only thing that worked for me was completely deleting and recreating the class library project, after having temporarily copied the class files in it elsewhere. Only then would the ASP.Net web project recognise the using statements that referred to the class library project. This was with Visual Studio 2010, not using ReSharper.

不幸的是,在临时将类文件复制到其他地方之后,唯一对我有用的是完全删除和重新创建类库项目。只有这样,ASP才会出现。Net web项目识别引用类库项目的使用语句。这是使用Visual Studio 2010,而不是使用ReSharper。



I had similar issue. What worked for me is that I had added wrong Class Library from visual studio. I added by using the search feature of visual studio.

我也有类似的问题。对我有用的是我在visual studio中添加了错误的类库。我添加了visual studio的搜索功能。

What I needed to do was Add New Project > Visual C# > Class Library. And this newly added class library is the right one and can now be added as reference to any project.

我需要做的是添加新的Project > Visual c# >类库。这个新添加的类库是正确的,现在可以作为任何项目的参考添加。



You may forgot to add reference the class library which you needed to import.


Right click the class library which you want to import in (which contains multiple imported class libraries), -->Add->Reference(Select Projects->Solution->select the class library which you want to import from->OK)




Also, check that the new solution's projects run against a compatible framework to the project you're trying to include. I was trying to include a reference to a 4.0 project in a 3.5 project.




I found how to fix this issue (for me at least). Why it worked, I'm not sure, but it did. (I just tried against a second website that was having the same problem and the following solution worked for that as well).


I tried the normal cleaning of the projects and rebuilding, shutting down all my Visual Studio instances and restarting them, even tried restarting my computer.

我尝试了正常的项目清理和重建,关闭了所有的Visual Studio实例并重新启动它们,甚至尝试了重新启动我的计算机。

What actually worked was opening up the project in Visual Studio, closing all the open tabs, and then shutting it down.

真正起作用的是在Visual Studio中打开项目,关闭所有打开的选项卡,然后关闭它。

Before I had left the tabs open because I didn't think it mattered (and I hardly ever close the tabs I'm using).




One possibility is that the target .NET Framework version of the class library is higher than that of the project.




I had a similar problem, will all my references being buggered up by Resharper - The solution which worked for me is to clear the Resharper Cache and then restarting VS


tools->options->resharper->options-> general-> click the clear caches button and restart VS




I had a similar problems where VS would sometimes build and sometimes not. After some searching and attempts I discovered that I had an ambiguous reference to a class with the same name in different libraries ('FileManager'). The project that would not build were my Unit Tests that reference all modules in my solution. Enforcing the reference to a specific module sorted things out for me.


My point is: Rather than blaming ReSharper or VS, it may be a good idea to double check if there really isn't some kind of circular reference somehow. More than often, classes with the same names in different modules could cause confusion and is often a symptom of bad design (like in my case).




This sounds like a similar issue with ReSharper:




According to one user in the thread forcing a build fixes the issue (CTRL+Shift+B) after the first build..


Sounds like an issue with ReSharper specifically in their case.. Have you tried building regardless of the warnings and possible false errors?




Since they are both in the same solution, instead of adding a reference to the DLL, add a reference to the class library project itself (the Add Reference dialog will have a tab for this).


Ahh, it's a different solution. Missed that. How about you try instead of adding a reference to the project addding a reference to the compiled DLL of your class library. The Add Reference dialog has a Browse tab which does this.




If you're referencing assemblies for projects that are in the same solution, add a Project reference (using the "Projects" tab) rather than browsing for the dll in the \bin\Debug (or \bin\Release) folder (using the "Browse" tab). See screen shot below. Only browse for the assembly/dll file if it's considered an external assembly.

如果您正在为同一解决方案中的项目引用程序集,请添加一个项目引用(使用“projects”选项卡),而不是使用“Browse”选项卡(使用“Browse”选项卡)在\bin\ bin Debug(或\bin\ bin\Release)文件夹中浏览dll。请参阅下面的屏幕截图。只浏览程序集/dll文件,如果它被认为是外部程序集。




I deleted *.csproj.user ( resharper file) of my project, then, close all tabs and reopen it. After that I was able to compile my project and there was no resharper warnings.

我* .csproj删除。我的项目的用户(resharper file),然后关闭所有的标签并重新打开它。之后我就可以编译我的项目了,并且没有resharper警告。



I had this problem. It took me ages to figure out. I had people over my shoulder to help. We rebuilt, cleaned and restarted Visual studio and this didn't fix it. We removed and re-added the references...

我有这个问题。我花了很长时间才弄明白。我的肩膀上有人帮忙。我们重新构建、清理和重新启动了Visual studio,但这并没有修复它。我们删除并重新添加了引用…

All to no avail.... Until!


The solution to my problem was that my class declaration was spelt incorrectly.


Before you start judging me harshly, allow me to explain why it wasn't stupid, and also why this mistake could be made by even the most intelligent of programmers.


Since the mistake was early on in the name, it wasn't appearing in the intellisense class listing when I began typing.




Class name: Message.cs




public class Massage
    //code here


At a glance and in a small font, Massage looks identical to Message.


Typing M listed too many classes, so I typed e, which didn't appear in the mistyped version, which gave the impression that the class wasn't being picked up by the compiler.




I had a similar issue in VS 2010, when creating a test project for an MVC 2 application. The symptoms were identical.

在VS 2010中,我遇到了类似的问题,当时我为一个MVC 2应用程序创建了一个测试项目。症状是相同的。

The message from ReSharper was somewhat misleading. For a moment I completely ignored ReSharper and did it the "manual VS way":

来自ReSharper的信息有点误导人。有一段时间,我完全忽略了ReSharper,用“manual VS way”做了这件事:

  1. I cleaned the solution.
  2. 我打扫的解决方案。
  3. I manually added the reference to the MVC project.
  4. 我手动添加了对MVC项目的引用。
  5. I manually added the using directives.
  6. 我手动添加了使用指令。
  7. ctrl-shift-b
  8. ctrl-shift-b

At this stage I got a compilation error: I should have referenced the System.Web.Mvc assembly in my test project (sigh). Adding this reference causes the project to compile. The ReSharper issues remain, but the ReSharper test runner works.


When I restart VS, the ReSharper errors are gone too. I'm not sure if the restart is required - simply closing the .cs file might be enough.


From now on, when I see the ReSharper message


Failed to reference module. Probably, reference will produce circular dependencies between projects.


I'll read


Failed to reference module. Probably, reference will produce circular dependencies between projects, or you are missing some references to dependencies of the reference's dependencies.




Another possible fix that just worked for me:


If you have Assembly A, which references Assembly B, both of which reference a non-project (external) assembly X, and Assembly B's code will not recognize that you have referenced X, then try the following steps in order:


  • Drop reference to X from BOTH A and B
  • 从A和B中删除对X的引用
  • Recreate reference to X in B
  • 在B中重新创建对X的引用
  • Recreate reference to X in A
  • 在A中重新创建对X的引用

Apparently, VS will not recognize a reference to an external assembly in a project that is a dependency of another project that already references the external. By setting up the references again from the ground up, you overcome this. It's just very odd.




If using TFS, performing a Get latest (recursive) doesn't always work. Instead, I force a get latest by clicking Source control => Get specific version then clicking both boxes. This tends to work.

如果使用TFS,执行Get latest(递归)并不总是有效的。相反,我通过单击Source control =>获取特定版本来强制获取最新版本,然后单击这两个框。这往往工作。


If it still doesn't work then deleting the suo file (usually found in the same place as the solution) forces visual studio to get all the files from the source (and subsequently rebuild the suo file).

如果它仍然不起作用,那么删除suo文件(通常与解决方案位于同一位置)将迫使visual studio从源获取所有文件(然后重新构建suo文件)。

If that doesn't work then try closing all your open files and closing Visual studio. When you next open Visual studio it should be fixed. There is a resharper bug that is resolved this way.

如果这不起作用,那么尝试关闭所有打开的文件并关闭Visual studio。当您下一次打开Visual studio时,它应该被修复。有一个resharper错误以这种方式解析。



I had stumbled upon a similar issue recently. I am working in Visual Studio 2015 with Resharper Ultimate 2016.1.2. I was trying to add a new class to my code base while trying to reference a class from another assembly but Resharper would throw an error for that package.

我最近遇到了一个类似的问题。我在Visual Studio 2015工作,Resharper Ultimate 2016.1.2。我试图在代码库中添加一个新类,同时尝试从另一个程序集引用一个类,但是Resharper会为这个包抛出一个错误。

With some help of a co-worker, I figured out that the referenced class existed in the global namespace and wasn't accessible from the new class since it was hidden by another entity of same name that existed in current namespace.


Adding a 'global::' keyword before the required namespace helped me to reference the class I was actually looking for. More details on this can be found on the page listed below:






I faced this problem, and I solved it by closing visual studio, reopening visual studio, cleaning and rebuilding the solution. This worked for me.

我遇到了这个问题,我通过关闭visual studio、重新打开visual studio、清理和重新构建解决方案来解决它。这为我工作。



Unfortunately the only thing that worked for me was completely deleting and recreating the class library project, after having temporarily copied the class files in it elsewhere. Only then would the ASP.Net web project recognise the using statements that referred to the class library project. This was with Visual Studio 2010, not using ReSharper.

不幸的是,在临时将类文件复制到其他地方之后,唯一对我有用的是完全删除和重新创建类库项目。只有这样,ASP才会出现。Net web项目识别引用类库项目的使用语句。这是使用Visual Studio 2010,而不是使用ReSharper。



I had similar issue. What worked for me is that I had added wrong Class Library from visual studio. I added by using the search feature of visual studio.

我也有类似的问题。对我有用的是我在visual studio中添加了错误的类库。我添加了visual studio的搜索功能。

What I needed to do was Add New Project > Visual C# > Class Library. And this newly added class library is the right one and can now be added as reference to any project.

我需要做的是添加新的Project > Visual c# >类库。这个新添加的类库是正确的,现在可以作为任何项目的参考添加。



You may forgot to add reference the class library which you needed to import.


Right click the class library which you want to import in (which contains multiple imported class libraries), -->Add->Reference(Select Projects->Solution->select the class library which you want to import from->OK)
