
时间:2022-09-09 21:05:53

I have an API endpoint at /movies/:movie_id/actors.

我在/ movies /:movie_id / actors上有一个API端点。

I'm trying to use Ember Data to fetch this endpoint. I'm not interested in modelling movies at this point, just actors. My route looks like this:

我正在尝试使用Ember Data来获取此端点。我对此时的电影建模不感兴趣,只是演员。我的路线看起来像这样:

this.route('actors', { path: '/movies/:movie_id/actors' });

My actor model is plain:


  name: DS.attr("name")

In my actors route, I have:


model: function(params) {
  // params contains movie_id
  return this.store.findAll('actor')

This will cause Ember to send a request for /actors. How can I tell Ember to send a request to /movies/:movie_id/actors instead?

这将导致Ember发送/ actors的请求。如何告诉Ember向/ movies /:movie_id / actors发送请求?

My JSON is being returned in the format { "movies": [ { … } ] } and I'm using the DS.ActiveModelAdapter, if that's at all relevant. I'm using Ember 2.0.

我的JSON以{“movies”:[{...}]}格式返回,我正在使用DS.ActiveModelAdapter,如果这完全相关的话。我正在使用Ember 2.0。

1 个解决方案



DS.Store doesn't work around "path" concept. It's more of a data bucket, which - when supplemented - can take burden of working with provider (fetch/update/create/cache etc.) off developer. In your case it looks similar to this:



ActiveModelAdapter, which you're using right now is using specific convention for accessing and isn't compatible with your data provider. So, what options do you have?


  1. Customize ActiveModelAdapter by overriding pathForType or buildURL methods (note - links are for RESTAdapter, since ActiveModelAdapter subclasses it)
  2. 通过重写pathForType或buildURL方法来自定义ActiveModelAdapter(注意 - 链接用于RESTAdapter,因为ActiveModelAdapter是它的子类)
  3. Choose more compatible adapter or even write your own
  4. 选择更兼容的适配器甚至自己编写
  5. Don't use adapter - fetch the data through AJAX and feed it to store directly using push()/pushPayload()
  6. 不要使用适配器 - 通过AJAX获取数据并使用push()/ pushPayload()直接将其提供给存储



DS.Store doesn't work around "path" concept. It's more of a data bucket, which - when supplemented - can take burden of working with provider (fetch/update/create/cache etc.) off developer. In your case it looks similar to this:



ActiveModelAdapter, which you're using right now is using specific convention for accessing and isn't compatible with your data provider. So, what options do you have?


  1. Customize ActiveModelAdapter by overriding pathForType or buildURL methods (note - links are for RESTAdapter, since ActiveModelAdapter subclasses it)
  2. 通过重写pathForType或buildURL方法来自定义ActiveModelAdapter(注意 - 链接用于RESTAdapter,因为ActiveModelAdapter是它的子类)
  3. Choose more compatible adapter or even write your own
  4. 选择更兼容的适配器甚至自己编写
  5. Don't use adapter - fetch the data through AJAX and feed it to store directly using push()/pushPayload()
  6. 不要使用适配器 - 通过AJAX获取数据并使用push()/ pushPayload()直接将其提供给存储