VB.net SQL Server上传PDF

时间:2021-05-07 21:09:39

I am looking to upload a PDF from my VB.Net program to SQL Server. I have the below code.

我希望从我的VB.Net程序上传PDF到SQL Server。我有以下代码。

the file I need to upload needs to go into the uDoc column and the file path (C:\example.pdf) is the string inDoc.

我需要上传的文件需要进入uDoc列,文件路径(C:\ example.pdf)是字符串inDoc。

any ideas on how to complete my code.


Thanks Rob


Sub UploadInvoice()
    Dim myConn As SqlConnection
    Dim inAcc As String
    Dim inType As String
    Dim inDoc As String

    inAcc = Form1.tb1Account.Text
    inType = frmInv.cbType.Text
    inDoc = frmInv.tbFile.Text

    myConn = New SqlConnection(strConnection)

    Dim mycmd As New SqlCommand

    mycmd.CommandText = "INSERT INTO tblInvoice (UDate, AccNo, Type, UDoc) VALUES(GETDATE(),'" & inAcc & "','" & inType & "','" & inDoc & "')"

    mycmd.Connection = myConn

End Sub

1 个解决方案



If this is an ASP.Net application, use the FileUpload control. It emits a file input field in the browser so you can select a file (or multiple if using .Net 4.5 and an HTML5 compliant browser). You won't be able to get the full file path, but that is generally irrelevant since a web application has no ability to read a client file system. Save the uploaded file to a location and store that location in the db.

如果这是ASP.Net应用程序,请使用FileUpload控件。它在浏览器中发出文件输入字段,因此您可以选择一个文件(如果使用.Net 4.5和HTML5兼容的浏览器,则可以选择多个文件)。您将无法获得完整的文件路径,但这通常无关紧要,因为Web应用程序无法读取客户端文件系统。将上载的文件保存到某个位置,并将该位置存储在数据库中。



If this is an ASP.Net application, use the FileUpload control. It emits a file input field in the browser so you can select a file (or multiple if using .Net 4.5 and an HTML5 compliant browser). You won't be able to get the full file path, but that is generally irrelevant since a web application has no ability to read a client file system. Save the uploaded file to a location and store that location in the db.

如果这是ASP.Net应用程序,请使用FileUpload控件。它在浏览器中发出文件输入字段,因此您可以选择一个文件(如果使用.Net 4.5和HTML5兼容的浏览器,则可以选择多个文件)。您将无法获得完整的文件路径,但这通常无关紧要,因为Web应用程序无法读取客户端文件系统。将上载的文件保存到某个位置,并将该位置存储在数据库中。