We have a CGI based web report framework written in C/C++. The CGI client connects with proprietary code which in turn connects to database.
我们有一个用C / C ++编写的基于CGI的Web报表框架。 CGI客户端连接专有代码,后者又连接到数据库。
We are looking for a better Java based replacement for CGI due to performance, maintenance and probably security factors.
- Can JasperReports connect with the proprietary code? Or will servlet be enough to replace CGI client?
- Can be JasperReports run on Tomcat?
Any help is appreciated.
3 个解决方案
Jasper works great in Tomcat. JasperReports is not limited to using SQL as a data source - it would be pretty easy to write your own data provider that interacts with your proprietary code.
Jasper在Tomcat中运行得很好。 JasperReports不仅限于使用SQL作为数据源 - 编写与您的专有代码交互的自己的数据提供程序非常容易。
If the proprietary code is native, you'll have to figure out how to handle that part of it, though...
It's been a while but I remember it being really, really easy to create your own datasource in JasperReports.
See JRDataSource under API Docs
请参阅API Docs下的JRDataSource
You (or anyone else with a similar question) can check out this partial custom data source example to get started. I've found Jasper Reports to be quite easy to set up a basic system and integrate with. The documentation is not quite complete, but the code is somewhat more understandable than BIRT. Data from Java beans, Hibernate, and POJOs is all usable...
您(或具有类似问题的任何其他人)可以查看此部分自定义数据源示例以开始使用。我发现Jasper Reports很容易建立一个基本系统并与之集成。文档不完整,但代码比BIRT更容易理解。来自Java bean,Hibernate和POJO的数据都是可用的......
Jasper works great in Tomcat. JasperReports is not limited to using SQL as a data source - it would be pretty easy to write your own data provider that interacts with your proprietary code.
Jasper在Tomcat中运行得很好。 JasperReports不仅限于使用SQL作为数据源 - 编写与您的专有代码交互的自己的数据提供程序非常容易。
If the proprietary code is native, you'll have to figure out how to handle that part of it, though...
It's been a while but I remember it being really, really easy to create your own datasource in JasperReports.
See JRDataSource under API Docs
请参阅API Docs下的JRDataSource
You (or anyone else with a similar question) can check out this partial custom data source example to get started. I've found Jasper Reports to be quite easy to set up a basic system and integrate with. The documentation is not quite complete, but the code is somewhat more understandable than BIRT. Data from Java beans, Hibernate, and POJOs is all usable...
您(或具有类似问题的任何其他人)可以查看此部分自定义数据源示例以开始使用。我发现Jasper Reports很容易建立一个基本系统并与之集成。文档不完整,但代码比BIRT更容易理解。来自Java bean,Hibernate和POJO的数据都是可用的......