
时间:2021-05-23 21:05:19

This is my XAML part code:


<DockPanel Margin="1 5 1 0" Height="25">
    <Button DockPanel.Dock="Right" Width="70" Margin="6 0 0 0" Content="Install" Click="Install" />
    <Button DockPanel.Dock="Right" Width="70" Margin="6 0 0 0" Content="Uninstall"/>
    <ProgressBar Name="progressBar"/>

And this is the Install method:


private void Install(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
    progressBar.Value = 5;


    progressBar.Value = 25;


    progressBar.Value = 50;


    progressBar.Value = 75;


    progressBar.Value = 100;

When I click the install button, it runs the Install method but not correctly.
- It never executes the first line: 'progressBar.Value = 5'.
- The second line works well.
- And after nothing works.

当我单击安装按钮时,它会运行Install方法但不正确。 - 它永远不会执行第一行:'progressBar.Value = 5'。 - 第二行运作良好。 - 没有任何作用。

I tried to replace my method with 'MessageBox.Show("Hello World")', it works, the progress bar value changes.

我试图用'MessageBox.Show(“Hello World”)'替换我的方法,它工作,进度条值改变。

But why it doesn't work with my methods?
Why 'installer.InstallProgram2()' doesn't work/finish?


My two methods, they are inside a Installer.cs file:


public void InstallProgram1()
    // Download the lavfilters executable.
    var url = "http://www.videohelp.com/software/LAV-Filters";
    var selector = "a.linktool:nth-child(12)";
    var filename = downloader.DownloadFromVideoHelp(url, selector);

    // TODO: Installation

public void InstallProgram2()
    // Download the madVR archive
    var url = "http://www.videohelp.com/software/madVR";
    var selector = ".linktool";
    var filename = downloader.DownloadFromVideoHelp(url, selector);

    // TODO: Installation

1 个解决方案



Without a good, minimal, complete code example it is not possible to know for sure the best way to address your problem. But some advice can be given to help.


First, you write:


It never executes the first line: 'progressBar.Value = 5'.

它从不执行第一行:'progressBar.Value = 5'。

That is simply false. A debugger would tell you as much. It is just not possible that the first statement in your method would be skipped while the remained are executed.


As for the remainder of the statements in the method, maybe they work, maybe they don't. Again, lacking a complete code example, there's nothing anyone here at Stack Overflow can do to even comment on that.

至于方法中的其余陈述,也许它们有效,也许它们不起作用。同样,缺少一个完整的代码示例,Stack Overflow中没有任何人可以做甚至评论。

What I can tell you is that the code you posted is going to appear as though the statements assigning progressBar.Value aren't being executed, because you are executing those statements in the UI thread, preventing that thread from doing any on-screen updates until the entire method has completed.


It is possible that is all that is wrong with your code. If so, changing your method so that it looks more like this one should help:


private async void Install(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
    progressBar.Value = 5;

    await Task.Run(() => installer.InstallProgram1());

    progressBar.Value = 25;

    await Task.Run(() => installer.InstallProgram2());

    progressBar.Value = 50;

    await Task.Run(() => installer.InstallProgram3());

    progressBar.Value = 75;

    await Task.Run(() => installer.InstallProgram4());

    progressBar.Value = 100;

What the above does is run your various "installer" methods in a separate thread. It uses the new (as of .NET 4.5) async/await feature to simplify the interaction between the UI thread and the tasks. All of the code in the method itself is still executed in the UI thread, but the (now) anonymous methods that call your "installer" methods are executed using the thread pool.

以上是在单独的线程中运行各种“安装程序”方法。它使用新的(从.NET 4.5开始)async / await功能来简化UI线程和任务之间的交互。方法本身中的所有代码仍然在UI线程中执行,但调用“安装程序”方法的(现在)匿名方法是使用线程池执行的。

C# returns from the Install() method at each await statement, allowing the UI thread to continue operating normally (e.g. updating the UI to reflect the new value for the ProgressBar). When each task is complete, control will return to the Install() method after the await statement for that task; this is repeated until the method reaches its normal return point (e.g. a return statement or, as here, the end of the method body).


Do beware the usual pitfalls of executing code in different threads. There's nothing in the code example you posted that would suggest the "installer" methods can't be run in a separate thread, but…since the code example is far from complete, that's not really saying much. If you feel that there may be concurrency issues to address, please reduce your problem example to a good code example (see the link I provided above) that sufficiently illustrates those problems, and post a new question asking about those issues specifically.




Without a good, minimal, complete code example it is not possible to know for sure the best way to address your problem. But some advice can be given to help.


First, you write:


It never executes the first line: 'progressBar.Value = 5'.

它从不执行第一行:'progressBar.Value = 5'。

That is simply false. A debugger would tell you as much. It is just not possible that the first statement in your method would be skipped while the remained are executed.


As for the remainder of the statements in the method, maybe they work, maybe they don't. Again, lacking a complete code example, there's nothing anyone here at Stack Overflow can do to even comment on that.

至于方法中的其余陈述,也许它们有效,也许它们不起作用。同样,缺少一个完整的代码示例,Stack Overflow中没有任何人可以做甚至评论。

What I can tell you is that the code you posted is going to appear as though the statements assigning progressBar.Value aren't being executed, because you are executing those statements in the UI thread, preventing that thread from doing any on-screen updates until the entire method has completed.


It is possible that is all that is wrong with your code. If so, changing your method so that it looks more like this one should help:


private async void Install(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
    progressBar.Value = 5;

    await Task.Run(() => installer.InstallProgram1());

    progressBar.Value = 25;

    await Task.Run(() => installer.InstallProgram2());

    progressBar.Value = 50;

    await Task.Run(() => installer.InstallProgram3());

    progressBar.Value = 75;

    await Task.Run(() => installer.InstallProgram4());

    progressBar.Value = 100;

What the above does is run your various "installer" methods in a separate thread. It uses the new (as of .NET 4.5) async/await feature to simplify the interaction between the UI thread and the tasks. All of the code in the method itself is still executed in the UI thread, but the (now) anonymous methods that call your "installer" methods are executed using the thread pool.

以上是在单独的线程中运行各种“安装程序”方法。它使用新的(从.NET 4.5开始)async / await功能来简化UI线程和任务之间的交互。方法本身中的所有代码仍然在UI线程中执行,但调用“安装程序”方法的(现在)匿名方法是使用线程池执行的。

C# returns from the Install() method at each await statement, allowing the UI thread to continue operating normally (e.g. updating the UI to reflect the new value for the ProgressBar). When each task is complete, control will return to the Install() method after the await statement for that task; this is repeated until the method reaches its normal return point (e.g. a return statement or, as here, the end of the method body).


Do beware the usual pitfalls of executing code in different threads. There's nothing in the code example you posted that would suggest the "installer" methods can't be run in a separate thread, but…since the code example is far from complete, that's not really saying much. If you feel that there may be concurrency issues to address, please reduce your problem example to a good code example (see the link I provided above) that sufficiently illustrates those problems, and post a new question asking about those issues specifically.
